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Tough Decision...



Military isn't your only option it's just the easiest because recruitment is low and so they'll almost definately take you. There are many job possibilities that include room and board along with a paycheck and they don't require as long of a commitment either. The sweetest of the options I know of is if you can become part of the staff/crew on a luxury cruise ship. Not that you get luxury accomodations or extravagent pay but working on a cruise ship is usually nicer then say working on a fishing boat.

If you're fit for the military though and willing to accept the meager pay they offer then I don't understand why you don't just get some minimum wage job flipping burgers at a fast food joint or working as a cashier at a gas station to hold you over just until you get your 2.4kw grow going? I know the economy is bad and jobs are hard to find but not the kind of jobs I'm talking about. Even when unemployment was at it's worst jobs at fast food places and places like Walmart were and still are easy to get.

I'm sure I could get one of those jobs but when there are other jobs willing to interview me...why not go for the better paying ones first? Like i mentioned in my above post I landed a job but pay isnt great, only 11/hour and 12/hour at 90 days. I should be fine when my 2 tents are setup, completed and my first harvests come through with early estimates putting harvest weight at 2.2-2.5 pounds and if i do really good 3 pounds every 4 months with only a few oz for personal...


Here's the ones I just started up

Nirvana Ice (4)
Nirvana Aurora Indica (4)
Safari Mix (2)



Getting compensated for shared weed is the least of your worries. :comfort:
Sounds as if you may be too heavy for light work and too light for heavy work.

Real men just make it happen, captain. :yes:


Getting compensated for shared weed is the least of your worries. :comfort:
Sounds as if you may be too heavy for light work and too light for heavy work.

Real men just make it happen, captain. :yes:

Way to be vague!

I'm not going down (financially) without a fight, bet that...


looks good...
whatever decision you make,i wish the best of luck to ya..


Active member
i am in i.t. as well

i know what you mean about all of the recruiters and whatnot

but the jobs are out there, there are people out there hiring based on experience/past work and by people you know, friend of a friend etc.

when i was hiring a desktop support dude to handle all the grunt work for me, i didn't go through any staffing company even though i get solicited several times a week, for a real i.t./network admin guy those companies annoy the shit out of me, talking to the recruiters sucks, i work with a sales team and i am very well versed in salesmanship tactics, the recruiters are sales folks and it just annoys the shit out of me. i wound up hiring the least experienced guy out of the 20+ applicants to my craigslist job posting, this guy works well with people, is nice and personable, and has proven himself at the last job (non i.t., he was just a security guard) to be trustworthy (no not all security guards are, we had head of security rob us before, this 1 particular guy is trustworthy though). anyways, he had jack for experience but had a genuine curiosity and wants to please folks, learned pretty much everything on the job and is now an asset for us.

i have no degree, no i.t. certs, my position was gotten purely by 2...err 3 things

1) a solid reputation for kicking ass with all things the clients would need i.t. wise
2) getting along with folks, the people just simply liked me, they'd see me around a lot, and got to a point to trust me
3) being in the right place at the right time, this is probably the most crucial thing, i can only thank the good lord for this one

so reputation of technical proficiency, and reputation of trust, next folks just plain liking you and your vibe, after that it's out of your hands

now i'm the guy that runs the i.t. department, i am the i.t. manager, i am the one making decisions about infrastructure and servers and how to scale, again i have no degree or certs

you can get into i.t., it is not easy at first and you may have to start at the very bottom. my first i.t. position was gained by me being a temp that was willing to get the extra mile for a company at their branch office which the head i.t. guy just was too stoned/lazy to want to drive all the way out to, i was just a data entry temp guy, the managers noticed i was willing to go the extra mile to help, they had me speak to that head i.t. guy, after a talk he gave me a task, simple network printer setup, i finished and called him asking what was next, i then became the i.t. guy for that branch office

so that's one way to come up too, find some b.s. data entry job, something where you're by computers in a big office, and try to be helpful to folks you know are struggling, they're easy to spot, they don't know what right-click is and if you show them in a nice way they will love you, you show them alt-tab and they're your best friend, next time their in with the boss, "hey how's that temp guy working out?" ..."actually, he helped us out with a couple different things, he's handling his data entry, the guy wants to help and has a lot of knowledge with computers..." that is all it takes, get some corporate duder on the inside talking about how your are the bomb, then just keep that momentum going

n e ways, hope it works out well for you!

an i.t. staffing company i got a lot of basic i.t. gigs with is called teksystems, google them, they might have an office nearby and generally have a need for someone willing to do grunt i.t. tasks, migrate windows user from this workstation to that workstation manually, install ram, do windows updates all day long every day, babysit these 40 servers constantly cycling through all of them each hour and report any error you see on the screen from our custom software, etc. etc.....shit man, they had us upgrading computers one time on a navy/marine corps base, these pcs were hooked up directly into tomahawk missiles, who knows what kind of gig you might get (btw, the navy/marine corps contract jobs look soooo nice on your resume, you can be trusted on a military base, so of course you can be trusted with the payroll systems and ecommerce systems)
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm sure I could get one of those jobs but when there are other jobs willing to interview me...why not go for the better paying ones first? Like i mentioned in my above post I landed a job but pay isnt great, only 11/hour and 12/hour at 90 days. I should be fine when my 2 tents are setup, completed and my first harvests come through with early estimates putting harvest weight at 2.2-2.5 pounds and if i do really good 3 pounds every 4 months with only a few oz for personal...

