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Tow & Grow (Pull behind Growtrailer)!!

I didn't say it was fun that they are making something that is so obvious it means a really serious chance of a bust, I said THE IDEA was fun. The idea of towing my own garden behind me on a road trip is really cool. Is it logical, feasible, or safe in our current world? Obviously not. But I feel about THE IDEA like I feel about coffee shops in Amsterdam. I find them so comfortable and fun and it's cool to be so relaxed about pot, but I know that acting that way in America would be stupid. I'd never tow a Tow and Grow behind my car in THIS WORLD, but in the perfect world where pot was natural and accepted, I sure as hell would take my grow with me when I wanted to travel. I'd at least take my veg so I could shut down at my normal grow and I'd probably want to subdivide and have a small perpetual grow so I could smoke my own, no matter how long I was gone.

As for the question about indoor hydro growers of tomatoes, there was a link in another thread to a "bust" where the cops thought they were getting pot and it WAS indoor vegetables. I think it was in the helicopter evasion thread, but I could be wrong. I THiNK the bust was in Canada, too.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

ok, after some though the concept isn't too bad if you don't have room in your home for a room, park it out back or even in the driveway but has to remain unseen by neighbors who will otherwise WTF has he got going in that trailer he goes into 4-5 times a day.......

must be parked in the shade to avoid temp spikes/dips and if you're a renter it does keep it off of the landlords radar. you can always tell the landlord the continuous running fan noise is from a chest freezer if he/she asks.

water....... lights....... plants ~~ none of that likes to be towed imo but it does get you out of dodge in a friggin' hurry if they're not looking for you and the unit.......


No Longer a Human Watering Can
That trailer is crazy! Just pull it up in your driveway and start to use would be dumb. Although
I could see it parked inside a small warehouse, with a store front and roll up doors in the back. Instant, portable collective.. not a bad idea if one was so inclined. :biggrin:
Both a great, and horrible idea all at the same time. Great in the fact that if you suspect someone knows where your grow location is, you can just drive it down to some place else. Horrible in the fact that police I going to learn what these look like pretty quick.


Its a good idea in the sense it saves you from having to break down a whole room and rebuild it.

Good for warehouses, just pull in set up shop and crop out and bounce.


Active member
Tow & Grow (Pull behind Growtrailer)!!

I bet they do in-house financing to... Miss a payment.. Get ur shit repo'd lmao :joint: lots of money for almost nothing...


Cannabrex Formulator
For a quarter of the price of the big one you could buy an old 40' container and bury it in der ground.....run yer vent outlets 200-400 ft away, same with yer genny line and away you go!

There have been a number of successful set ups like this that I know of....it's a great way to hide yer shit and have whacks of room to do biiig indoor runs.

Point is, if yer gonna do big runs, spend yer money hiding yer shit....not makin' it mobile

Cuz that's just fucking silly, when you come to think of it.

Something happens, and you have to to move yer grow...ok, that's easy, it's in a trailer....but what the fuck are you gonna do with it now, asshat?

You still have a giant fucking trailer full of live dope plants to somehow drive away and and make disappear....not the most inconspicuous fucking item to be on the lam with, dontcha think?

It's cool....but only in a 12 year old, gimmicky afterschool-cartoonish kinda way.....

Like if GI Joe or the Mighty Morphine Powder Rangers grew dope...they'd have a slick grow-trailer like that to do it in.....

And as fer the price.....the loons who run the company have been freebasing way to much Pop-Rocks and Drano...it's the only explanation.