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Tracking seed orders on the web. Security hole? Fuckin-A right it is.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I will not warn anyone again. Keep your offline activities that require personal info to be exchanged off the site. Don't push it. Thank you.

I apologize KG, I did ask if our test was in violation of ICM rules. When I saw your earlier post without addressing my question, I assumed that it was ok. Yeah I know "assume"... Huh.

What about just going down to Starbucks, getting some coffee, having a seat in them comfy chairs and ordering some seeds? Theres always a private seat. Use a hotmail acct., and the Visa gift card from a store at the other end of the mall?
Can they trace from a laptop that way? Im with bulldog and know squat about this, but Im trying to understand. I dont order seeds but I do like the idea of security.

Look folks I honestly think the techno mumbo jumbo is leading everybody away from the point altogether...

It's really this simple: If you order something from a company that the USA has flagged as a terrorist or criminal or whatever. When the mail reaches U.S. borders it is scanned by the machines which then relay the info to Homeland Security or whoever.

The originating location is already know. Now they have it in the computer right? That is how parcel tracing works. Computers scan it at every post office or postal distribution station it goes through.

So the parcel and the company's locations are already known.

Now if YOU log onto USPS and check the status of your parcel then the "Government" can trace your IP. Hackers and Crackers have been doing it since the creation of Internet, I guarantee you that the government can.

The damn parcel has a destination address printed on it. Now all the gov. has to do is take the parcel to the address and make arrests.

This isn't anything new. Even a noob knows who Marc Emery is and the way the US gov is screwing him over for "just selling seeds".

Now all of this debate and discussion about Tor is really stupid... I have been seeing Tor mentioned in threads for awhile now and when I saw this thread I couldn't resist addressing it.

Some people swear by Tor and hundreds of other privacy/security apps and sites. The absolute indisputable fact is that Tor tells you exactly what I and others are saying: "Tor does NOT work". Period.

Now before you click on that rep button go read the literature from Tor or go back and re-read my posts because 99% of my posts regarding Tor is copied from the Tor website.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I think it's your best bet to change your IP manually as often as you can and have multiple firewalls (like even the excellent free version of zone alarm) installed on your computer along with the latest anti-spyware software with all current updates & it's as simple as that. Add a good proxy on top and there is not many who can trace what you are doing online and those who can trace you most likely don't really give a shit about random seed orders. ;)


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
So what if you use a place that has free wifi that you dont have to register for?

Look people, there are 100% absolutely secure/private ways to use the web for activities that you want kept private.

If you have a laptop that you didn't purchase new and has nothing registered to you, with a open wifi you can hook up to. You can create a new, secure email account and you are actually safer than you would be if you used Tor.

But if you register the browser you use or even a browser plugin/addon then your laptop is compromised.

Damn, why not install a phone in your grow room and use it to call 911? It's the same thing really.

Customs, DEA and LEO already have the package flagged and are waiting for whoever logs in to track it.

Now if you click on the link provided in the original post, and click on the link in the box that say "Read the full list of warnings" and scroll down the the items "e" and "f", there is some really powerful info there. Well the entire list of warnings combined is pretty powerful against using Tor.

Now that you have read "e" you might be more persuaded if you visit http://tor.en.softonic.com/ which it the company that developed this version of Tor and scroll down that page to the "Pros and Cons" and read the cons...
  • Can't guarantee anonymity
  • Connections may take a while sometimes
Now call me a moron all you wish but I didn't develop it and I didn't convince a bunch of folks here on ICM to go download it while bragging how secure and safe it was.

Scroll down and read the original post again.
OK I know most of us in the states order from seed companies that provide tracking numbers for our seed orders. So let me present a hypothetical situation which illustrates what I think could be a problem with this:

You think
you've done everything right to cover your ass. You've used a money order and you are having your seeds shipped to a safe postal address which is not the location of your grow site. Yep you sure are sneaky...

You've been securely emailed a unique tracking number issued to you by the seed broker in the UK and you have been checking Royal Mail and you see your package has been dispatched to the USA for delivery... and now you know that you need to track your order on the web using the same tracking number not through royal mail in the UK, but though USPS.com in the USA.

It arrives in the USA and
let's say is intercepted by US customs. The customs boys then ask the techies working for USPS to flag your unique tracking number in the USPS system and to get the IP address of anyone checking on that number and to pass it on to local law enforcement. Easily done my friends.

Now, unless you are using a program that hides your real IP address, LEO can find out where you live and who you are through a homeland security request to your ISP, even if you are having the package delivered somewhere else. You've played right into their hands. And all you had to do was track your seed order with an unprotected web browser. These fat-assed donut eating SOBs did not even have to get up out of their chairs to find you. Sneaky sneaky you...

They come to your house and discover your grow and charge you with a felony. They haul your ass out in handcuffs in front of your neighbors and kids. Big John down in cell block#9 is very happy because he is very excited to meet his new bride. YOU. That night, as he buries himself inside you, you cry out "MY GOD! He's GOT ME!!! AAAAAHHHHHH". The other inmates just laugh at your yelpings. Oh my sweet gawd awaken me from this heinous nightmare!

So that's why the OldPork protects his tender virgin asshole. He uses the TOR bundle, open source free software that uses overseas proxies to check on his seed orders. Remember fellas, when it comes to porking...it is better to give than to receive. ahahaha

The Tor website tells you in plain English that their system WILL NOT and CANNOT provide you any security if the DEA or any body who is serious decides to trace and intercept the data you send over their system.

My concern was merely that a few people who didn't completely understand the issues were encouraging everybody to go download a piece of shit application that would do nothing more than give them a false sense of security.

