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Active member
90 people dead?

Took cops 1 1/2hr to get there?

Maybe other thread already. I might be too stoned to find it.

Other countries seem to always bad mouth US. Norway? Truth is everywhere has crazies. :tiphat:
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It's weird because you never really hear much about Norway, especially when it comes to violence or terrorism.


Some friends are visiting there right now (actually one is Norwegian but lives in the US). I think it IS a less violent place than the US and many other countries, but as was said, shit like this can happen anywhere.

It was really hard to read about this- in fact other than a few sentences, I don't even want to hear the details. I have a kid a summer camp right now, so this hits kind of close to home.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What's really sad is it is starting to look like all those young lives were wasted in an attempt to do something very similar to what Charles Manson was trying to cause to happen. It hasn't been reported officially that this was his goal but some reports have begun to suggest he was trying to trigger a war between Christians and Muslims. Much like Manson felt he was trying to trigger a war between Whites and Blacks.

What's really shocking though is that there is a very real chance this guy might only have to do 21 years in prison max. Personally I say he should be turned over to the parents of the 80+ children he killed and let them decide his fate and inflict his punishment.


Yes, Norway's maximum penalty is 21 years, however this can be extended if the person is still deemed a risk to the public.


Active member
dont they get suspicious when someone buys that much fertilizer. another reason to go organic . you dont see anyone making guano bombs


dont they get suspicious when someone buys that much fertilizer. another reason to go organic . you dont see anyone making guano bombs

In 2009 he bought a farm, and obviously it's not unusual for farmers to have large amounts of fertilizer such as ammonium nitrate


Active member
too bad no body on the island was armed and able to fight back.....this is why the 2nd amendment is so important. psychos will always get their hands on weapons to cause death, and its important that we are armed and able to fight back....

let some psycho try that around my ways....no ways hes killin 80 people. hes getting gunned down by a hero after a few minutes...


Yes4Prop215, this is Norway not the USA, people in Norway don't need to be armed with automatic weapons simply because every other redneck has them, because the vast majority of Norwegians DON'T have any firearms, which is why you hardly ever hear about shootings there.

What would happen for example if we gave every country/nation nuclear weapons? Somehow I don't think Mutually Assured Destruction would hold out long. It's the same with giving everyone firearms - yes it would deter the vast majority, but there'll still be crazy people, and now all of a sudden they've got weapons as well, and you bet they'll use them.

This is the sort of thing that CAN happen in any country, and if they had more guns it would simply happen more often. I know you Americans love your guns, and maybe you DO need to have guns simply because just about everybody else there has one (and if they dont can simply visit a 24/7 Walmart), so maybe you're past the point of no return in regards to gun ownership, but it seems to come at one hell of a cost in regards to your elevated level of gun related crimes and homicides, and sorry but that just makes no sense to me ... that's not my idea of "freedom".

Kids shouldn't have to pass through metal detectors just to go to school.
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Active member
well sorry my friend but your reasoning is flawed.....where guns are banned, the law abiding citizen is stripped of his rights for self defense....

criminals will obtain their weapons anyways...whether it be an illegal gun, or knife, or samurai sword......letting average people own guns evens the playing field and enables them to defend their life and family......what if some old lady is attacked by a younger guy with a knife....gun evens the playing field...

unlike what you think....the amount of "mass murder" with assault rifles in the US is very low compared to how many people actually own these assault rifles...most gun crimes are committed with small handguns not assault rifles.....

and unlike your stereotypical thoghts...not all gun owners are "rednecks" gun owners in my area are all walks of life from old to young from asians to blacks to rednecks.....its a very naive thing to think that americans are all gun toting rednecks who drink beer and shoot guns and fireworks....simply ignorant thinking...also you cannot buy guns "24/7" from a walmart...you need to pass a background check that matches up to your criminal history and mental history....and you gotta wait 10 days at least here in california you do...


same thing in the Hassan shootings...they took place in an area where guns were restricted. So Maj. Hassan was able to systematically shoot over a dozen people who were unarmed and defenseless with ease.....no one was able to stop him until help arrived...

WHEN SECONDS COUNT THE COPS ARE MINUTES AWAY...remember. if someone is breaking into my house or invading my property with intent to hurt me...its totally idiotic to expect the police and their 5minutes response time to help me...gotta take things into my own hands, responsibility for my own life...not relying on the nanny state to protect me...

