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Toyota The Biggest Smear Campaign In History.?

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I drive a Chevy BTW.

I had a 91 chevy Caprice that was a great car. I got ride of it at well into 400,000 miles...The pulley broke so I didnt feel like fucking with it and I had bought my neon about 5 months ago so I just gave it to a friend for 50$.. hahaha


Active member
One of the most embarrassing moments I have seen as an american was when the know nothing fucked up politicians put the CEO of toyota on the hot set in congress.

I stopped buying gm cars years ago. I will never buy one again. I believe there is a conspiracy, endorsed by the us government against toyota in an effort to resurrect gm and the fucked up auto workers union. It goes to the top and obama, the community organizer and Saul Alinsky activist is involved IMO. Our know nothing president and his bs tactics needs to go.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
One of the most embarrassing moments I have seen as an american was when the know nothing fucked up politicians put the CEO of toyota on the hot set in congress.

I stopped buying gm cars years ago. I will never buy one again. I believe there is a conspiracy, endorsed by the us government against toyota in an effort to resurrect gm and the fucked up auto workers union. It goes to the top and obama, the community organizer and Saul Alinsky activist is involved IMO. Our know nothing president and his bs tactics needs to go.
are you for real?

if YOU sold something in japan that killed 34 japs they'd string your fuckin' ass up.

their product killed 34 Americans (so far) and all congress wanted was an explanation and YOU'RE EMBARRASSED to be American?

go fuck yourself.

keep driving toyotas please. (#35) hehehe.......

"Where is the remorse?" scolded Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio. And Republican John Mica of Florida held aloft what he called an "absolutely appalling" Toyota report bragging of defusing a safety investigation.

Of Toyoda's apology, Kaptur said, "I do not think it reflects significant remorse for those who have died." Federal safety officials have received reports linking 34 deaths in the United States to safety defects in Toyota cars and trucks over the past decade.

"I extend my sincerest condolences to them from the bottom of my heart," responded Toyoda, grandson of the founder of the world's largest auto company. "I'm deeply sorry for any accident that Toyota drivers have experienced."

But what's most important to American drivers — and what lawmakers pressed Toyoda and a top aide to provide — was a better explanation for slow actions to deal with the defects and believable assurances the problems that led to sudden unintended accelerations will be fixed. Toyoda said those changes are being made nearly around the clock, but he repeated the company's insistence that there is no link to the cars' electronic systems.

"I'm deeply sorry for any accident that Toyota drivers have experienced."
~ Hey #35, is this is this is an acceptable apology for 34 American lives lost to lies?

if your industry regulated product KILLS 34 Americans you god damned better believe you're gonna have to sit in front of Congress, you have a fucking problem with THAT???

toyoda/toyota fucking LIED about the problems and fixes, I hope you can't afford ANYTHING else in your life but toyotas.

btw, toyota was killing Americans WAY before President Obama even thought of running for president, whadda ya think of that?

to try to blame anything on our president having to do with ANY of this shows what a hater & simpleton you really are. you sound just like a typical republican w/your finger pointing @ Obama.

Rush limbaugh swore he'd move from the US if the health care reform bill was passed, maybe you guys could share moving expenses to japan.......


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
whatever happened i still would buy a toyota. they are proven for their durability. they last forever.


There's def a GM Gov conspiracy which is fuct. Toyota sold out to corp America which is fuct. Yet we flip the fuck out when 34 people die in car accidents. What about the war in Iraq that has gone on for just over 7 years! Think about the thousands of Americans that have died for some endless Gov game. What bout all the Americans along the border who have died while our Gov sits back and does nothing about. Ill tell ya one thing the Gov will do; and that's stomp anyone(Toyota) out that gets in their way. Now that's FUCT!!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
There's def a GM Gov conspiracy which is fuct. Toyota sold out to corp America which is fuct. Yet we flip the fuck out when 34 people die in car accidents. What about the war in Iraq that has gone on for just over 7 years! Think about the thousands of Americans that have died for some endless Gov game. What bout all the Americans along the border who have died while our Gov sits back and does nothing about. Ill tell ya one thing the Gov will do; and that's stomp anyone(Toyota) out that gets in their way. Now that's FUCT!!!
the threads about toyota NOT the atrocities of Bush's war etc.

