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Torn tendon in shoulder.....


Registered Med User
Bad medical care. waiting on surgery, until then its pain pills galore, was wondering if anyone had any experience or any success using cannabis in any way shape or form for the extreme pain I been going through. I already smoke it all the time but maybe there is another method that may be more effective for what ales me...


A balm could be made...but I do not know if it would help...

Make canna oil and dissolve some pure beeswax into it...when you get the mix right it will form a balm @ room temp...

Roots have alkaloids th@ may help, but I am still researching it...



Active member
I feel your pain. Had the surgery at end of Sept. Torn rototor, torn labrum muscle, and brysitis to boot.
Getting comfortable is near impossible. Cannabutter made into cookies, other eadibles really helped at bedtime. 4-6 hours of sleep instead of the 1-2 none at all scenario.
Ice packs, pain meds, and no motion in shoulder.
Do your homework and get a good, no not good, great surgeon. Make sure. Sports Medicine dude, if possible.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
are you even sure surgery is the answer..i tore my rotator cuff and ripped my tendon right off the shoulder blade in colloege..was a pitcher..never had it fixed..it healed on it's own forming a tendon sheath infusion..don't really have any problems except once in awhile it will dislocate..a mild dislocation..my clavicle is pushed way high from it..
seems most who have had the shoulder surgery suffer way more than i do..
glad i didn't have the surgery..just something to think about..
good luck with what ever you do..i do find pot brownies the wife makes very relaxing and calming..


Registered Med User
Well thanks yall for the support. Ive been dealin with this for about a year now, finally was able to get an mri 2 months ago, finally got back to me last week and told me what was wrong, itll probly be another 6 months before they can get me in the surgery room. County medical sucks.
Lately smoking a whole lot of hash and taking a pill has increased my sleep from 2 hours before wake n re-pill to 3-4, like jones said, sedation is the key.


Active member
when you do go for the operation, speak to the anesthesiologist...

ask him/her to use the smallest tube for your throat. this will help prevent you from having the worst sore throat of your life while you recover from the surgery itself. this tube has barbs on its surface to prevent you from regurgitating it while unconscious. when the surgery is complete, they pull it out of your throat. (painful)...THE SMALLER THE TUBE, THE EASIER IT IS TO REMOVE, AND YOU WILL HAVE LESS PAIN WHEN YOU BREATHE, SWALLOW, ETC...

The anesthesiologist knows this, and when you request a small tube (pediatric if possible), he will know that you know. he is more likely to take care of you.

also confide in him your current self-medications...this is critical for him/her to calculate the proper dosage of the concoction of drugs used to knock you out.

sorry to hear you have been dealing with this pain for so long.

comfort yourself knowing it will end soon.



honestly im not a big fan of cannabis's affects for severe pain, for me it seems to add to the pain (by making it more noticeable not necessarily more intense) for my congenital back condition.


Yo Mo,

I've been through similar experiences. A serious Mt.Bike crash eff'ed up my right shoulder. I was sure it was broken but the Urgentcare x-ray showed no breaks. the next day I saw an Orthodoc....waiting room decorated with his powerlifting trophies....He told me the shoulder joint suffered a stinger. 10 days later I went back, still unable to lift my arm. He said that with no break, the pain was from the Rotator Cuff. With my 7 yr. old son in the room, he basicly called me a wuss and to prove the integrity of the tendons, he would numb the joint, then see if I could lift my arm.

After jabbing me repeatedly, and deeply, we waited 15 mins. and he came back and asked me to lift my arm. Ahhh, I could use my arm! Dickhead told me to man up and go home.
For the next 9 mo. I lived with a combination of fire and lighting in my shoulder. Slight improvement followed by setbacks.

My wife finally convinced me to see another Doc. Started over with new x-rays and such. Endured 3 mo. of very painful range of motion physical therapy.
This Doc. concluded i had "impingment" and he would do arthoscopic repair.

I awoke from the surgury with the Dr. in my face saying they had to open up my shoulder to fix major damage that had not reveled itself through diagnostics. I couldn't understand the info at that point, so I called for the repeat the next morn.

For 1 yr. I had been sporting a break at the end of the Humerus, they removed a piece the size of my thumbnail, and smoothed the end of the bone. The Rotator Cuff was 95% torn with only two small threads on either side remaining. My Humerus had been smashed into the Clavical, crushing the tendons. The Dr. was able to stretch the torn tendons over and through the joint, and pin them to the Humerus.

The recovery was strapping the arm to my side for 2mo. Then slowly worked on range of motion till I was well.

Drs. don't know, Diagnostics don't show, listen to your body. Having a high tolerance to pain, and ignoring what my body was telling me, made my recovery much longer than it could have been.

If/when you get your shoulder fixed, don't worry about any tube down your throat, the firey pain of the surgical site will completely overpower any minor discomforts.

It's been a few years now and I hardly ever feel pain in my shoulder, only if I'm throwing real hard while skipping stones across the lake.

Good Luck, don't rush the recovery, you don't want a bum shoulder for life.

Peace out,


I had a similar experience.I went in for a subacromial decompression and woke up to find I had a BankHart procedure(capsular shift).Numerous bone fragments,fractured glenoid and shredded labrum.A few bone anchors later,it is almost back to normal.I await having the same surgery in a month as my right shoulder has been bad and I am in agony.I am already on 480mg of Oxycontin daily.The pain you are having is acute pain of injury which pot really is not the best thing for,IMHO.Ice it down or use heat or alternate.Like previous posters have said sedation is the key.Good luck-BigD
when you do go for the operation, speak to the anesthesiologist...

ask him/her to use the smallest tube for your throat. this will help prevent you from having the worst sore throat of your life while you recover from the surgery itself. this tube has barbs on its surface to prevent you from regurgitating it while unconscious. when the surgery is complete, they pull it out of your throat. (painful)...THE SMALLER THE TUBE, THE EASIER IT IS TO REMOVE, AND YOU WILL HAVE LESS PAIN WHEN YOU BREATHE, SWALLOW, ETC...


God thanks for the memories, that happend to me