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Tracking software I'm working on for *nix


Not sure if this is the right sub-forum to post this.
It is technically 'equipment'. If not i'm sorry mods
go ahead and move it.

This is an early alpha version of software I am developing to track
flowering plants that I would like some feedback on.
First of its *nix only, sorry Windows users, I don't use Windows.
When it's finished I will release it for free under the GNU license.

This is a demo video of me using the software.

The audio sounds like I'm eating, but it's the sensitive mic I'm using.
It picks up everything, there's even a car horn form the parking lot
at my office.

The software is very simple and is mainly used for tracking flowering plants.

I made this using Gambas, which is kinda like VB but better.

Would anyone be interested in having this?
Any suggestions?
Should I continue to develop it or get a real job?
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Nice! Ubuntu Unity user here (still not exactly thrilled about the Unity interface and usability, but whatever). I'm assuming that any Linux/*Nix platform can use this, yes? What would make it MOST usable would be as an Android application, so we can take our smartphones or Tablets out into the field or grow room with us and enter information, growth or pest observations, etc.

What you've got fleshed out is a pretty simple database by the looks of it. I think that it could use more fields that would allow for feeding and treatment data, as well as notes on the plants themselves. I keep a log, just a yellow pad on a metal clip-board that also serves as a storage box. I then have to go back to my PC and enter information (mostly I'm tracking treatment and inputs on my organic garden).


Nice! Ubuntu Unity user here (still not exactly thrilled about the Unity interface and usability, but whatever). I'm assuming that any Linux/*Nix platform can use this, yes? What would make it MOST usable would be as an Android application, so we can take our smartphones or Tablets out into the field or grow room with us and enter information, growth or pest observations, etc.

What you've got fleshed out is a pretty simple database by the looks of it. I think that it could use more fields that would allow for feeding and treatment data, as well as notes on the plants themselves. I keep a log, just a yellow pad on a metal clip-board that also serves as a storage box. I then have to go back to my PC and enter information (mostly I'm tracking treatment and inputs on my organic garden).

I'm using Ubunutu as well but it's slightly older version 11.04(natty), my laptop can't use unity so I don't use it.

You need the Gambas3 runtime lib to run this program, which I think any Ubuntu above 11.10 already has in the repo's, if not then you can simply add the ppa, which is what i did.

As of now I can only make Ubuntu and Debian packages, but that will change in the very near future, (like tomorrow).

As for putting it on android or a tablet I'm not so sure.
Andorid uses java for all its apps, so thats out, but a tablet maybe, It all depends what OS is on the tablet if its Apple i dont think Gambas has an MAC version.
I'll look into it .

As for more fields, that not a bad idea.
Could you be a bit more specific on what field you would like?
Also how would you like to become a Alpha/Beta tester for the app?


At least one additional notes field. You should include fields that allow noting media used, fertilizers, and treatments such as any kind of foliar application or pest treatment. Think: fecal logs (the kinds of logs zookeepers and the like keep on their animals--another perishable product that must be monitored, often on a daily basis). I wouldn't be surprised if there's already a corollary program available for farm production, I have noticed some books on organizing record-keeping for organic production, but since I haven't yet looked into those, I can't say what else might be good to include, how it should work or anything like that.

I'm willing to give it a try, but I currently grow outdoors only now. However, include those other areas for me to keep notes and a way to print out or something (I keep my notes by hand, location-oriented, but have to submit an electronic form monthly for my market garden), then I will be happy to give it a try.

I assume you've looked for existing programs on this platform, yes? Also, it's my husband who really knows his way around the command line, I just stayed at a Holiday Inn once. ;)


Thats a nice start acidblue. I'm a *nix guy too (Ubuntu, RHEL, OpenBSD, etc) and a developer by trade mostly industrial databases.

I agree with SeaMaiden in that there should be a third tier of records on each plant for feedings and notes and stuff.

Would you consider a rewrite in java? That would make it cross platform and browser compatible.


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