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cant stop wont stop
hahahaa!! bad ass! better hope he's cool with it! i got many of friends that would fight over shit like that.. me naw, if you wanna get with my sis have at it, you're both consenting adults - and disgusting ones if i have any say in it!! :D

h^2 O

i was SO drunk that I woke up at 1am with a hangover. Damn it. Drove to the convenience store, realized I was EXTREMELY drunk like half way there...so I just drove really really fast. I'm a jerk.

h^2 O

im high as fuck

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas put a pube on Anita Hill's Coke can


some ppl take shit too seriously on the internet. On a social networking site that I frequent(its for moms), anyways, these "bitch" groups that they have are getting ridiculous. Now ppl think I'm doing things im not. Taken way out of context. They are getting all uppity over nothing! I dont have to go out of my way to make someone miserable, thats what my BF is for. (jk)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yeah the sewing circle was originally the vehicle for speeding gossip into fullblown rumors in quick order, but now the internet is just like a sewing circle on crack. The worst part is nobody really wants to listen but they all have to form opinions immediately and there will always be more of them than you.

PS Boy do I feel for IW :D


pardon me, but does anyone have grey poupon?
It puts the lotion in the basket...
jack in the box has the best chicken salads...
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