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Toyota The Biggest Smear Campaign In History.?


Carl Carlson

this country needs to survive at all cost, too bad 2012 is is 20 months

lol. You have got to love the Republican voters (and the Dem voters for that matter, but this post isn't about them).

You all sure do love to be lied to by your political leaders.

They controlled the Congress for nearly a decade and the Presidency for 8 years, some of which overlapped. What did they accomplish?

well they borrowed over a trillion $ that we don't have to pay for their progressive war in Iraq to free their Iraqis.

they passed an unfunded billion $ prescription drug program

they passed the first round of billions $ in wall street bailout$...

Are you rooting for Sarah ("we must pass the first bailout and than I'll pretend to be economic conservative") Palin?


ok im sorry.. i posted without even reading the original authors post.. after reading it I think you r defintly on to somthing. you should look deeper and tell us what u find


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I bought a Toy in 98 one of those mini trucks and the dam thing almost killed me. The trucks back then where very Lite so lite that imo where unsafe. I was driving on the expressway and the back end broke loose and I hit a light pole(this was the 2nd time the truck spun out) I was not speeding or doing anything that you would consider unsafe. As a result of this incident I broke may back and collar bone and have never been the same. I have never bought another Toy since then.
It could be a smear about faulty ecm s , but I doubt that the truth will ever out unless the software engineer fesses up. Odds are that if it was an intentional fault in the design, the person or two who pulled it off aren't coming forward. I mean why should they; does the prospect of many years hard time sound enticing to them ( people died) ?
As a sidenote: I was an investigator for many years; co-workers said I'd been lied to by the best in the business, probably true. The second I saw that guy in California whose Prius ran amok hitting 92 I said to my wife "That guy is lieing through his teeth". Just a gut reaction after 20+ years of being told lies.


I bought a 2010 Tundra about 2 weeks before all the shit started,and I'd have bought one after it started thats how good they are.I dont even want to sell my 99 Tacoma


Active member
Shit, you ever try to drive a chrysler product? I've owned 2 different dodges and both had the same 6 cyl engine. (the latest was a 2004 model bought with 33 miles on the ODO.)
That bastard would die out approaching intersections and lurch forward with acceleration stutter when creeping through traffic...Not fuckin good, My Current toyota never does that shit. Neither does my honda.
Get online and look up TSB's (Technical Service Bulletins) for your car....I did and i'm not the only person that has had these problems. There are thousands of people saying they had these repeated encounters, a few accidents even ....No bollocks dragging for Dodge though?


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
toyotas may be good quality cars that last but they are boring.......... I don't really want a toyota.

Yea but what do you know?
U'r the guy who bought a old porche cause u thought u'd finally get laid. Now u'r going broke fixing that old hunk of shit and u'r still a virgin.


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
this was bound to happen once they started making them here in the usa.
now all of a sudden there's problems?
when toyotas were bulletproof for eons?
i call BS.
notice how ford and gm stocks were worth shit right b4 this fiasco?
right after this they shot up, not a ton, but still.
you have to slander jap cars because NOBODY buys american shit anymore!
we are a dirty dirty country.

Flying Goat

In 2005 in Melbourne, Australia, I bought a 1984 Land Cruiser F-Series Wagon, dual-fuel (petrol & LPG), with over 200,000 km on it for $3,000AU... Bar none, this has been my favorite vehicle of all time... Heavy metal frame, bull bars, luggage rack, 4 x 4 shift on the fly, decent AC, right-side drive, 5 speed.

In the beginning, it felt too large for me, but WOW! could it perform... Up to NW Victoria to work on a sheep station, down to South Australia working in vineyards, across the Bass Strait into Tassie, with all its hills & curves... We drove out to Robbins Island from the NE coast of Tassie to do some flounder fishing...

In Victoria in an area of horrible drought, whether pulling dead sheep out of a dam or crossing a deep pit of powdery sand, all I had to do was lock in that 4WD...

She was 1/2 mountain goat & 1/2 submarine with the snorkle on her...

Absolutely the BEST I've ever run. Too bad I couldn't bring her back to the States. It would have cost me a fortune & she was over 20 years old... They don't make 'em like that anymore...
in my experience japanese cars are superior in reliability and over all quality then gm's cars etc.. also most of my mechanic friends praise them for these same reasons. i would buy a toyota before a gm car. i dont care what going on in the media i just know which cars i have been in broken down on the side of the road and they were never toyotas.


My experience with all Japanese cars has been above average. I prefer my Jeep (2001 Laredo) as it has parts that are equally reliable and easier to replace.

