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travelling to paris summer


hello all, I'll be visiting Paris sometime in July and need some bud to smoke. i wanna know where i can find someone to pick up from or what i have to ask for (in french)


18 and Doh!
Hey dude,

Go to the touristy areas or the hood and ask "Tu peut me faire un ptit truc?". Shit is hash and Beux is weed if ever.
High Dope Roor

In the french streets you will find 95% of the time maroccan hash, sometime good sometime not watch out !
For the weed you must have some contact , you will hardly find it in the street except if there is a big reggae show in the area ...

most common words for hash in french : shit - teshi - bedo - zetla ( arab word)
for weed : beu - herbe- weed - gandja

Don't ever accept to give the money if the guy is telling you to wait and that is going to come back, watch the quality of hash or weed carefully, if you go to project in the suburban or hot places don't shine, or show you have plenty money, we have a lot of scam artists an thief too !

Last thing it's illegal so be discret when asking something to a supposed dealer , for his safety and yours .
Except that, police normally won't arrest you for smoking a spliff outside if you keep a low profile.

One love


Active member
Warning this the weed, She is sometimes cut with the crushed glass or other shit :(. Since sometime we see it a lot...


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Well i think if you want a good smoke, just don't go to Paris, otherwise...
Police has been so excited about weed for about three years, they love to check every (young )people who seems suspect, and they'll probably don't speak a word of english, so "hop hop" go to jail for a night ^^.
With no contact, i never manage to get some weed over there, and there's a lot of dealers you shouldn't buy to cause you won't see any weed or money back.
The best way, try to get an french cool guy who will help ya.




dope roor> take a look at the different summer music festival's who make the show around the same date as you will be here...it's a cool way to find somethings good to smoke, to meet some cool people and listening some great artists in live...

Make some search with the words : Paris, festival(s), music, plein-air (outdoor), reaggae, rock........

or if you know the approximative date i can post the major festival's for the weeks you'll be around here...just let me know...

hope to help :joint:
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Tiki's Breeder
"Tu peut me faire un ptit truc?".

can be interpreted with a double meaning in french.

moe just make a joke.

have a nice trip in Paris.


New member
Good luck mate. I didn't *dare* ask someone on the streets.

What I did was, go to amsterdam via bus, buy my shit, mail it back to my appt.

So I had blueberry, nepalese hash and shit like that when I came back :)

Enjoy Paris, mate. I had so much fun there last summer.