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Transplant and Nute Question


Hi all, just about into my 2nd week of flower with my girls and was wondering can you transplant while in flower without stressing them too much. They have been in 3 gallon pots for just over a month now, would transplanting them into 5 gallon pots be worth while, or not that dramatic of a difference. Also, I am using fox farm nutes, not caring for the big bloom. Everytime I hit them with it, they show signs of nute burn(used 3 tsp per gallon last time). Anyone with a better suggestion for nutes? Growing in ocean forest as of now, unless I find something better.


It's generally not recommended to transplant 2 weeks into flower for fear of stressing them. I mean, it's not going to kill them or anything, but could possibly delay flowering slightly and worst case scenario cause them to hermie. The big bloom is VERY acidic, you want to go very light with it and should check the ph also.


Active member
illuminatus said:
The big bloom is VERY acidic, you want to go very light with it and should check the ph also.

You've got Big Bloom mixed up with Tiger Bloom, that's the acidic one.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
sirshamus said:
Any suggestions on a better line of nutes? Anyone use advanced nutrients?

Fox Farm nutes are just fine and many people have grown great buds with them. They also make some of the best premixed, store bought soil that you can buy without mixing your own.

I've never used AN, but they seem to cost way too much $$$$, and they seem overly complicated, IMO. They have a million products to choose from.

:joint: :wave:


Yeah, I second that, greenhead, way to much shit to choose from. Guess I'll stick with ff and cut the big bloom in half.


Active member
sirshamus said:
Yeah, I second that, greenhead, way to much shit to choose from. Guess I'll stick with ff and cut the big bloom in half.

Is Big Bloom the only thing from them that you're using? Big Bloom is usually known to be pretty mild, it's organic. Tiger Bloom is much stronger, and that is more likely the one that can burn plants if too high of a dose is applied.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
sirshamus said:
haven't used the tiger bloom yet. hit them with only the big bloom and all the girls have some burn.

I'm assuming you feed them every other watering? Like water-feed-water-feed-water - etc.....

Yeah, if Big Bloom is the only thing that you're using at the moment and you say that they're getting nute burn, then the wise thing to do is to lower the dosage next time, and see how the plants respond.

:joint: :wave:


big bloom doesnt even have a high NPK ratio. each one is under 1%. sounds to me like your having lock out. big bloom should be used as a supplement not as a fertilizer...it doesnt have enough nutes in it to cover what you need.


What would you suggest dank? This is my first grow, but I hit them in veg with the big bloom once and they showed burn also.

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