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Toronto leos accused of exam cheating




This Toronto copper probably won't be making the sergeant's list this year.

And after the stunt he is alleged to have attempted to pull Sunday, he may never.

But he sure gave it his best shot.

Did you hear the one about the 13 Division constable who tried to cheat on his promotional test with the help from someone relaying answers from outside?

"He was wired in the exam room and his girlfriend was in the parking lot with an electronic device giving the ill-prepared writer of the exam the right answers," said a police source.

It's out of James Bond. Or, perhaps Maxwell Smart is more accurate.

Just like in the movies, sources said, the copper was wearing an earpiece and was in touch with a woman who is a police officer in 32 Division. She was in her car on her lap top computer and verbally transmitting information from a study packet.

But even the smartest plans have their glitches.

"Canadian National Exhibition security people were outside keeping an eye on the police officer's cars when they picked up a strange frequency," a police source said.


Quick thinking CNE security spotted the woman and immediately alerted senior officers. But the big question was who was the fellow deceiver?

Believed to be on the second floor of the Queen Elizabeth Building, inside the CNE grounds, senior officers went to work to find him, although it was not as easy as one might think.

"The signal being transmitted between them was picked up so the exam monitors attempted to identify the writer of the exam and in doing so, removed the wrong person," said the source.


"They took the poor guy out of the room and he was pretty embarrassed," said a colleague. "It's not easy to go back and write a test after something like that."

Soon after they quickly zeroed in on the actual alleged scammer.
One source said both are back at work and under investigation by the services' professional standards branch. Another said the male officer has been suspended with pay.

"The Toronto Police Service does not comment on internal disciplinary investigations," explained TPS communications coordinator George Christopoulos.

But some members of the service have called saying that if this happened as described, they want the book thrown at them.
"Officers trying to advance fair and square are appalled," said one copper. "They are disgusted."

If it wasn't so despicable it would be hilarious. But police officers are not laughing -- the constable who was originally and wrongfully blamed in particular.

It's not the image the Toronto Police needs at a time when it's reeling from post-G20 credibility problems and when officers are before the courts for everything from assaults to attempted murder.

You'd expect every person writing the sergeant's exam to have their integrity intact. Sources say the officer in question has written the test before and "scored very well but did not do as well during the interview process."

It's not as easy to hide the earpiece in a one on one, I guess.
One copper, who wants the those involved to hand in their badges, made the point "if they will cheat on something like this what else would they cheat on?"

But will they be fired?

Maybe they'll be back to work one day and try to convict you of something.

But if this cop ever gets another shot at a promotion exam -- and that can't be likely -- they'll probably take a look in his ear before he sits down to write it.
Emphasis added by me...

I shake my head - wow, what else have these dirt bags conspired to cheat/lie/perjure on???


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
this is such a fluke cops never lie or cheat or do anything wrong.... -=\


this is such a fluke cops never lie or cheat or do anything wrong.... -=\
I know, eh...

Thankfully these are the only 2 bad leo in T.O. - other than the 1 poor bastard taking the fall for beating the asses of protestors in the G8/G20 summits.

1 leo - charged w/ 2 beatings. There were hundreds of illegal detainings/beatings/hassles, but only one leo is being held accountable.

3 bad leo, in a city of 2.5 million.


Active member
It comes down to these guys thinking that because they enforce the law, and have been doing it for a while, that they are above it, and that the underhanded shit they pull everyday is justified, because they know better then us about what's going on in the world.

I want to see absolute medieval punishment for dirty cops, like public executions.
If we cut off enough cop heads for being dirty, the ones left will probably start following the rules.

But this joke of slapping the wrist of one out of every 1000 dirty cops does nothing to prevent the same behavior from others in the future.
It's time for some severe consequences for their actions.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
But this joke of slapping the wrist of one out of every 1000 dirty cops does nothing to prevent the same behavior from others in the future.

Indeed, 1:1000 odds of getting caught or to put it another way a 99.99% chance of getting away with it are pretty damn good odds in favor of being a dirty cop.


May your race always be in your favor
Once a cheat alwaays a cheat. They should look at his past cases to see if "cheating" was involved. Then just FIRE the S.O.B.

and remember to:smoweed:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

oh golly, who would have figured this type of behavior from a cop? bless the lord that they have 'paid administrative leave' for leo up in Canada too.......

boys i was on the line with a prominent canadian politician last night and when I asked him what he plans to do about the failed police complaints comission a moderator came on my line and told me that although i had a good question they may not be able to answer my question in the alotted time. They then went on to take a bunch of calls from seniors on healthcare. Wouldnt want any controversy right?

Canada is a police state. if you don't believe it you have your head in the sand

look up buddy tavares. brain damaged golf course worker kicked in the head by local cop while on all fours. cop is on paid admin leave.

guess who heads the BC complaints commission for cops? an ex-cop who let the Dszienski airport murderer cops off.

cops can do ANYTHING in Canada and get away with it

remember ian bush? shot in back of the head in interrogation room. magically the video recorder was off!!!! cop is still working

Po La Hey escaped the brutality of the Burmese military junta to live in Toronto. The cops broke down the wrong door on a drug warrant, beat the shit out of him, and also had their way with a couple 20 year olds living upstairs. Sorry! We got the wrong house!

Yao Wei Wu, pulled out of his house (they got the wrong house again) and beaten at 2 am in the morning in front of his non-english speaking family. Apparently police chief goes to his hospital bedside and tries to get him to not file charges.

There are a hundred more. people can protest all they want but nothing changes. total brutality.

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