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Totally Random Post

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I saw a flock of wild turkeys this morning and they were fuckin HUGE.................


I wish I could experience another extra terrestrial civilization, or understand "why" we have matter, existence, time, more than just saying "well it just is and always has been because thats the way it has to be", why is it so arbitrary? if condensed matter exploded into spacetime why did that matter exist, there should be nothing not even "space" but instead we have something. Beyond that we are nothing more than entropy in some sort of dream world

Also why do we call it a flock of turkeys but a pack of wolves? i can understand a school of sardines turning into a pack http://www.instantrimshot.com/


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I always wonder if people who win the lotto, or become rich and famous some other way, then lose it all are actually Time Travelers. The universe has a way of course correcting. These people were not destined to have the fame and riches, so no matter how hard they tried to hold onto it, it was to on avail. the harder they tried, the quicker they lost it.

h^2 O

one of those little electric cars that goes on the track - slot cars, and they go fast and fly of the rail like an overcrowded train in India
With her little lacquer brush, while the phone was ringing, she went over the nail of her little finger, accentuating the line of the moon. She then replaced the cap on the bottle of lacquer and, standing up, passed her left--the wet--hand back and forth through the air. With her dry hand, she picked up a congested ashtray from the window seat and carried it with her over to the night table, on which the phone stood. She sat down on one of the made-up twin beds and--it was the fifth or sixth ring--picked up the phone.
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