Look at the facts and read what the developers have on 2 of their sites and decide for yourselves. If you read the info and still feel all warm and fuzzy with confidence of you privacy then knock yourselves out.

Now I'm done with this discussion. Have a wonderful day and Merry Fuggin Christmas.:moon:


Active member
IMO, it's all these self proclaimed "experts" are exactly who we really need to be most wary of. They are dangerous too because they seem to revel in spreading "bad" info in how THEY see it. Makes you consider, "What's the real motive here?"

This whole discussion reminds me of a bum who walks up to you, shits in his hand, then reaches it out to you and says, "What does this smell like to you"? Damn, makes me just wanna :peek: or even sometimes :faint:.

Best advice? Smoke a bowl and, "Just watching the wheels go round and round. Oh, how I love to watch them roll." Or it goes something like that anyway. Try it. It's fun.


Soul Feeder
This is a great informative thread for general internet security.
Anyway realize that, no matter how hard you try to hide, if they really WANT they will raid you. Social engineering up to your ass its easier that doing all the tech stuff. Everyone should realize that dealing with growing is NEVER safe. So your better bet is keeping a low profile on the net and with your friends, stay under the radar, grow only what you really need. If you stay quiet no one is going to trace you and ask authorizations to do so.


Stay safe



Active member
the best defence against bum raiders is to carry sand in your pocket then dump it in his lube job solved.
the best defence against bum raiders is to carry sand in your pocket then dump it in his lube job solved.

that sounds like it could end EVEN worse for you... :/

I thought good proxies hid your IP? I'm fairly sure that they do... You are basically saying they exist for no reason. it was my understanding that you could be compromised anyway, because it IS possible to see that when you are using a proxy, and hence LEO would merely have to demand the proxy server to turn over your details. I'm pretty positive this happens to child porn people, etc.... correct me if i'm wrong....

so a solid proxy should have them seeing the proxy server IP making the connections. but i'm not saying that would stop LEO from getting your details from the proxy server, even if you relayed through several proxies...

Ok, one thing to say about driving around to random wifi's to place your orders... Thats MOSTLY anonymous. i say that because technically some networks that you stumble onto could be being monitored either by the tech savvy owner of the network, or by LEO, they call them honey pot networks or something. I'm just saying choose your networks wisely...


Now in technicolor
The customs boys then ask the techies working for USPS to flag your unique tracking number in the USPS system and to get the IP address of anyone checking on that number and to pass it on to local law enforcement. Easily done my friends.

That's highly unlikely. The tracking page doesn't even require a login. It's a public page that anyone can view. Police aren't going to contact your ISP and then bust down doors and waste money over an IP address that could very well NOT belong to you.

Especially when they can just follow the seeds to your door step. That would make way more sense.

Why would they come to your house before you even have anything illegal in your possession? You probably didn't even start your grow yet (without seeds) and you can easily defend yourself in court because they have no proof you ordered them.




  • bigJohnswife.jpg
    39 KB · Views: 7
ok, forget about tracking numbers for a minute. Can or do they screen or flag the mail thats coming from the UK into the US? or can they monitor the sites that orders are being placed on?


ok, forget about tracking numbers for a minute. Can or do they screen or flag the mail thats coming from the UK into the US? or can they monitor the sites that orders are being placed on?

All mail coming in from oversea has to go through US Customs first. That's where they screen for contraband, and if they find any they remove the contraband, and replace it with a letter saying that they did so. Then they tape it back up and send it to you. Nothing more usually happens. I am not sure if they place you on the naughty list.
Most if not all seed sites' web servers have SSL certificates so that when you place an order your information is encrypted between your browser and their web server. So you are gonna be OK there. The only way they could get your info is if the seed vendor gives it up. IMHO this is more likely to happen with Canadian seed sites. The RCMP has cooperated with the US feds in the past. (Marc Emery)


Active member
i just go to fedex online cafe, use a prepaid punch card with no name attached...no cameras in the computer room..maybe one at the desk but you buy from kiosk.

which version of the tor bundle do i download it? and if i wanna surf using proxy IP addy i just click on the TOR-mozilla instead of my regular...real simple right?

Purple Monster

The bottom line is they will get you if they want to no matter what, they will fabricate, lie, cheat, do whatever it takes to get that warrant and fuck your life over.

Think about it.
The Tor website tells you in plain English that their system WILL NOT and CANNOT provide you any security if the DEA or any body who is serious decides to trace and intercept the data you send over their system.

My concern was merely that a few people who didn't completely understand the issues were encouraging everybody to go download a piece of shit application that would do nothing more than give them a false sense of security.

Thanks Stress_test. That info was very informative! :chin:


Thanks Stress_test. That info was very informative! :chin:

Informative, yet erroneous.
Click here to download the TOR Browser Bundle.
Click here to download the NoScript addon for Firefox. (recommended, not necessary)

Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays to ALL for your pal Pork~


Active member
This is a great informative thread for general internet security.
Anyway realize that, no matter how hard you try to hide, if they really WANT they will raid you. Social engineering up to your ass its easier that doing all the tech stuff. Everyone should realize that dealing with growing is NEVER safe. So your better bet is keeping a low profile on the net and with your friends, stay under the radar, grow only what you really need. If you stay quiet no one is going to trace you and ask authorizations to do so.


Stay safe


Yeah, the chances of getting busted starting from a seed order is so low I don't worry about it. If they catch me, they catch me. I use a personal credit card everytime since I first started growing almost 10 years... Used paypal back in the overgrow/heaven stairway days... What you do after you get the seeds is what you should be worried about.

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