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Toronto folks check this out...

OK it didn't work proper but click on the link...then look up at "hot topics" and click on Mariam Makhniashvili. I sure hope the girl turns up safe and alive, but this is a gross infringement on people's rights.

danny karey

For somthing like this, everyone is willing to help man, everyone will pull togeather and try and find out what happend. We just got over the same thing, happend to a girl in a town called Woodstock.

Im pretty glade I don't live in Toronto, It's alright to visit I guess, but I wouldn't want to live there.

I'll try and find out about what your talking about, I'll see if I can get a link to work.

Well they say if you deny entry they may come back with a search warrant...so now the police can get a warrant on the grounds of denying them entry?

I would co-operate, but I would clean out my place of any smoke related stuff.

And if there is an abductor/murderer...why give him/her the warning to clear out their place of evidence?

danny karey

What Im saying is, I dont think many people would deny them entry, because of what there looking for. Obviously you would hide a drug stuff, thats a no brainer.

Well dude, Im sure there doing this for a reason, not just for fun, it would take a butt-load of officer's to pull this off too, alot of tax dollars ....etc.

I take it you must be in Toronto? Just clean out your place man, it's not very hard, and this is also for a very good cause, right?

They "may" come back with a warrent, not, were gonna kick your door in if ya refuse us, Im just gonna wait and see what happens and I also hope they find the scummy piece of trash that did this shit too.

I'm not from Toronto but posted this for those who are. The thing is, where will it end? Everytime there is a missing person the police will scour and entire neighbourhood's homes? There is always someone missing. The police will use these cases as a false pretense to gain entry into homes when they feel like doing whatever sort of sweep.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
ya they are looking for miriam maklasheny or something like that. they found a child abducter/murderer this way a few years ago. the guy said no so they got a warrant and came back and of coarse they found evidence. im glad they caught they guy but he pretty much totally fucked himself. as soon as i heard about the new search i immediatly pondered.....i wonder how many closet growers are in that 6000 house radius?


Active member
Well they say if you deny entry they may come back with a search warrant...so now the police can get a warrant on the grounds of denying them entry?

"They" say that, do they? Those horrible "theys". "They" are always up to no good.

Let's nip this in the bud right now. Can the police obtain a search warrant based upon the denial by a resident to the police, refusing them entry into a private residence, without more? No and HELL NO. That would be "no", as in not-one-chance-in-a-billion "NO".

Now, that said, if you were to deny entry, what you would find yourself on is a police list of possible suspects. They will triage that list. There may then be follow-ups looking at your day-to-day conduct. If there is some other aspect of the case that persuades the police you are a "person of interest", you can expect that they will pay attention to you more closely. If their suspicions have some basis in reality and you look like a real suspect, there is a good chance you will be put under police surveillance. Ultimately, evidence they obtain from surveillance and other sources MIGHT then lead to a search warrant and/or wire tap being issued.

These investigatory techniques have been used in the past to find, arrest and prosecute murderers in Toronto. You will recall that young girl some years ago who was sexually assaulted, murdered and then her body was transported via the TTC in a suitacse and her body dumped near Centre Island? Requests to enter and search all residences near her home was the tactic the Police used to catch that killer. He denied entry (some others did too) and they triaged him, put him under surveillance, picked up a thrown away soft-drink can to get a DNA sample as I recall, too, and noted his bathroom carpet in his apartment matched the color of the fibers found on the girl's body. They got their warrant and went in to search for the girls DNA and to do the carpet fibre sample match.

The evidence was there. The accused plead guilty. The police got their man. I'm glad they did, too. She was just a little kid, after all.

There is nothing illegitimate or illegal about these police investigatory techniques. Fortunately, they are expensive and extreme investigatory methods and are used only in the most serious of cases -- when there is nothing else to go on.

You'll have to deal with the fallout as best you can if your home is in the neighbourhood search area. If you say no to their entry you had better keep to a very straight and narrow path thereafter until a suspect is arrested (and you are then removed from a surveillance list). Sorry - but there it is. You'll have to deal with it as best you can. Don't say you weren't warned.

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