THIS GUY WAS ABLE TO SHOOT FOR OVER AN HOUR...that is very wrong. not a single armed security gaurd or anybody was able to help those poor kids getting killed.....

"if they had more guns it would happen more often".....we have more assault rifles per square inch than anywhere in the world and yet mass murders with assault rifles only happen maybe once a year tops.......MILLIONS OF AMERICANS own guns yet the gun crimes number in the thousands....your numbers are off too..dont believe everything the huffington post or brady campaign wants you to believe...the rates of gun death compared to how many people actually own guns are very slim...

not trying to start a shit slinging debate here....but im very adament about the 2nd amendment right to self defense. whats your theory Pheno....BAN ALL GUNS? sorry that wont work, never will. even in japan where guns are banned the yakuza is able to obtain them and commit dozens of crimes with them...although they prefer to use knives too...in england their weapon of choice is the baseball bat because guns are hard to obtain...so we should ban knives, baseball bats...shit we might as well ban cars becuase those kill more people than guns do every year...


Active member
one of the most ironic examples of gun control is right here in my own backyard.....San Francisco has basically banned handgun ownership within city limits...you are not allowed to concealed carry or even drive around with one....yet gun crimes here are through the roof....criminals know that most people follow the law and dont carry, so they are able to rob and burglarize with ease...

yet in certain rural parts of california where every one owns guns...its pretty well known knowledge that you dont want to try to rob anyone or you might end up getting buried in the hills.......and gun crime violence in those cities and counties is no where near as high as SF, oakland, chicago, washington DC, LA, NY, NJ, or other democratic liberal cities that have put many restrictions on gun ownership....

also in Sweden or Switzerland, i cant remember which...but basically every citizen is FORCED TO OWN GUNS...and yet they have one of the lowest rates of gun violence.....so explain that one real quick?
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Active member
you described me to the tee. gun toting redneck that drinks, shoots guns and fireworks.us rednecks wont ever give up our guns


Active member
the gun argument is the same as the drug argument. unless you plan on completely eliminating them from the planet (which is imposible) they will end up in the hands of bad people. it is an extremely short sighted view that gun ownership equates to violence. it is a society/ system that produces broken people who will use whatever tool at their disposal to cause whatever damage they wish. the gun is simply a tool a means to an end. arming the average citizen is the only option in a world where guns exist. anything can be abused. NEWS FLASH THE WORLD IS PRETTY FUCKING DANGEROUS. so i want to be able to protect myself from whats out there. i cant imagine how helpless i would feel if i was unable to own a gun.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Does anyone know if all Chemical fertilizers have explosive properties. I ask because cant they ban these types of fertilizers. There has to be something just as good as AN that does not explode???


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes4Prop215, this is Norway not the USA, people in Norway don't need to be armed with automatic weapons simply because every other redneck has them, because the vast majority of Norwegians DON'T have any firearms, which is why you hardly ever hear about shootings there.

What would happen for example if we gave every country/nation nuclear weapons? Somehow I don't think Mutually Assured Destruction would hold out long. It's the same with giving everyone firearms - yes it would deter the vast majority, but there'll still be crazy people, and now all of a sudden they've got weapons as well, and you bet they'll use them.

This is the sort of thing that CAN happen in any country, and if they had more guns it would simply happen more often. I know you Americans love your guns, and maybe you DO need to have guns simply because just about everybody else there has one (and if they dont can simply visit a 24/7 Walmart), so maybe you're past the point of no return in regards to gun ownership, but it seems to come at one hell of a cost in regards to your elevated level of gun related crimes and homicides, and sorry but that just makes no sense to me ... that's not my idea of "freedom".

Kids shouldn't have to pass through metal detectors just to go to school.

Just for better understanding, the true intent of what non Americans think is American's "love of guns" wasn't meant to be for protection from one another. Intially it was meant for people to be able to fight back against their Government should it get to the point of overstepping it's bounds. The need for protection everyone now thinks of (protection from criminals with guns) was something that came much latter, likely as a result of the very thing you observed about everyone having one. I'm an American and personally I hate guns, any idiot can point a gun and pull a trigger from a safe distance. You got to know what you're doing and get up close and personal if you only have your hands or a best a sword to work with. The way I see it is if you can't fight effectively without a gun you shouldn't be on the battlefield.