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Traveling Grow


New member
Welcome to my first grow of 2009!

My girls are starting out life going in a suitcase back and forth from where I work during the week to my home on the weekends. They currently are in Fox Farm soil under a CFL hanging in an upright suitcase for security reasons, but once they're large enough, I'll be leaving them at home and only seeing them on the weekends.

The strain is Crystal, one I've had lots of luck with before. It's a long-lasting high and the plants are less finicky than others I've tried. The seeds are from Nirvana, and all 5 were soaked in water for about 30 hrs, then in a most paper towel in a baggie for about 3 days before being planted in 4" clay pots with soil. I've watered only when the soil is dry.

I do (mostly) organic grows, using Fox Farm soil and nutrients, with lots of worm compost and teas. Looking forward to this grow, and hoping to create some successful clones and moms out of these girls.
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That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. If you're in a state where growing can get you many years in prison, you probably do not want to travel on a DAILY basis with plants!

Seriously, WTF?

Stay safe?

A. Fool


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Look at adding a soil polymer for retaining water. "Soil Moist" is one brand. Also Pro-Mix for containers comes with it in the mix already. I've had a few issues with it, but only when the soil is not mixed up right. Otherwise it's great stuff provided you increase the drainage to bring in a lot more air and take advantage of all that stored water without drowning them. Also, I added coco coir as 1/3 of my mix, and this protects them even more from over-watering. With that much coir minimum in your soil, you would have a hard time drowning them. So you could set up a drip system at home to maintain them while you work. Good luck :)


I'm eager to see how this turns out, I was in disbelief when I heard you were traveling with your babies


this is the most ghetto idea I have seen yet . I would say you have balls to even think of doin this but since your a girl I guess it doesnt hold true. Good plan on leavin them home afterall, I just hope they last cuz being away for 5 days at a time isnt a good idea.


I saw an ad on Craigslist for a trailer that had a room on top complete with 6k watts and all the trimmings... He wanted $12k obo for it! Gotta love the bay mang :D

A. Fool