I do think however that you should spend more time scabbing together a real reason that you'd like to blame GM for toyotas issues.

it has already been PROVEN!!! that toyota covered up the problems, THAT IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF CONSPIRACY thank you very much.




Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
no need to let a bunch of pea brained children get to ya my friend... :dance013:
just havin' some fun bro, I love the ones that'd like to blame someone other than toyota for toyotas problems. I'll bet when caught with weed by mommy/daddy they cried, "it's not mine, I'm just holding it for someone else......."

I have a huge family and nearly everyone has Toyota's. Nobody has had a single problem with any of them. Not one.

I have a few GM products and have had more problems with them than the whole families cars put together. Leaking main seals...multiple electrical issues...I still love them though.

I don't think this little fiasco, whatever the cause, will do anything to Toyota's impeccable reputation in the long run. Companies cover this type of thing up ALL THE TIME.


Active member
I had an Camry from 84 bought it in 87 and drived the car to 2008-newer has any problems with that car always start and just run and run,it was 1.8 L

Bought an Carina 1.8 from 96 last year,and it has an problem with the gaspedal,but it,s not the pedal there is the really problem..it,s in the injection system,there is a shield,where has to regulate the airmix,from the airfilter-it,s Easy to fix,and it,s only in the cold time.Then it,s get warm,there it,s nothing wrong-Just has to clean it with acetone or something like.yes it,s a Boring car,but they always start,s and an stabil car-but yes,it,s a seriosly problems, with some of they latest model,not could stopped..
But they seems to take care of the problem,s-but not good,people get killed nope not at all..

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
jap cars FTW!
why would anybody buy a car from the country that ranks dead last in intelligence amongst all the developed nations?
amazing how we have dumbed down over the years in the good ole u s of a.
you would think this was almost planned........


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
My mother drives a Toyota BTW. I was a car washer at a Toyota dealership for one summer too. I got nothing but respect for jap cars.

F'ing amazing built machines. Solid feeling.

I still drive a GM made car though. I have my reasons.


Garden Nymph
'Driver deaths fatality risks statistics -published by the IIHS- rated the Neon among the "Highest rates of driver deaths", with 161 driver deaths per million registered vehicle deaths. Average for the Neon class (4-door small) was 103 driver deaths per million registered vehicle deaths.[8]'

So it seems like the 34 Americans killed in Toyota cars isn't that crazy after all, huh?

If only we all just started riding bikes, like Unclefishstick LOL


I just saw a documentary about GM and their electric car from the 60's-70's .......about how they killed it off ....... on the history channel. It had superb gas mileage and accelerated faster than any gas model cars and you could plug it in your house ac. It was apparent that all the owners loved this car. Why did GM kill it? Profits. It might have negatively affected sales of their gas models but more striking was the refining giants like Shell, Texaco, Mobil, Exxon, etc..... conspiracy to kill the car because it would reduce GAS sales. It's sort of sad now because the Japanese are coming out with their quasi electric cars (Prius, Insight) and dominating the market. We had to re-invent the damn thing over again. And we have over 4 thousand boys & girls that have died protecting oil industry profits over in Iraq. I do not get it. 2 steps backwards and one forward. Why have our leaders and rich folks giving away the American franchise? I want my taxes to stop fueling a losing game: banking & big co. profits (too big to fail), rich folks, and big defense. We need to get our asses behind Obama. He is cautious,(too)pragmatic, and effective. But for him, GM and Chrysler would be in bankruptcy and America would be in a depression.


