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Traveling down HWY 1 then to TX for 4/20 fest & cannabis crusade


Hey me and my chick have decided to drive down highway 1 from Crescent City down to LA... It will be her first time in CA and my first time to drive down the coastline. Im reaching out to you locals for advice on things to check out.

Has anyone made the road trip or live in the local areas of the coast? I am looking for some good places to stop and check out... It can be an awesome place to eat or even an awesome place to sit and smoke a bowl... I will also be filming and making a short documentary of the trip for fun, so anything interesting is a plus. haha

I plan on stopping @ a friends pad in humboldt for a night... then staying in SF area... Then staying in LA... then from there we will actually cruise to TX for the 4/20 fest, slightly stupid & cannabis crusade!!!


Hey June on your way from SF south you will come to a town called princeton I recommend making a right and heading on out to look at Mavricks. Its one of a few spots one earth where the waves get 100ft+. It may not be that big when you stop by but its the right season for some monster waves.If your looking for a good view I recommend checking out the beach right next to it called Ross's cove, great view from the bluff. Further down the coast past Half Moon Bay , I would say you might want to check out martins beach and tinnetus(SP?) creek beach both are very cool in the own ways.
There are lots of cool light houses to check out also one in particular is the light house out at shelter cove. Very cool history. And another is out at the north jetty in somoa , Humboldt and the last one is Pelican point light house. There is lots of cool stuff on HWY 1. I used to travel it from brookings to baja


Hey June on your way from SF south you will come to a town called princeton I recommend making a right and heading on out to look at Mavricks. Its one of a few spots one earth where the waves get 100ft+. It may not be that big when you stop by but its the right season for some monster waves.If your looking for a good view I recommend checking out the beach right next to it called Ross's cove, great view from the bluff. Further down the coast past Half Moon Bay , I would say you might want to check out martins beach and tinnetus(SP?) creek beach both are very cool in the own ways.
There are lots of cool light houses to check out also one in particular is the light house out at shelter cove. Very cool history. And another is out at the north jetty in somoa , Humboldt and the last one is Pelican point light house. There is lots of cool stuff on HWY 1. I used to travel it from brookings to baja

ThANKS a lot pds... thats all real good stuff! Ill be sure to check that stuff out! anyone else??? Restraunt Ideas are a plus as well! to bad i cant get a 1 day pass to the dispensaries in LA... haha


So what is it that's going on in TX for you to make that drive? And are you referring to ATX (Austin)?
Cannabis festivals suck imho. It just basically pushes gyspy hippies who all wear the exact same hemp skirt + blouse combo and say they are not conforming, goths with clown makeup, and gangsta thugs to go outside and smoke in public.

I do hope you have a safe trip.


Fuck yeah Big Sur, If you get the chance stop at The Henry Miller Museum. Very cool stuff. Most people don't know he was an artist as well as one of the great american writers. Good call Hash


My wife and I will be at Cannabis Crusade, maybe we'll see you there!

awesome i will be there for sure.... look for the black flag with a weed leaf peace sign...

I was able to check out a lot of stuff on hwy 1 it was def an amazing trip! thanks for all the advice guys... To the negative nancy over there... the events are not all about that but i guess we make them what they are... to me its a good time where me & a bunch of pro pot people can go somewhere and feel like we have some rights in texas for once... ive been traveling the whole west coast for the past six months & i must say its not uncommon to see people lighting up right on the streets... But for people that live in Texas its something truely amazing to be able to do... The marley fest in Austin actually has whole families that come out to enjoy the festival... yes there are quite a bunch of hoodlums walkin around tryin to sell 20 sacks but come on, its not all about that... I mean who on this site is actually still trying to push a gram here & a gram there... Go out and support what you believe in....

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