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Train wreck



FoxxyDoe said:
The post above sliped in while I was writing mine, the old school heads up here say tw is a sativa/thai only. I am unaware of there being indica in tw and the clone i have doesnt show any indica traits at all. Alot of what Dr.jay said sounds about right cept i get higher yields than indicated above. :

seems that beserker was there when it happened. and what he posted indicated a old school afghan banged up a lowland thai X mex. further down he explans they worked the broad leaf plants outta the population.

drJay knows the TW well. wish he would pop in :yes:

anyway i tend to believe the above description :wink:



hey foxy what was your right time? the wreckxpurps that I grew from seed awhile back was fluffy but I kabloomed the shit out o fher, so I figured that was it : ).


So, how can i get the real TW if I want to try it then? PM if you don't want to post it.
Thanx, Rule


I would consider getting the s1 phenos from jojo right now there only 50.00 and Ive been contemplating getting a pack for a 100 for awhile, so naturally I got 3.


CBF, the Trainwreck you discribe is exactly the same as the one I have(from BG). The structure and buds are just as Dr.J pics and description are. Although the exact source of BG's cut is not known other than it was a reputable OG member of long standing.He was sworn to secrecy.hehe

That wierd grey light green color is trippy and the overwhelming menthol smell and I really like the forhead pounding exhale and sweat.

I've grown it as a bush topped to hell and as a single cola and it responded best to supercropping or bending the tall shoots, crazy foxtail nugz.

It is very slow going in veg and takes off like crazy in flower stretchin to the lights.

Everybody claims it gets whispy when you flower past 45-50 days but I was able to maintain tight solid nugz until harvest at 58 days.

Kills muscle spasms and delivers a killer medicinal buzz. Literally makes your bones and joints tingle with knumbness.

I have 5 or so clones in veg right now so I will post progress

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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Tex it sounds like it needs to come with a warning label. Nice report



right on Tex:yes:

your description of the high is great, have one in flower now the mom. shit 50 days, Ill never make it now:D



One bad Trainwreck mother

I may flower her in the next month or so. I wish I had a secure outdoor site where I could grow her outdoors for shits and grins.



I read on here somewhere about another site called cbay.
Well i found it and i saw trainwreck on that auction site. it was crossed with something i cant remember might have been blowfish or crystal locomotive something like that i was prolly high on shwag.. So check them out



yeah everyone knows about CBAY sack, the TW your talking about is the crystal locamotive which is crossed with the aloha 98, jojo also has a second backcross version released. to answer questions on the hermy, I wouldnt be suprised if the original bagseed version was slightly herm., and then clones were passed from that, the bagseed version of lavender, was just that a 2 ball total purple spindly puff ball that was just insane, but for sure it pollinated itself, because it was the pure lav. with nothing else in its bouqet.


New member
Tex, thanks for the great description! Those ladies you show, how much for a couple hours with them? :chin: Oh, they're not THOSE kind of ladies, you say. They sure make me go SCHWING!!!! LOLOLOL :spank:

The high sounds like it would really help with my Hep nastys. Thanks again, Tex. :joint:



Help my...

Help my...

Muscle spams too I hope... as I just harvested the 1st one I ever grew... it did not hermie, and matured in about 45 days, certainly in the "Window" of 42 to 50 days or whatever... I chopped mine at 48... Can't wait to have my 1st taste of it... well yes I can, but the medicinal properties described sound wonderful... also have Hep-C as well... peace. :joint:


New member
I surf cbay daily. jojorizo posts both TW S1's and TW crosses regularly and some are up now. Whichever you want they won't be hard to get.