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Tough Decision...



Aren't you friends with ArcticBlast? I might be mistaken

I'm friends with lots of folks :)

When I read your story, I can't help but hear my grandfather's words and how he would define your dilemma:

Too much mouth and not enough ass

He was a simple man :tiphat:

I'm not piling on, just stating what should be obvious.I really do hope you make a (good) plan and stick to it. :yes:


Active member
I wish I could sell my car but then I'd have no transportation to work - not on a bus line.

Second...the value of my car wouldn't cover the amount I owe on it - I'd still have a loan payment even if I sold it. I don't have any console games, and I did inventory and the most I could sell would be my sony PSP with some games for 100 or so bux...which will cover gas for 2-3 weeks...beyond that i need some sort of communications device - how else would i call off work if needed? how else would work contact me? how would i call the police if ever necessary? trust me the bills i have now are essentials...ive consolidated...
Weren't you talking a while back about the system in your car and how great it was and how it was the top viewed example on youtube or something like that?

Yank that shit out and put it on craigslist


Active member
Just blame the economy. You'll fit right in with all of the other lazy, unmotivated fucks who could quite easily find a decent job if they spent half the time looking for one as they spend bitching about not having one...

You strike me as someone who is new to growing, so I'll give you a piece of advice my mentor gave me a long time ago: if you get to the point where you're waiting on a cycle to pay the bills, you already fucked up. People who make money growing commercially.....make money growing commercially....they don't get high and make plans that won't ever come to fruition.


ICMag Donor
Having a room mate isn't going to work if you plan on growing. Just a security risk.

Also, you can't count ahead of time how much you might yield from growing.... Things happen where you can lose the entire grow......

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
good advice...but to break it down pulling only 1400 a month - 300 car payment, 100 cell, 75-100 student loan, 100-150 credit card, 100 auto insurance, 2-300 utilities (old home, gas super expensive to heat this house)...700 mortgage...2-300 food...60-70 internet.... that right there is 1700+....dont factor in gas, car maintenance, grow maintenance....

100 cell - drop it and get a pre-paid and don't clown around on it, if you only use it for mandatory needs, it will cost $20 or less per month

2-300 utilities - Turn the heat nearly off and get a space heater for your bedroom and live in there, you don't need to heat the whole house if your broke

2-300 food - you could do it for 150 or less, you need to pay attention to how much each meal costs then buy accordingly

60-70 internet - thats alot for internet, borrow someones wireless signal or use internet cafe's (the have heat) or call and demand a promotional offer or switch service providers to get a deal. I just switched to att and its $20 a month.(for 1st yr)

As for the "needed" $400 fan/filter combo, bs. They can be had for much less than that, half or less if you build your own. And lights, a combo 1kw ballast/bulb/reflector can be shipped to your door for $220.

It doesn't sound like your trying hard enough.


Active member
work with what you got. you can start with floros or cfl. good luck and yea join the airforce if you got to join the military.
man you can do this...
get a virgin phone, its 25 a month for 300 mins, unlimited text and internet(40 for 1200 mins or 60 for unlimited everything). if you can afford the droid they have, you could then tether to you pc and have free internet.
2 $300 utilites is just way to high man. if you are paying 300 a month for gas to heat you place stop. get a few space heaters. 300 a month seems high for power if you are not growing. change all bulbs in the house to cfl, keep all lights off if not being used. you should be paying 300 total, not 600.
can you go to your parents to eat? if so, do it a few times a week.
gas, well dont go anywhere if you dont have to. buy a weeks worth of food at a time.
the job thing, you are for sure pulling a yummy on. it doesn't matter now, about your shift change in a few months. worry about that then, and get a second job. when the time comes, deal with it, maybe things will work out, or you will have to quit. dont not even try and get one, because of things that could happen. do it and deal with it.

you can make this happen


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I wish I could sell my car but then I'd have no transportation to work - not on a bus line.

Second...the value of my car wouldn't cover the amount I owe on it - I'd still have a loan payment even if I sold it. I don't have any console games, and I did inventory and the most I could sell would be my sony PSP with some games for 100 or so bux...which will cover gas for 2-3 weeks...beyond that i need some sort of communications device - how else would i call off work if needed? how else would work contact me? how would i call the police if ever necessary? trust me the bills i have now are essentials...ive consolidated...

No definately don't tighten your belt any further otherwise you risk making your goal too hard to achieve because of all the sacrifices you have to make. You could save a few more bucks with some sacrifices but in the end not enough to really make the difference.