I just saw a documentary about GM and their electric car from the 60's-70's .......about how they killed it off ....... on the history channel. It had superb gas mileage and accelerated faster than any gas model cars and you could plug it in your house ac. It was apparent that all the owners loved this car. Why did GM kill it? Profits. It might have negatively affected sales of their gas models but more striking was the refining giants like Shell, Texaco, Mobil, Exxon, etc..... conspiracy to kill the car because it would reduce GAS sales. It's sort of sad now because the Japanese are coming out with their quasi electric cars (Prius, Insight) and dominating the market. We had to re-invent the damn thing over again. And we have over 4 thousand boys & girls that have died protecting oil industry profits over in Iraq. I do not get it. 2 steps backwards and one forward. Why have our leaders and rich folks giving away the American franchise? I want my taxes to stop fueling a losing game: banking & big co. profits (too big to fail), rich folks, and big defense. We need to get our asses behind Obama. He is cautious,(too)pragmatic, and effective. But for him, GM and Chrysler would be in bankruptcy and America would be in a depression.

Are you talking about the GM EV-1? That was in the 90's. They had some concept electric cars in the 60's. Never production.

I don't think the public were really ready for electric back then and also it was pretty pricey.

I like the hybrids ideas that GM have too. Way better than the Prius.

Hopefully they won't sell off the German Opel division and possibly make cars with the Voltec drive train system. http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13746_7-10189863-48.html Looks alright in a conventional sense but I quite like the quirkiness of the EV1. They were quirky for a reason.

I saw a documentary on the Toyota recently and I guess they were just a little too busy trying to become the number one car maker instead of sticking to their initial design and manufacturing ethos of quality.

Its not really two steps back and one forward for GM. Competition is good.


Buteo Jamaicensis
Do you guys remember the Jack in the Box incidents? (For those of you who have Jack in the Box's in your area, you'll know the fast-food restaurant name)


Jack in the Box had a bad Ecoli outbreak a few years back. Put people in the hospital and if I'm not mistaken, actually killed a few people. Well, a few years forward and many lawsuits later, Jack in the Box changed their regiment, changed their cooking procedures, launched massive television commercials, and actually did quite well for themselves. They now are appearing in Super Bowl commercials.

Toyota might be on the same path if they shape up and DO IT QUICK! They now have mechanisms in the cars so that if the accelorator gets stuck, and you push down on the brake at the same time as the gas, the entire engine will shut off. It's pretty cool that their doing that, cool - but not cool with me. I don't want my car moving forward for any reason unless I'M THE ONE who's pushing the gas!

This could be a nightmare for Toyota. They'll end up lowering their cars costs by many thousands of dollars, making sales, and then slowly over time they'll raise the costs back up to todays prices. I'm sure the guys at Honda laugh their asses off when they make sales. Can you imagine a customer walking into Honda today? Customers back in the day would have said "I'm deciding whether I should get this or a Toyota?". Today the Honda Salesmans probably simply tell the customer "Do you want to die? I think you should get a Honda!". LOL!!

Yeah that happened around 1992 or 1993 and jack in the box turned into a ghost town until about 2000. Its not far from 20 years since the tainted meat killed four people in multiple states. given that window you can bounce back from anything, but for the time being the damage is done.


Yes mandingo, I believe it was the EV-1. Can you believe they actually killed it? scrap metal and all...... for a vehicle that turned gas cars into dinosaurs and was green to boot. As for people not being ready for the car..... What's not to like? It would've been very easy for GM to convince me to pay premium $$$ for it and mass production would have brought the price down anyway. You can get a Prius, which was FIRST on the market, for $22K now, and despite Toyota's current quality control issues, they will still retain their rep for quality cars in the future; it OWNS that franchise. In fact, Toyota's sales are up 41% from a year ago. GM, etc. will have one hell of a hill to climb dealing with those forces. We need a reset button that does not mean WAR somewhere........... As for 2 steps backwards, etc... I meant America. Why are we rewarding folks that almost put us in a depression if they were not stopped and rescued? Many, many Americans have seen the wealth in their homes vanish almost overnight. It ain't cheap paying for college to attain the American Dream when Banks take their student loan profits NOW from young people's progress in the future and playing monopoly with their parent's mortgages. Shame on them. Thank God Obama is reversing this but I feel that those TRILLIONS should have gone to the mortgagees in the first place. After all, most of the money is ours, isn't it?