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Trimming Auto Flowers


New member
Hi Gang,

I’ve been growing AF’s for a while, yields have been up and down. My partner says we have to trim/prune them. You know, trimming the low branches that won’t flower much… I have not found much searching this website(I think the search function is weak).

So, we just want advice about trimming or pruning our AF’s.

Many thanks friends!



ICMag Donor
Strain and length of time dependent.....super autos, more than 3-4 ft, more than 100+ days, possibly. For the most part, leaving them be, doing nothing but growing best option overall due to short time span and recovering from such techniques slows overall growth. There's plenty of info on autoflower trimming here in IC.

Google it instead....most, if not all forums, articles say leave them alone: no prune, top, removing leaves, FIM. Debatable from a few who say, yeah, sure.

Better yet, do your own experiment...side-by-side comparison. Same strain...one, do nothing. the other trim....see if there's any appreciable difference. Lower branch leaves, bud...you can make salve or cannabutter with it.

The choice is yours.
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New member
Thankx Aridbud!

I have always been told never trim or prune AF’s. Glad to have some verication,

Thanks for the quick reply, we are replanting today.



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Depends on the grow style too mang. I usually SOG autos to max the yields and trim the lower branches that won't get much light. In a SOG they usually stay single cola anyways, of course depending on your strain and space. Sometimes i feel lazy tho, and just leave em be :)
