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Totally bizarre New Jersey 'Tanning Mom'



playboy? really? ........ please god tell me they are not serious.

who gets a woody when they see a piece of burnt toast?


LOL Toast of the Town. I love that one :laughing: It amazes me how some people are never happy with the bodies God gave them. :fsu:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
N.J. ‘Tanning Mom’ Reportedly Banned From Salons.......

N.J. ‘Tanning Mom’ Reportedly Banned From Salons.......


The New Jersey woman charged with allowing her then 5-year-old daughter into a tanning booth may have to travel a little further if she wants to maintain her own infamously copper complexion.

At least four tanning salons near the Nutley, N.J., home of Patricia Krentcil have banned her from visiting, according to a report posted on TMZ.com today.

Sources told the website that one of the salons, the New Jersey-based Planet Sun Tanning Salons chain, has gone so far as to post pictures of Krentcil, known as “tanning mom,” in their eight salons so that employees can identify her.

Krentcil, 44, was arrested and charged with second-degree child endangerment earlier this month after a school nurse noticed a rash on Krentcil’s daughter, Anna, that the child said was from going tanning with her mother. The school notified child services and Krentcil was taken into custody while Anna was placed in her father’s custody.

Krentcil plead not guilty and was released after posting $25,000 bail. She said that her daughter got the sunburn from being outdoors and that, while her daughter was in the room with her at the salon, she was never in the tanning booth.

“I never once in my life let me daughter, especially at that age, go into a tanning booth,” Krentcil told “Good Morning America.” “I’m very tan and I’ve been tanning my whole life.”

New Jersey law forbids anyone under 14 to use a tanning booth. Authorities have declined to identify the salon where Krentcil allegedly took her daughter, citing the “ongoing investigation,” but ABC News has identified it as the City Tropics tanning salon in Nutley, N.J.

The owner of the salon told ABCNews.com today that his salon, despite reports otherwise, is not under the threat of a further investigation by the New Jersey Department of Health or the local Nutley Health Department.

“Different agencies have showed up now, they’ve checked the beds and everything was perfect,” said the owner, Anthony, who declined to give his last name. “The state comes in, I believe, every year. We run a very clean place, no citations.”

“I believe she [Anna] was not in a tanning bed whatsoever,” he said. “If that child went into that standup unit [the tanning bed used by Krentcil], even for half the time let’s say, she would have been in the burn unit.”

A called placed to the Nutley Health Department today by ABCNews.com was not returned. An employee at the Nutley branch of the Planet Sun Tanning Salons declined to comment. A call to the chain’s corporate office was not returned.

Krentcil’s extreme tan seemed to become increasingly darker as the media and public outrage around her intensified.

The mother of five, who called her critics “jealous, fat and…ugly,” was mocked on “Saturday Night Live” and saw her parenting and tanning abilities called into question by fellow New Jersey resident, “Jersey Shore” star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi.

Krentcil will now have one thing even “Snooki” does not have, her own action figure. Connecticut-based doll maker HeroBuilders.com has announced it is releasing a “Tanorexic doll” featuring Krentcil’s signature burnt face and golden hair.

The $29.95 doll reportedly uses the same body from the Sarah Palin action figure the company also sells.


ouch...my mind eyes...
I've imagined it, and I can't ever un-imagine it

:laughing:the twitching will stop in a couple hours

this shit just keeps getting better .......... one of the "news" headlines on MSN this morning was that snookie has vowed to stop tanning. at least she is trying to get jersey some respect right?

when snookie knows you are fucked up YOU ARE FUCKED UP!
This bitch is crazy lol she seriously thinks she looks good and everyone else is just a jealous hater.

I think she must really have some kind of mental disorder though. She claimed that Playboy called her and took some pics. Yeah right, that's a flat out lie. My guess is she tells lies like this all the time because she's straight up deluded.
She is ill. Compulsive "anything" to that extent is a sign of mental instability. Hopefully this doesn't aggravate her fragile state of mind, and fling her off the edge.

She's got little kids - out of her mind is a bad place to be when you're in charge of little kids.

Hope she gets help - and sunscreen.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

it had to be '61 @ the latest and my dad went out and bought a set of tanning lamps, these bad boys were the infrared type that cast red rays, heat lamps like in nicer hotel bathrooms for after showering. Anyway dad set up a lounge chair and commenced to tanning, I forget if he fell asleep under those lamps or was in a hurry to get some color but when he shut them down he appeared to still be glowing in that same shade of red.



LOL Toast of the Town. I love that one :laughing: It amazes me how some people are never happy with the bodies God gave them. :fsu:

this is a serious and common problem that is not only affecting women but has started affecting men too


george hamilton



wasn't saying the woman didn't look crazy

I would be embarassed of having pictures of me burnt to crisp all over the internet but still I feel bad for her

I also think that she might have some trouble in the head


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Brace yourself -- Tanning Mom used to be white, and kinda hot ... at least she was in a series of glamour pics she posed for in an attempt to break into the world of modeling.

Way back when TM, aka Patricia Krentcil, was in her 20s (think T-Rex) -- and before she turned her now infamous shade of leathery brown -- she took this headshot along with some cleavage-baring swimwear photos.


Krentcil, 44, has pled not guilty to child endangerment ... saying she never took her 5-year-old daughter into a tanning booth. The case has been sent to a grand jury.

As for the glamour pics -- there are some doubts about whether the face has been photoshopped onto a hot body. For what it's worth ... our experts say it has been airbrushed, but the head appears to belong to the bod.