Depending on what the room that is opening up goes for on the market that seems like a better and shorter option then the military. I mean if you enlist then that's 4 years before you can grow. So if you're willing to put off your dream that long then why not put your grow off for a year and go with renting the room out one more year? That should buy you plenty of time to get things all lined up the way you want. Or even just half a year but short term renters are probably harder to find?


Active member
i say "be all you can be".....lmfao, just not there...and if you get blown the phuck up you wont have none of this sh*t to worry about.....oh yeah thats a winner...m2


Active member
Drop the cell, sell the car, start buying raman noodles. Gonna have to do what you gotta do man. Shit there have been times i had local churches providing my food for me completely free. Sell your gaming console, have a yardsale and sell everything you don't need to survive. Just fuckin do it man !! Do something instead on giving up and joining the military.
It's called life man, it's a bitch, and we all go through it.

I hate ramen noodles and peanut butter,sure theyll keep ya alive but ya wont want em again when things are better!!The pantry is helpin alot more nowadays,Thank God!!Life is hard sometimes,I think a couple years in the service would do a young man good,imo.
BB,yer a refreshing human in this sea of fake!!:wave:


Active member
Or even just half a year but short term renters are probably harder to find?

In my experience short term renters are easy as hell to find...finding reliable, responsible month-to-month/short term tenants who actually pay their rent is another story... :tiphat:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
In my experience short term renters are easy as hell to find...finding reliable, responsible month-to-month/short term tenants who actually pay their rent is another story... :tiphat:

Oops sorry, I made the assumption that undesirable tenants are excluded by default and therefore do not count towards the pool of potential renters.


Active member
Oops sorry, I made the assumption that undesirable tenants are excluded by default and therefore do not count towards the pool of potential renters.

:laughing: I feel ya, I've just found that when dealing with idiots (i.e. deadbeat renters), there is nothing more uncommon than common sense :wave:


Active member
Totally feel your pain Invisible. But it sounds like you are well on your way to stardom. For all your lighting and fan/scrubber needs...go see mike at plantlightinghydroponics.com

They are the cheapest anywhere on the net. I got my 6" fan and scrubber for like $230 shipped...that is an awesome deal. So what it's not vortex...it will def. last you years.*the fan I mean, not the scrubber)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Yea just like a mcyummin i told you to write a book, it seems you have the time sitting here on ICm gettin financial advice. Mcyummin never listened either.. And what is funny about this situation is you only reply to the people that are not telling you like a parent.. :D Every bit of good advice coming and like mcyummin you have an excuse as to why it wont work. someone said sell your car and ride a bike, your reply was then i wont have transportation.. Like i said before you cant help the person that acts like he wants help but really does not want help.. Im done except if i make a joke or two in here cos this is kinda cool Icm has been kinda dead and boring as of late so you my friend help to make it fun.. peace n pufs

All some good advice in here i BET 1miiiiilion dollars he follows none of it.. Everything he replies back with is yea but? I said in an earlier post he want free or easy.. Who the fock worries about a killer brand new grow room when they have tons of more important shit to worry about like living in a house, paying bills, eating etc.. but NO he needs a new carbon scrubber with new ballast. Fuck doing a DIY scrubbber.. He for some reason is better and grows MORE stinkier weed than most.. And flouros that are half of what a real system costs.. Like i said cant help people that dont want it..



Active member
You should read Julian's post in the outdoor section....I believe its called massive outdoor grow....its a sticky at the top of that forum.....I would read all of it, it will take a long time....I suggest you read it, for the growing advice, and also for the financial, life-skills and motivational information....this particular thread will change your outlook....i gaurantee ...good luck...you can do it!!!


shut the fuck up Donny
While I agree that this guy needs to figure some shit out and fast, many of you are being not only unreasonable but being a dick as well.

There is nothing to "hide behind" regarding the economy. Unemployment is officially at 12.4%, unofficially multiple news reports have put it as high as 17%. This has an impact, whether you think it does or not.

Also the assumption that he could just walk down to MCD's or Walmart and land a job on the spot is pure bullshit. There was a news report less then two months ago where a McDonalds announced a new store was hiring and over 300 people showed up that day.

In addition, the guy already said that he HAS landed a job, one that starts TMRW (and one better then McDonalds that all of you so adamantly suggested) at $11/hr. To then say that he isn't following advice and being a kid and all this other stuff makes me think you guys aren't reading what he's writing, and are desperate to pounce on anyone who isn't working as hard as you are.

Someone said sell the car and ride a bike and then gave him shit when he said no because he'd have no transportation and he isn't on a bus line. Do you know where he lives? What makes you think he lives in an area where he could reasonably bike to work? Do you know how much more limited you are in this sort of economy when you can only apply to jobs that you are able to ride a bike to? What if he lives in a rural area? Also, as with any product that is taken out on a loan, you have to do the math as to value vs owed. In his case he states that even if he sold it he would still owe money, which makes selling it (usually) a bad idea. I haven't seen the numbers so I don't know for sure.

