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admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.


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I'm thinkin its 3 am, my head is pounding, my mind is racing, and I dont have a super heavy hitting indica to calm me down.

not to mention I have class at 8.

I could probably ramble right now so ill stop now because ill feel like a little emo bitch when i get done explaining.

im finding myself rambling again
so instead of being that little emo bitch and explaining my situation
im just gonna ramble for a bit
i hope yall dont mind

right now im listening to DJ quik. I had no idea how good this guy is. check it out
www.imeem.com for streaming music

cereal is bomb as fuck.
someone join this thread and shoot the shit

should I go check on my girls? They're downstairs and probably sad because of under-watering. I watered earlier maybe they've perked up.

My dog is crashed the fuck out on my bed lol..

Even this typing is helping me.. something is crazy.

I usually have pretty good self control. I dont get mad and always make the best out of things.

I try to make the best out of situations and I give the props to maryjane.

I constantly catch myself comparing myself to my parents. They dont smoke weed but I think they would greatly benefeit from it. How do you spell benefiet. Benefit. Damn. finally,. i'm BAD at spelling. Thanks for the little red lines that let me know 3rd time is a charm.

Hmm. My cereal is getting soggy.

Thanks for reading which I dont expect you did!

h^2 O

im about to email in sick. I drank like a whole 2-liter of coca cola last night and haven't gone to bed and im supposed to wake up in like an hour.



h^2 O


whhhhaaat the fuuuu....:yoinks:

whatchoo smokin mayne?


alcohol and me dont mix, my true love is mary jane now.....
at least I didnt barf...
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