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Trasnplanting clone problem

Just recently the weirdest problem has been going on.

First things first I guess this might get kind of long but here she goes.

I usually use LC's MIX #2: Pro-Mix HP with earthworm castings, Perlite, Dolomite Lime. 6 parts HP 2 parts EWC 2 parts perlite, 2tbl per/gallon Dolomite lime. When I went to go buy soil about a month ago the store was out of ProMix so I oped for Sunshine Mix #4 Advance, I also bought a different brand of EWC, Mixed it the same as I usually do, Planted my healthy clones and within a week and a half they were all dead(to add I did nothing any different than I have in the past, and this is the same strain I been using for over a year).

So I thought about it and figured maybe they were drying out, thats not the case, So then I thought the only thing that I've done different were the Sunshine mix #4 advance, So I went out and got some more Pro mix and mixed it up, Now the only thing different is the other brand EWC. My new clones have been in this mix for a week now, usually it takes 4 or 5 days max for me to see new growth on the cuttings. But these ones were nice and healthy clones with no yellowing massive roots coming out of the rapid rooter, since I transplanted the clones they began to yellow. So I dont know my fear is these ones are going to die too.

I have no clue what could be causing this, I put them under a 600 watt MH at 50% power about 16 inches away. I never in my life had a problem with transplanting a healthy clone so any ideas would be awesome.



I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Hey BobbyBlaze, welcome to ICM.
Damn I wish you had your 50 posts and could put up pictures. Of course you could upload em to Photobucket or another hosting/storage site?

But here goes anyway:
The yellowing could be caused by several issues really and without pics it's difficult to narrow it down.
My best guess is that they are suffering from stress induced lock-out or that they are just getting too much light too soon.

I have had this problem with Bubba Kush before. The way I resolved it was to give em a dose of (50% nute/1 tbls "Brer Rabbit" molasses/1 tbls "Lilly Miller" Vitimin B1 plant starter/gallon water) under CFL's for the first water/feed for the first 3-4 days after transplant.

I also TP into dampened soil, not saturated, and then just enough to wet the outer edges of the soil in the pot. It wicks to the roots and entices em to stretch for food/water.

Other than that, without pics, all I can say is fall back on the basics. Keep the pot warm, not hot and double check Ph.

Sure do wish you had some pics.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I know that if you have read many of my posts here in the infirmary then you see this advice alot, and I know it isn't a cure all. But 95% of the time it will resolve plant issues if you follow it and don't over water. I use this recipe EVERY time I water and almost never have lockout or uptake problems.

I don't see any indication that your light is to close or too hot.

Here is what would happen in my garden:
Mix: Full strength nutes/1 Tbls "Brer Rabbit" molasses/1 Tbls "Lilly Miller" Vitamin B1 plant starter/gallon water/1/2 Tbls Epsom salt.
Mix together in HOT water; nearly boiling to dissolve all the solids. I mix this on the stove with 3 cups of the water, put it in a quart mason jar w/lid and shake the hell out of it for a couple minutes and then add it back to the jug after it cools down.

The molasses and B1 both contain chelated Iron, Manganese and Zinc and other minerals and the Epsom salt with help boost the Mg.

The chelated minerals will help uptake mobile NPK and water, and the Vit B1 will encourage new root growth.