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travel to vancouver...many questions


New member
where to stay?
where to find seeds
best way to get them seeds home
finding buds
best bang for buck
activities in vancouver
will seed companies ship to usa?
How's it going colodog!!
Welcome to IC!!

To start things off, I'm unsure of the rules here on giving "hotspots"....so any moderator may make adjustments if necessary...

Last year around this time I decided to take a 3 week tour of BC and had an absolute blast... I hope your trip goes as well...LOL...

where to stay?
While in Vancouver I stayed @ the Best Western on Granville St.... It's a 10 city block long main strip in the heart of the city....restaurants, nite clubs, shopping, etc....lots to do on this one street alone. What it really comes down to is what kind of budget you are on??..... You've got a choice of everything from Hostels to 5 star hotels, so whatever you want,...you can find it there....

where to find seeds?
Two of the locations I visited are GreenLifeSeeds on Davie St.(rainbow district...LOL...just so you know...), and Kind Seeds near the split of West Hastings and East Hastings.... There are plenty of seed dealers in this area of "Vansterdam". You'll also find the BCMP and The New Amsterdam cafe at this split between East and West Hastings... Regardless of opinions of Marc Emery, drop in the BCMP....hit the Vapor lounge...buy a tee shirt to support the cause,...check out all the hotties, then go next door to the NA cafe and burn a fat one and try to meet people....I'm from the Southern US, and had absolutely no problems chatting up folks and meeting new acquaintances.... Vancouver has a greatly diverse crowd and blend of cultures.... There's something for everyone...

The nitelife is incredible along with the cuisine..... I could easily live in Vancouver....aside from Southern Cali and Dallas, Vancouver ranks right up there w/ eye candy... :jump:

best way to get them seeds home
I'd use the postal system to a safe addy.... My days of carrying things across borders are long gone.... too many grey hairs....

finding buds
Very, very easy....
Just around the corner from the BCMP, to the North up Carrall St. is a certain Hostel with a bar and outdoor patio on the ground floor,...just stand around by the jukebox or the stairwell.... This is where I went more than once while I was in the city, and had high grade bud within minutes... Just be cool about it...tell them thanks and be on your way. I met numerous dealers while there and each were of the preppy lot....not really what one would expect, but they were very friendly and helpful :rasta: . Look for backpacks....it's a dead giveaway....

activities in Vancouver
All sorts man.... Whatever suits your fancy can be found in or around Vancouver. Vancouver Sightseeing ..... If you have a car/rental....Head up towards Whistler resort and check out the scenery....it's freaking awesome!!! Vancouver Island is also a great place if you feel like taking the ferry!!!

My other favorite BC location is Nelson,BC..... It's about a 6 hour drive East of Vancouver out in the middle of nowhere....a small town of around 10k people....but very much like-minded folks.....It's located down around a lake and surround by beautiful mountains.... Hiking, cycling, helicopter rides,...lol...can all be found in this place nestled in the mountains. If you have the time to travel a little bit, try and check it out....

will seed companies ship to usa?
Some will and some won't.... You can always use your own imagination to figure this one out if you get seeds from a dealer that doesn't ship South....

Good luck on your trip!!! Hopefully some others will chime in and give you some direction as well.....
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Tony Starks

New member
Great respons MidLife, very informative

I just got back from visiting Germany and Holland, and was struggling trying to find a fun 'next' destination.

Did three weeks seem too long? Or just right? That sounds like an ideal amt of time to immerse yourself in the country. One more thing, did you feel as though there was a noticable culture change than the one in the US? Or did it feel like maybe you in another state of the US?

sorry if this sounds a tad ignorant, i just want to make sure i get the 'foreign' vacation feeling.

Thanks Tony!

did you feel as though there was a noticeable culture change than the one in the US? Or did it feel like maybe you in another state of the US?

I would certainly recommend going to Vancouver if you've got the chance...but I really can't say it "feels" any different from any other big city here in the US... To me it just seemed like a big city no different from say Chicago or NYC....only smaller. Not to offend any Vancouverites...but it isn't Budapest or Prague. Some of that of course is that there isn't a language barrier, and Canada...like the US....are new countries...Will you have fun?? You betcha.... I'm heading back in Sept. myself...LOL!!!

3 weeks for me was perfect. I was lucky to have friends in Nelson, Vancouver, and on Vancouver Island....So I got to hop around and see a good bit of British Columbia. If you're staying that long....spend about a week in Vancouver, then go sight seeing on the coastal region and into the mountain ranges... Valhalla National Park near Nelson is simply spectacular...


