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Training verticaly?


hey, i have a plan to die down some branches so all branches are next to each other. Stadium and 600w lights.
Heres a picture, what do you think should i do it or just let them grow naturaly? i cant put in a screen this time.

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hmm interesting idea...I am training mine but just to kinda go through the trellis for a Screen of green vertically kinda thing, but your idea is interesting none the less.....I think IF you could bend/train them into the pattern in your picture they certainly would get a lot of light on them, I say WHY NOt TRY IT? Your basicly in one of the more experimental threads here ......just my .02 worth but I say go for it. And be sure to share with us how you do I know I for one find your idea interesting.

Good luck


I just did this today, used some wire to train, ill throw some pics up tomorrow, like a cordon/espalier apple tree,

do it bro, :joint:H


No scrog means you use a screen, i think this is lst.

How about the pictures hazeified?

Mrktwiz yeah im gonna try it, good luck on your grow!


the picture above makes no sense to me

the bucket should have been on the other side than the light, so you could easily train them horizontally to the light. In your case the plants will take the shortest way to the light which is diagonally not vertically like drawn in your picture. You can do it but you need a vertical scrog net between the light and the plant.