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Trees in trees.

Fresh Start

Active member
as someone else mentioned, there was a grow log on this method on another grow site
the guy was college age young, and he had a few close calls, he sliced himself on one climb, had a plant plummet 75 feet to the ground on another



New member
I'm gonna try tree top growing next summer. Planning to grow in a single big tree in the middle of a swamp near by my house. I' thinking about using about 20l buckets and fill it with soil n vermiculite. I've got some good autoflower seeds allready waiting :)


Planting on trees doesn't make sence for me. Too much troubles, too less sunlight. It's all I would say about this idea.


Well-known member
tree growing is definitely no for everybody, wasn't for me for that matter
but i did do some thinking, so what the hell, might as well share, i'll probably never use it, it may not work

so here was my plan, climbing was out of the question, my tree climbing days are behind me
so if you can't climb, what about a bit of cleverness?

first, bow and arrow, dull arrow - no need for danger here
fishing line to arrow, up over a suitable branch, likely a pine tree
now this is the sneaky part, a 'twist tie like loop', idea being to pull this strap up and it tightens like a rachet
have it 'bumped' so it doesn't gird the branch, no damage to tree
use 2 of these to provide 2 points of attachment
pull up pot/plant, this does require a suitable branch above the other branch so the right tree may be a challenge
this would be a challenge to make, but i think it could be done, would require a certain effort
have a dark rope to upper branch for hauling up water, suitable color of rope should blend in very well to tree
don't know if this could be done, or it's worth while - maybe not
but share it out, if anyone could make it work, i'd be thrilled


Sort of wish my parents still lived in their last house. It was in the city, but there was a perfect crow's nest near the top. Those were the days.

But yeah, I don't anticipate ever climbing with anything heavier than a pair of clippers, or the end of a rope.
Unencumbered climbing is not very hard. Then you just have the days water supply already clipped to the end of the rope, thread rope through the pulley you took up on a previous trip, achieve a firm seat in the tree and haul away.

One trip up to bring up a bucket, ropes and pulley. 2-3 trips depending on how much soil is needed, and how many times you have to reattach the ground end to a new load(a helper would be great for this step).
And then 2 trips a week for watering, or more if you like to look at you baby growing. :)

I must say, not dealing with deer, rabbits, slugs, etc eating my bud is totally worth it.


Well-known member
getting rid of most of the pests is definitely a sweet deal, that's maybe 3/4 of the troubles from outdoors?
crows nest? oh that would be bad assed!
i guess any upper story deck would be nice, kind of hard to justify building one just for weed
you do see grows like that posted from time to time