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Transplanted Plant


New member
Hey All,

I received a plant two days ago that was initially growing in a buddy's backyard. It's about 10-12'' tall with varied leaf sizes. Before I took over that plant my buddy had transplanted it from the ground to a smaller container. He watered the plant daily for about two or three days before giving it up to me. The plant looked like it was n bad shape. The leaves had all begun to droop and some of the smaller ones had already begun to dry out. Over all the plant looked and felt moist. Yesterday I transplanted the plant into a 1 gallon pot and watered till run off came out the bottom. I also mixed in the recommended amount of Vit.B1 to help with the shock. I also placed the plant under 4 27 watt day light bulbs. I'm watered at about 25 fluid ounces a day. After a day of the new transplant, I've noticed that the stock and some of the leaves are looking a little more healthy.
This is the first time growing but I've been reading lots of the posts in this section as well as posts from the microgrow section. Please advise me as to what I should be doing to help with the transplant system. I could use some advise on what type of soil to use also. Right now the plant is in some native soil from where it originally began to grow. The soil is really moist and has an almost clay like texture to it. Again, any and all advise is welcome.

P.S. I will put up a picture I took as soon as I figure out how to include pictures in my posts, sorry. If anyone could help out with that I would be very thankful!


New member
Picture of plant

Picture of plant

Ok... I figured out the picture gallery and you can view my plant in my gallery. This is what it looked like when I first got it. I'll pos6t a picture later this week to show any improvement.


oh no I hope you are able to save that plant for it looks like it was in pretty rough shape! What are you using for soil, it looks like claylike dirt to me. Maybe that was the problem. Have you read up on soil mixes?
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Ok I'll preface this by saying I am no expert, but this is definitly the place to be for help. So if I give you any bad advise, I'm sure I will be corrected quick.

The first thing that jumped out at me is your watering schedule. Are you watering every day? That's WAY too much water. You have to let that soil dry out a bit. I only water every 3rd day or so, unless the plant needs more. And the plant will let you know when it needs more. But that kid right there looks way over watered. Plus make sure you have good drainage.

And that soil. That looks like the same soil from down south where the rest of my clan lives. That stuff can be a bitch to grow anything in. There's a lot of info in the soil growing area of this site on different mixes you can use, but I would say that soil's got to go. I personally use fox farms ocean forest. But with soil you can make it as easy or as complicated as you want. I use the FFOF right out of the bag with no additives. Some people throw some lime in it, but I don't usually, cause I like to keep it as simple as possible.

But for now, unless someone comes in to correct me, which is very likely, I would ease up on that watering. Let that soil dry out a bit for a day or 2 and see if that helps.


Dr. Doolittle
THat plant is having a bad issue with it's root system and way tooo much moisture; plants are not supposed to look like that unless you chop them and there moisture levels are being lost through via leaves,

what mixture is that?

Overall I agree with bong, he pretty much hit the nail on the head with this one.

I will be surprised if it lives, the upper have that is droopy the water system in there has collapsed; the vascular system, so I think that part may die if the plant lives.......


New member
First off, thanks for taking the time to respond. You all contributed some very important and helpful information. I'm looking into the soil issue until then I'm just letting it sit under the lights. I hope it's not too late.


New member
Okay... so I transplanted into a pot with black gold potting soil and watered till runoff. I also trimmed off all dead leaves. There are still some areas that look healthy and green. At this point how often should I be watering? Also, is it premature to talk about feeding, considering how bad of a shape it's in? I know it looks like I'm looking for a miracle here but I just don't want to give up yet. Would taking a cut from it and starting over be out of the question?