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Transplant clones in rockwool cubes to Coco???



I wanna start my first coco grow, can I plant clones in 2inch rockwool cubes into coco??? Thanks


New member
That works good. Actually you will not even need to plant them in the cocos. Just put them on top of it. That way you can just cut the rockwool cube off after harvest and you are ready to use the coco for the next run.


Great thanks guys. After about 3 weeks I got 2 LVPK and 2 Blackberry Kush cuts to root...super happy!!! Gonna have 3 LVs and 3 BBKs with a 6 hung vert, need to read up on coco, first timer!

For a first time coco user, is following Rezdog Recipe a good nute regime? Do you feed with every watering?


New member
Yes feed every watering. The plants really like it if you give them constant conditions.
Just follow the the rules in the first post of the handwatering sticky. That´s pretty much all you need to know.

I don´t know Rezdog´s Recipe, but any nutes specific for cocos should do the job.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
I wanna start my first coco grow, can I plant clones in 2inch rockwool cubes into coco??? Thanks

i've actually read that it can act as a buffer within the coco. :dunno:
i''ve gone from 1 inch to four inch with no problems at all...never used 2 inch...but do not see there being a major difference. they are both mediumless..just depends upon how big of a pot you are putting them in.good luck with your 1st go at it...


Active member
Great thanks guys. After about 3 weeks I got 2 LVPK and 2 Blackberry Kush cuts to root...super happy!!! Gonna have 3 LVs and 3 BBKs with a 6 hung vert, need to read up on coco, first timer!

For a first time coco user, is following Rezdog Recipe a good nute regime? Do you feed with every watering?

Either follow Rez's mix or use a coco specific nute regime. Most of the nute manufacturers have a customized feeding schedule on their website. Canna's schedule kicks ass!!!

Bunz :D


Thanks guys!! Is there a benefit of using drippers vs hand watering? I have the time to hand water


drip until runoff 2x per day

use House&garden or Canna Coco A&B, or oldschool 6-9 or 10-15 GH formula


I'm planning on running GH 6-9

Has anyone run into problems using that?

I'm going to set up a drip system. Should I transplant the cuts into a small container or straight into what I plan on using? Is 3 gal a good size? I'm gonna run 6-8 LVPK/Blackberry Kushs under a 600

Ty Hayes

I would suggest you check out the Root Riot cubes as a replacement for the rockwool. I am SO in love with the cubes.