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I love this shit called "Fruity Loops"...tastes just like 'em...


...this purrticular cut of Ogre is lookin' mighty fine too...


hey sorry guys, this persons first thread freaked me out though..especially after someone asked if it was a suicide note..

if everyone knows him so well, maybe someone should call him, cause he obviously only wants to leave cryptic cries for help here..knowing EVERYONE wants to know whats going on..so I guess I was trying to say..spill your guts or give it up..

anyway my apologies, the bottle aint no joke (never liked it myself, but I've seen it)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I just puffed some WOW puffage from a good friend, it doesnt have a name but its beautiful and HUGE nugsz. They are spongy but really tight inside and it breaks up into much more than it appears it will.. Nice hgih hits ya in the base of the skull and then quickly travels down the body to a screeching tingly buzzing sensation.. head is floating.. If i shut my eyes i feel like my head is at the point of a needle just balancing and moving as if it will just fall off, but never it does.. :D yes i am hgih....


Active member
snap out of it nokuy get ahold of yourself. im drunk right now for fuks sake stop being a drama queen... i drink alot but im never compelled to start cryptic threads about how much life sucks....good luck with your problems might help you to put down the bottle.

im drunk and really wanting some pancakes....


ICMag Donor
I'm innocent
until I'm proven guilty
deny everything, deny everything
I'm being framed
it's all a set-up
deny everything, deny everything

I'm just a spoke in the wheel
just a part of the puzzle
a part of the game
I'm being framed

until I'm proven guilty
deny everything
deny everything
deny everything
deny everything

grow nerd

The Truth

The Truth

Here's the truth about playing basketball with a tiger, one that's pretty obvious but most of you probably don't think about.

It's an almost never-win situation, and let me explain why.

If you lose, you just got beat in a basketball game by a four-legged animal. That's pretty humiliating.:pointlaug

If you win, you're likely to get mauled. That's pretty painful.:bat:

Like I said, you just can't win. :whiteflag:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
has anyone just been so nicely hgih you realize that infact you are hgih and had forgot you were hgih..?

quoted by sackO :D in the 3rd....

Cookie monster

Saturday it's raining and i dont care....
Beers in the fridge, herb in the grinder, rugby on the tv :)

sorry frenchies but leinster are gonna whoop ye :jump::jump:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!

i love to go over to my spot at stare at my bishes... while im hgih... :D
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