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Trimming a fat scam!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
Well Im sure most of you have seen that there are a few new machines out that trim bud. I live in California and some things just aren't right in good old ganja world. My father and I used MMJ daily and for this past year the quality of meds has gone down. I couln figure it out. My father kept saying these buds he got were crap. I was kinda skeptical but upon further research it was true.

So I started noticing this happening every were north of Oakland. As I soon found out they have a new machine for triming. It takes the extra larf water leaf and what ever else there is off the main buds. It also Takes Keif or resin glad/resinglandheads off the buds as well. Resulting in a mix of leaf and crystals ranging from 2%-10%. That's ridiculous. Well one thing I have to say is that this Twister and like machines are a scam. It takes the leaf and keif from a harvest and is being done by renting machines to others or buy growers buying their own. This isnt something you want. Unless you make hash or edibles this is a potency waster. Well there isn't any good MMJ to be had North of Oakland its all cone'y tight buds that don't do shit but wast your money and time. Hope you all see this coming. It happens in Amsterdam at the cafe's but they don't take it like these machines do. :thank you: for the rant dont fall for it!

P.S. What the machines makers see :greenstars: and we dont need to help them :ying: :comfort:

GPB :tiphat:
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Active member
some people i know have voiced similar concerns...but trimscene is one of ICmags sponsers so i dont think this thread will be well received.

ive seen buds run through the trim machine, they dont look that bad. just kind of flat/square shaped sometimes....still smokable bud by all means. maybe your dads dealer is using a twister than keifing the buds after trimming....common tactic used by greedy dealers..


some people i know have voiced similar concerns...but trimscene is one of ICmags sponsers so i dont think this thread will be well received.

ive seen buds run through the trim machine, they dont look that bad. just kind of flat/square shaped sometimes....still smokable bud by all means. maybe your dads dealer is using a twister than keifing the buds after trimming....common tactic used by greedy dealers..

In all fairness I had to read the OP's post again. He never once mentioned a manufacturer and there are several out there. Might want to edit your post as not to give the wrong idea.
this kinda goes without saying... if your relatively smart anyway... let me get this straight... You lay(trich damage, and removal) onto something taht has a spinning part(?) that cuts off the leaf mattter? without touching the bud... seems far fetched, i imagine if I seen what was going on inside that trimming box I would stroke out, big time party foul....

nothing but hand grapping the stems from me, I dont like busted gland heads and broken off trichs, it hurts bag appeal, taste and overall potency...

Good Rant!!!!


shut the fuck up Donny
no way.

while your emoticon intense, blue colored rant was entertaining, there's no way that a human can say that a particular bud is way less potent because it was trimmed using a machine vs hand trimming.

And whats up with the whole only in NorCal theory? You do realize people grow weed in bulk in places other then NorCal right?

You and your pops are getting tolerant. Take a week break and try again.


Active member
It really depends on the machine. Humboldt Local would beg to differ I bet. His buds are dank! You still have to do a final trim after using the trimming machines. It just saves hours in trimming fan leaves.


ICMag Donor
there is no difference in potency between hand trimmed or machine trimmed. anyone that tells you different has their head in their ass.
I will even go as fat to say that I have bought an oz of pre 98 Bubba, that was trimmed with a machine, so obviously trimmed with a machine...

When I got it I noticed it looked strange because it had been trimmed so closely with the trim machine that the calyx tips were all gone. I have never used one but im willing to say that im sure not all trim machines are equal. The one I would ever use would be an aardvark, its a shop vac attachment with a blade... you can make your own with a blowtorch, coat hanger, razor blade and a pair of pliers. you will obviously have to modify an attachment....

Mr. Beanz

While your probably a little tolerant, I don't think it's just that. You don't suddenly wake up one day immune to THC. Even shwag will have some affect. Your dudes probably keifing it. Get yourself a pocket microscope and check before you buy. My dude looks at me like I'm crazy but I ain't buying no keifed bud!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Prop215 and Mr. B called it.
You're shit is getting keifed!
P.S. Actually, is bulked, machine trimmed and then keifed.


Overkill is under-rated.
It's hard to keif wet bud, and though I use a Trim Reaper, I've looked at buds with a microscope before and after. The buds look great, nice clean edges where the cut is and trichomes are fully intact behind the cut. The machine collects about as much gunk as you would get on a comparable number of scissors, and shaves several days off my monthly harvest time. I still employ 6-8 trimmers every month to buck and feed the machine, but we can do ten pounds in 36 hours.

Trimming machines are a godsend, and for many people they eliminate the security risk of hiring unknown trimmers and reduce harvest time. For guys like me they reduce the trimming time significantly and let me refill my flowering room 3 days earlier, and save a bunch of money paying trimmers. You just gotta use it right.


Active member
Trim machines for lazy growers!!

Trim machines for lazy growers!!

:tiphat:Hello All! This topic is very important! Back in the day, they talked about a "union for trimmers"....You spend months growing your Dank herbs, loaded with RESIN, then Very carefully trim the bud without TOUCHING IT,to preserve the Resin on the bud,,,,,,Now flash forward 30 years...The age of the LAZY grower...auto feed tables,trim
machines etc etc....Everyone that I know grows this way, no old school hand water/feed, and their budz reflect this style of growing
they manhandle the bud and use trim machines, well you guessed it
The part that matters is RESIN, that has been knocked off the bud....
Get your friends to help trim them budzzzz with TLC tender loving care
:dance013: Your bud will be of better quality, so quit being LAZY,get your friends together a have a trim party, Women love to trim big Budzzz!!!:jump:


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
no this machine is like a dryer that tumbles with strainer holes taht lets the leafs and resin glads be broken off!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
no way.

while your emoticon intense, blue colored rant was entertaining, there's no way that a human can say that a particular bud is way less potent because it was trimmed using a machine vs hand trimming.

And whats up with the whole only in NorCal theory? You do realize people grow weed in bulk in places other then NorCal right?

You and your pops are getting tolerant. Take a week break and try again.

Yes I can say a machine make it worse.
I dont travel all over the whole state to get meds.
Thanks for helping nothing!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
there is no difference in potency between hand trimmed or machine trimmed. anyone that tells you different has their head in their ass.

well your saying without resin gland heads the bud is the same?? :artist: that a good work of art!


Active member
I guess it all depends on what you are doing. If you are pulling in 20 or more elbows a month or pulling a big outdoor show I could see using a machine. For smaller shows I would always hand trim. When I see pot the first thing I look at is bud structure and the trim job it got. I will say that people who put a great deal of effort in to the trim generaly have put a good deal of effort into the grow. When I see a trimm machine nug I usually think ok they like to cut corners. Is this bud flushed, cured and dried properly? This isnt always the case but it is a big factor in the consumers mind. If you are pulling heavy weight you dont really need to get as much for each elbow so a trim machine does outweight the cost of trimmers.