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Traffic light cameras

The people in charge of the US are the ones creating the deficits, they're the ones writing the laws that put us in jails for retarded BS while freeing the 'real' hardened criminals, and they're the ones turning the continent into a huge surveillance grid.

We're just the ones footing the bills...


there's these plastic filter thingies that go over your plates....like a bunch of lines of plastic so they you can only see the plate from a certain angle. I think it depends how high in the air the cameras are mounted.

are you speaking of a lenticular lens there??


Active member
Again, no one is forcing you to break the law. It's your choice.

i'm sure you will find some comfort in repeating that to yourself the day you get busted by the DEA over some bullshit that ought to be legal. every politician that voted for a red light camera ought to be lined up against the wall and shot like the dogs they are.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I heard those cameras are considered illegal if the road is highway. But it they are in the city your hosed...
I hope we dont get them fucking cameras... peace n pufs.



in the thick of it
We had them in the city near where I live. The ticket was $155. The city got $5, the camera manufacturer got $150. These fools had these cameras installed at a dozen or so intersections and upset the citizens for $5 a pop. Sounds like a horrible way to earn a profit. I'm not for running red lights at all, but I'm even farther against cameras watching our moves. The city removed the red light cameras a couple years after and have been "renegotiating" a deal since (about 3 years ago). Nice work elected officials.


Active member
they got me years ago for like 360$. i dont believe i ran the light . i believe they shortened how fast the light changes on lights with cameras. i also believe they speed up thethe moment the camera takes a pic. they still aint got my money fuck em.

trich daddy

New member
does the ticket come certified mail? if so, refuse to sign for it.... you can't be held liable for tickets you don't receive

further, the onus is on the city to PROVE not only that it was your car that ran the light, but that you were DRIVING your car at the time. they cannot prove this. just don't pay... nothing happens, the government knows they have no leg to stand on here... 5th amendment, etc.

i've gotten 2 tickets for barely running reds (and the probably shortened the yellow on me... seemed shorter than before)... i never acknowledged or paid them and nothing happend. no points, no warrant, nothing.

good luck

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
best just move to a place where they don't have you under surveillance all of the time.......where they don't have traffic camera's......where you can park without getting a ticket for it.....

.....up a jungle works for me....

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
We had a few scameras installed around my state, but the people started raising hell to our representatives and they outlawed them. (the scameras)

Yay for my state! whoo hoo