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Total 1st time grow!! Would like some pointers please


:yeahthats Thats what I go going on. I see them starting. How you been? Good to here things are going well for you my friend!


Hey hey Asil yeah i got budsites popping up everywhere on the 2 fast growers 60+ on the one i took time to count, other than that all is well everything is stable so i have been able to have more free time, although the other day i found mites on my salvaged clone after i had sprayed them loads prior to using them, so i bought some Savona and now no mites.

Your grow going good too i guess? Hopefully things will get interesting now then??


Yes things are going well. I have alot of sites also but no where near 60 lol. I would have done better with the scrog if I knew all my plants where female. Next run I will have a better run with it seeing as they will all be female.

Glad to here you got them mites under control. They could kill a good crop quick.

Let's see some of them budsite pics.

I will be going through withdrawal over the next few days. I am leaving tommorrow till Sunday on a camping trip with the family, then when I come home I leave for work for a week. I hope things a dialed in enough for me to be gone that long.


Yeah 1st run is a practice, your 2nd grow will always in theory be better.
Yup i 60 plus on the one plant and they are above the canopy too, not sure if i have over trained them but i'm getting very little stretch, good thing or bad? I'm not sure so just going with the flow for now.

Yeah i battered them right from the second i saw them, i know it was the unknown clone but i think i'm in the clear but will keep checking.

I will post some new ones once some buds start forming as my camera is rubbish

I doubt you will have any problems as i know you got yours locked down, have you got an auto top up? Thats what i need are they are starting to drink now


thats the thing standaman... i have had no problem moving them from place to place just that i let them stay to long in the cloner and the roots got tangled and then i had to rip them apart. so i think as i had to rip them apart i had some roots that rotted out and roots probably didnt form.


Yeah the roots are gonna be a bitch but i'm lucky because if my airstone's get tangled in which is gonna happen i can just un-clip them at the Tee piece and use new stones i have extra.
I think i will start using H & G Root's Excelurator which will help any transplanting problems.


So how are thing on the other side of the pond? I just got home from my camping trip and getting things set up for me to leave tommorrow for seven days again. I think I am going to be traveling alot this summer. Home just on the weekends. I should have a laptop with me so keep me updated with pictures so I don't go thru to many withdrawals!!!!!


Hey mate yeah things are good because the weather is good!
So the camping was good then? You camping again or a hotel this time? lol
I'm looking at going to Italy in September so just doing some research.

Ah yeah of course i'll do that for you, cos i know i'd be doing my nut being away, although getting better at leaving them alone i can go a couple of days but after 20 hours i go a bit weird!

Oh erm by the way i'm a hypocrite i did say i wasn't going to use any "help" but i've just added 1tsp of Super Bud Blaster! I never meant to do it, i just want to see something kick off


Oh erm by the way i'm a hypocrite i did say i wasn't going to use any "help" but i've just added 1tsp of Super Bud Blaster! I never meant to do it, i just want to see something kick off
That Is to funny. I can't wait to get out there tonight and see how much they have grown in 5 nights. I will shot some picture up tonight!


True story though! lol
Well i'm sure they will be very different on your return, in fact i know they will

Yeah get some up and i will tomorrow as i'm watching Moto GP

Have a good break mate and don't stress too much


Fresh off the press

Fresh off the press

Just a pic or four for the people.
As of today crystals and stickiness are my two words i will use today and i'm happy with how they are packing on the weight too so all is good



WOW buddy that is awesome. I can't beleive how big and bushy they are, with all those budsites. Great job!

You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Standaman again.


Me neither Asil, thanks for the hype up, the 1st and 3rd pics are more or less single plants, they are my two strongest by far.


Ok so today for the 1st time ever my PH is dropping as opposed to rising and EC went 1.6 to 2.0, so i'm concerned but not worried (yet)

My girls are putting on weight and getting sticky which is great too!

I have noticed today also that i have a few really crusty fan leaves that i think has been caused by my intake fan, so on noticing this i trimmed the deadness off and then got excited and started trimming off popcorn, which may slow growth a bit but so be it.


dont be afraid to get rid of a bit of nutes and hit em with tap to top up. As said above You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Standaman again.


Hey hey Naruto, yes that is my plan, i bought a 40 litre bucket just solely for plain water but thanks for the shout.

One thing i forgot to mention earlier today doing weekly check my biggest plants roots have filled my bucket by like 80-90% and its pushing the net pot out!
Can i get away with screwing the net pot down with screws? As that really is my only option as it is so confined



Hey GG good to see your back mate, yes all is going good i'm on day 36 so maybe 20 days but i will see what the trichs are doing soon as i get a microscope but they are not as white looking on the hairs so all is well.

The canopy is filling out ok too so i'm rather happy


I am about 55 or so days into it. and i think i am going to have to chop. I have had a fucked grow from the start. ripped apart roots and now they seem to be all brown. so i am going to chop them down and start over later.

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