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If you're playing to win, here's a new soap for you. Nope, I was wrong; this is a commercial for fruit. Nope, I was right. It's a really weird commercial for soap. whistle whistle whistle whistle whistle whistle whistle whistle.


Active member
Hello all,

Going over to Fort Bragg to help clean up a beach from the tsunami....while I find the whole notion of cleaning up after a natural disaster a depressing idea, the thought of the unexpected treasures that may wash up on shore over the next decade or so is intriguing.

If you are there, I am the guy wearing the hat.

Have a great day,



Active member
I'm posting this here because I really don't need to be wasting time reading stupid flames. It's my opinion, I really don't care what anybody else thinks.

Greatest generation MY ASS! That was just a term made up by Tom Brokaw to sell his book and he himself never did anything much than bumble while and counting his money.

That generation was the first to leave the earth in WORSE shape than they found it. Pollution, ozone depletion, rampant starvation still. Even more so. They're the ones who outlawed cannabis and started this stupid, futile, wasteful, losing war on drugs. They're the ones who started the World Wars then couldn't figure out why the masses were so miserable and pissed. They're the the ones who decided the MAD policy (mutually assured destruction, that I grew under, was a thought that good idea.

If you ask the people from that era if they think they were the "greatest", they say, "Huh?". The common people just did what they needed to survive and what they felt was right.

Agreed! Brokaw can kiss my ass & it's my duty to help change it now & NOT shelter my children. People need to know that THIS IS NO LONGER A FREE COUNTRY!!! Our rights are being taken away from us right out from under our noses & we need to teach kids what "Freedom" really is & what this country was intended to be! Lets not sugar coat.


if this place is going to be saved it will be in my kids times thats my point of view on the matter.


Lover of Life
the funniest thing just happened..got a political phone call, you know the ones..I picked it up and after I said hi, she said something and I just blurted out "Muh freedoms" and she cracked up like crazy during the rest of her little talk.

she sounded cute, too.


Active member
Banner year for maple syrup
574,000 gallons produced in state, while
production jumped 70 percent across US

So who said global warming was bad? ;-P
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