We all know you guys walked up hill to work both ways in a snow storm every day to get where you are and feel that everyone else should do the same, but attacking him and giving him shit isn't going to help him at all.

My suggestion is keep the $11/hr job you are starting. In this economy that isn't a bad starting point (as sad as that is to say). You say that even with this job you are going to be short $500 or so on the short term.

I know the cell phone thing is a pain in the ass but if you can get a $20/month deal and still be able to call work and do your shit on the side, that would save you a bunch.

The roomate thing is really tough. From a financial standpoint it could save your situation, but from a security standpoint it could be devastating. Advertising on Craigslist and getting a stranger just isn't an option. Your only option could be to potentially find someone you really trust who knows what your doing and have them come in temporarily. You gotta be real careful with this.

Once you figure out what your doing, if you are infact going to go for it, you need to put the equipment on your credit card ASAP, like tmrw. Even get an extra light and cram a few more plants in.


While I agree that this guy needs to figure some shit out and fast, many of you are being not only unreasonable but being a dick as well.

There is nothing to "hide behind" regarding the economy. Unemployment is officially at 12.4%, unofficially multiple news reports have put it as high as 17%. This has an impact, whether you think it does or not.

Also the assumption that he could just walk down to MCD's or Walmart and land a job on the spot is pure bullshit. There was a news report less then two months ago where a McDonalds announced a new store was hiring and over 300 people showed up that day.

In addition, the guy already said that he HAS landed a job, one that starts TMRW (and one better then McDonalds that all of you so adamantly suggested) at $11/hr. To then say that he isn't following advice and being a kid and all this other stuff makes me think you guys aren't reading what he's writing, and are desperate to pounce on anyone who isn't working as hard as you are.

Someone said sell the car and ride a bike and then gave him shit when he said no because he'd have no transportation and he isn't on a bus line. Do you know where he lives? What makes you think he lives in an area where he could reasonably bike to work? Do you know how much more limited you are in this sort of economy when you can only apply to jobs that you are able to ride a bike to? What if he lives in a rural area? Also, as with any product that is taken out on a loan, you have to do the math as to value vs owed. In his case he states that even if he sold it he would still owe money, which makes selling it (usually) a bad idea. I haven't seen the numbers so I don't know for sure.

We all know you guys walked up hill to work both ways in a snow storm every day to get where you are and feel that everyone else should do the same, but attacking him and giving him shit isn't going to help him at all.

My suggestion is keep the $11/hr job you are starting. In this economy that isn't a bad starting point (as sad as that is to say). You say that even with this job you are going to be short $500 or so on the short term.

I know the cell phone thing is a pain in the ass but if you can get a $20/month deal and still be able to call work and do your shit on the side, that would save you a bunch.

The roomate thing is really tough. From a financial standpoint it could save your situation, but from a security standpoint it could be devastating. Advertising on Craigslist and getting a stranger just isn't an option. Your only option could be to potentially find someone you really trust who knows what your doing and have them come in temporarily. You gotta be real careful with this.

Once you figure out what your doing, if you are infact going to go for it, you need to put the equipment on your credit card ASAP, like tmrw. Even get an extra light and cram a few more plants in.

THANK YOU! Finally, someone who actually read what I've been writing! This guy is realistic, he sees the issues that i brought up and puts forth very reasonable ideas...

I appreciate some of you for tossing in your 2 cents, and I am doing my best to find someone to move in on the short term. I even have my mother talking to a girl who is looking for a place to rent and another female friend of mine will be looking for a place come January....there are options, but I don't have many. My one guy friend i mentioned in the compensation thread would've been an option at one point but he's 28 and perfectly content living with his mom...

I've been applying to tech jobs on Craigslist left and right even though I start my new job tomorrow, and while doing that scouring sites for part time jobs I could fit in during evening hours for a month or two...unfortunately most of them are too far for it to be reasonable (1+ hour drive away) and the ones that are reasonable distance require i work hours in which my other job needs me...so...for now only 1 job...will continue looking for better paying jobs and possible a 2nd job, but let me be clear one more time:

the military was a passing thought in which if i faced a worst-case scenario, it may be my only option. if i'm dead broke and the 9-5 isn't cutting it then i might have to consider it...but i am going to fight as hard as i can to stay above water so it doesn't come down to that. and again, trust me, shit will have to be BAD for me to consider the military...i was just curious if anyone was in a branch and what there experience was. one dude was but he got all pissy and left the thread