Love Vancouver, we always stay at the coast Plaza...near the water and Stanley Park but everything in the city is within walking distance. If money is no object one of the best restaurant in north america is Lumiere...Chef Rob Finey...Yum. Wreck Beach, the nudist beach by BCU is always a fun place and you can buy whatever your heart desires probably from a lovely nudie.


New member
great! loads of info. i have been researching for months figured hastings was the street for checking out seeds etc. i love to hike and ride mtn.bike. i am 46 years old and a bit crickity. some people have said fly or drive to bellingham, washington and take a ferry. i am trying to go on the cheap but not too cheap. hotels on the water is inticing, but some on robson st seem cool too.


Coast Plaza has a web site...take a look. There are also other hotels in all price categories in that area. From Seattle, we always drive, easier and cheaper. Take passenger ferries in Vancouver for a diferent look at the city. You'll love Stanley Park and the promenades by the water. Lotsa resturants and cafes and if you feel the need for Robson St, well just take a little walk.


PS....Kind Seeds and Greenlife Seeds are rip off joints, dude....I live here. That why I order from Dr. Chronic or Gypsy.


Another good place to check out is Tofino. it's a town on the west side of the Island, absolutely beautiful drive there, and awesome surfing too. and bud is never that hard to score on the beaches.


MidLifeCrisis said:
Very, very easy....
Just around the corner from the BCMP, to the North up Carrall St. is a certain Hostel with a bar and outdoor patio on the ground floor,...just stand around by the jukebox or the stairwell.... This is where I went more than once while I was in the city, and had high grade bud within minutes... Just be cool about it...tell them thanks and be on your way. I met numerous dealers while there and each were of the preppy lot....not really what one would expect, but they were very friendly and helpful :rasta: . Look for backpacks....it's a dead giveaway....

I used to live in Vancouver and would go there often, I had no idea!!! Well I never, but I wish I did!



Lots to do in Vansterdam

Lots to do in Vansterdam

I live in Vancouver and I meet cannabis friendly people from all over the world. You can't go wrong if you go down to Hastings and Cambie around Victory Park, somebody will ask you if you want bud if you hang around for more than 5 minutes. The Amsterdam Cafe is there along with many other cannabis friendly businesses. Check out the Marijuana Party Headquarters on Hastings as well, it is unique. Commercial Drive is where many hippy type folk hang. Don't go down looking like a cop and be casual, I guarantee you will be helped out. The law is relatively lax here compared to our southern neighbors however if you act like an idiot...you will get busted, perhaps not actually taken to the station but you will be hassled and your stash will become THEIR stash. You will meet people from all over the world here. Steer clear of East Hasting, a few blocks east of the pot cafes, it turns into a crack and heroin ghetto VERY quickly. Bad shit can happen to you down there whether you are looking for trouble or not. Wreck Beack, (clothing optional), is another great Vancouver hangout. Hope you have a great time while you are here...Welcome to Vansterdam :rasta:


I never spent any time at Wreck Beach whilst I was in Vancouver, however I ended up regretting it because apparently there are some vendors that frequent those places and sell pot cookies and brownies.

heard that on the bus ride home and was lucky enough to have this groovy skater chick split her smiley face cookie with me. best bus ride ever.
Does anyone know of any good seed banks in vancouver? I was hoping to find some dna genetics seeds in vancouver. bcbuddepot has them online. does anyone know if they have a store in vancouver?



colodog said:
great! loads of info. i have been researching for months figured hastings was the street for checking out seeds etc. i love to hike and ride mtn.bike. i am 46 years old and a bit crickity. some people have said fly or drive to bellingham, washington and take a ferry. i am trying to go on the cheap but not too cheap. hotels on the water is inticing, but some on robson st seem cool too.

BC is great for riding your bike. Go check out NS, too bad Whistler is shut down for riding now.
Scoring in BC is easier than finding a manga magazine in Japan.
I've stayed in Chinatown, cheap, simple rooms.
Other than that I've stayed at friends and family.
Van. should be nice at this time of the where, wish I was going.
Why dont you drive to NorCal? BigSur, Garberville,Arcata are all chill, green friendly areas that you should have no problem getting seeds,clones, hash.. Or all the above if you want. Go and chill with the locals. Make a road trip out of it with one or more of your close friends. Plus NorCal has several different varieties of purp. mmmm purp!
dontlockmeup- bcbudepot sucks fat fuc king cock. They are a bunch of misinformed hacks, and their forums are pathetic. Fuc k them up their stupid asses. I
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