How about a new roommate then? Maybe a college student looking for a temp place until summer? In your intial post it didn't sound like you had a job which is why I started throwing out job options. There's just got to be better options then joining something you don't believe in.

I may be wrong as I've never been in the military but it's my understanding you sign up for 4 years. Of course then there is the issue of whether or not you get sucked into a war which could cost you your life and if not that there are always things like the military's stop loss policy that lets them arbitrarily extend your time without you having any say.

I'm having a tough time understanding your situation though, on a minimum wage job back when minimum wage was $5 I could afford rent, cable, phone, internet, food and utilities. So I'm not understanding where twice that much isn't enough to cut it? If I were in your shoes, I'd take this new job and still pursue a second disposable job at McD's or Walmart. So what if there might be a schedule conflict down the road? It's a job at McD's or Walmart, just quit it when the conflict comes up and never put it on your resume.

Also keep in mind when I list those two McD's and Walmart those are just sterotypes for a shit job that you don't plan on keeping any longer then necessary. There are lots of others and some are even inline with the work you want to do. For example, a job as part of the "Geek Squad" for Best Buy would be good. Another might be tech support for a cable company/internet provider.

I'd just can the whole idea about military if I were you. It's not aligned with any of the things you want to do and as such it's not going to make those things a reality so I don't see where it's an option for anything other then not having to move back in with a couple of junkie/parents.


Active member
...i want to say it wasn't always like what i wrote

believe me, there were times i would show up at labor ready early in the morning, then go off and haul furniture or take apart industrial racks or dig a ditch or some other manual labor touch stuff, sometimes you just do what you gotta' do


good advice...but to break it down pulling only 1400 a month - 300 car payment, 100 cell, 75-100 student loan, 100-150 credit card, 100 auto insurance, 2-300 utilities (old home, gas super expensive to heat this house)...700 mortgage...2-300 food...60-70 internet.... that right there is 1700+....dont factor in gas, car maintenance, grow maintenance....

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Drop the cell, sell the car, start buying raman noodles. Gonna have to do what you gotta do man. Shit there have been times i had local churches providing my food for me completely free. Sell your gaming console, have a yardsale and sell everything you don't need to survive. Just fuckin do it man !! Do something instead on giving up and joining the military.
It's called life man, it's a bitch, and we all go through it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
good advice...but to break it down pulling only 1400 a month - 300 car payment, 100 cell, 75-100 student loan, 100-150 credit card, 100 auto insurance, 2-300 utilities (old home, gas super expensive to heat this house)...700 mortgage...2-300 food...60-70 internet.... that right there is 1700+....dont factor in gas, car maintenance, grow maintenance....

Okay so you only need to find a way to pick up lets say an extra $500 per month, that's not so bad. I'm still liking the temporary roommate idea but $500 extra per month shouldn't be impossible. It might mean your comfortability gets broken up for a few months but if it gets you to your goal of self sufficiency then isn't a few months of inconvenience worth it?

el dub

First off, I'd look for a roommate and then put the student loan payment at the bottom of the list.



ok i was a bit harsh-but i don't see the issue. You've got a house. You've got some stock. Make 1,000 babies. Then do it again. And again. Then come back and talk about your money problems. If you can grow there are no excuses.
I know the score-in the spring i was on rice and onions, then just rice because i couldn't afford onions. I can make 3-4-5times the average income with minimal effort and yet i still run out of cash. It's because i'm shit with money.


oh yeah-for fucks sake don't join the army
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I wish I could sell my car but then I'd have no transportation to work - not on a bus line.

Second...the value of my car wouldn't cover the amount I owe on it - I'd still have a loan payment even if I sold it. I don't have any console games, and I did inventory and the most I could sell would be my sony PSP with some games for 100 or so bux...which will cover gas for 2-3 weeks...beyond that i need some sort of communications device - how else would i call off work if needed? how else would work contact me? how would i call the police if ever necessary? trust me the bills i have now are essentials...ive consolidated...
Man sorry for your troubles .

Why don't you run down to HD and get a few shop lights and use them for a veg/clone area in a closet . Then take the tent you have set up and flower out those girls . Tighten your belt as much as poss and get through a few months till harvest and keep it rolling from there !