Never buy Ford. They are THE worst cars on the road. Their interiors fall apart (even on their expensive Lincoln models) and they build their cars so that they require expensive maintenance. I'm seriously telling you guys that Ford has knowingly put in computer components in all their car models that are faulty. This has not been limited to air bags, brakes (abs modules included), speed sensors and traction control systems. The list goes on and on. I hope that company fails. They're an embarrasment to sound American manufacturing and have been for years.

I had a friend who worked for a Ford dealership and they did the shittiest things to their customers. They unfairly overcharged people and replaced parts that were not required to be replaced (my own friend even fucked me and my dad over). This wasn't just a single dealership doing this either. This was, over the past 10 years, a company-wide order. You'd have to be incredibly lied to to buy a Ford.

I heard once that although Toyota is a Japanese owned company they actually get a majority of their parts from American companies while Ford is an American company who gets a majority of their parts from outside of this country. Thats all hearsay though.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I push a neon with just under 100,000 miles. I beat the piss outta her an change the oil every few months. Its a lovely car and owns the road. Fuck Toyota they never made a nice car I would buy...EVER

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
u all have to understand something.
once the 1950's rolled around, big corp had a solid idea (for them atleast)
they decided to turn us into a nation of consumers.
most everything built prior to the 50's were solidly built.
people used to take pride in their products back then.
only problem was, the comeback.
all a person had to do was buy it once and they were set.
good for the customer, but bad for business.
$$ is in the comeback.
now things ARE built to break.
why u ask?
so u have to spend and spend and spend,
putting more $$ in the pockets of big corp.
making them mega rich on crap products.
ever notice how "new and improved" models come out every couple years?
not just cars, all products.
so every year that passes, last years models become obsolete.
so we as a whole are forced to buy the new shit every year, thus spending more $$
it's a vicious cycle that has been bred into us over the past few generations.


Active member
You push that thing alright....

You push that thing alright....

I push a neon with just under 100,000 miles. I beat the piss outta her an change the oil every few months. Its a lovely car and owns the road. Fuck Toyota they never made a nice car I would buy...EVER

That's funny....If I ever wanted to spend money on a dodge neon I just head down to the local Pick and Pull junk yard....They have a shit load of them from 07 and back. It looks like a Neon extravaganza there...wait...I suppose you have an Srt-4 that you OWN the road with....good luck trying to find a replacement tranny when it finally pukes it all in the case... They are notorious for shit ass parts that fail because they are expected to perform like they are intended to.


Fu*%$#ck the Toyota smear campaign. Even if you were to believe it, Toyota still does 99 things right to 1 thing wrong. What they really did wrong was to source their parts to the lowest cost foreign bidder and abandon their old high quality partnerships. And ya do get what ya pay for!
My Toyota is so old, Gas stations don't have the machines to inspect them anymore yet my gas mileage was high enuff NOT to qualify for the "cash for clunkers" program. Anyway, I'm gonna trade it in for...........drum roll please...............another Toyota. I mean with all the bad news, Toyota dealers and Toyota itself, should be desperate for new buyers like me and should give me incentives up the wazoo. Anyone know of any steals yet? 0% financing and 2 years free maintenance is not enuff. I want more! I mean all's fair in luv & war right?...... but in business it's every dog for himself, and I got Toyota just where I want it. Who said our politicians and nerdy programmers aren't good for anything? I say "thank you guys"! Now if those marketing guys over at Toyota don't take advantage of this "opportunity".......................

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
That's funny....If I ever wanted to spend money on a dodge neon I just head down to the local Pick and Pull junk yard....They have a shit load of them from 07 and back. It looks like a Neon extravaganza there...wait...I suppose you have an Srt-4 that you OWN the road with....good luck trying to find a replacement tranny when it finally pukes it all in the case... They are notorious for shit ass parts that fail because they are expected to perform like they are intended to.

Umm your actually wrong in every word youve said. Ive had this car for a very long time and shes kicks ass. No problem wat so ever. Its funny you say they have 07 an back neons??? I didnt know they made neons past 05. DAMN... Apparently your like every other yuppie kid on the road an ride a honda.. Fuck honda if I wanted one I woulda bought that instead. Your just a tool, dont ever step to me again bitch.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Government Motors.

We wage illegal wars and kill people to make a few dollars.

This, or anything else underhanded for that matter, is hardly outside the realm of possibility IMO. Corporate Warfare in a state of financial anarchy is not new stuff.

Toyota > GM (government motors)