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Topping res in dwc


first time with a dwc setup and was wondering if when topping off res should I pour the water straight over the hydroton or lift lids and top res directly?


I say lift the lids,

If you water through the hydroton, it stays too wet and you will get root rot.


Le us know.

Namaste :joint:


i have to disagree with danny-boy. i think there's no problems with watering through hydroton - it doesn't take more than a few minutes until hydroton is dry if you have good air circulation and enough light there. how it could even be too wet?
I don't think it really matters which way you choose to fill your system as neither will damage anything or cause root rot. I choose to pour water through the hydroton as it helps breakdown/reduce the salt build up. I have found this helpful especially during the final few weeks of flowering when you are flushing the system.


I don't think it really matters which way you choose to fill your system as neither will damage anything or cause root rot. I choose to pour water through the hydroton as it helps breakdown/reduce the salt build up. I have found this helpful especially during the final few weeks of flowering when you are flushing the system.

Thats kind of what I was thinking, by pouring through hydroton wouldn't it basically flush the roots inside the hydroton? Or if I am looking for that effect should I just hold my lid over the bathtub and run cool water through the net pot?


These days, when I run dwc I mostly auto top up using a float valve in a control bucket...

but I, personally, have never had an issue with pouring through hydroton. like stated above by CareFreeLivin "...it helps breakdown/reduce the salt build up...." I have always felt the same and occasionally still pour some water through the hydroton but most goes in the control bucket.


I must stress this as Hydro ton is designed to hold water,the moisture held on the inactive roots will rot them, as far as running water through them to prevent salt buildup, Think about this, If you water through the saltbuild up those build up salts will mix in with your res and create problems. little bit of maintenance but i believe its worth it.


Namaste :joint:



do you have a link to a thread of yours where you have experienced this issue first hand?
would love to see it. In my experience, like stated above, with proper airflow etc. this won't happen. I'd love to see were you experienced this so we could see why.


Would you please guide me to a link that says it doesn't?, as I was under the impression this was an opinion based on experience website?

We're not here to prove each other wrong we're here to help each other and so far no one can ever be wrong because everyone will experiance different issues, I grew a large Sativa in a DWC set up and the stem had established itself in the net pot and the top end of the roots was also present in the net pot, Upon top feeding the top few balls would dry out but the balls beneath it held moisture and that constant moisture on the roots that were not in the bubbling res solution began to rot and excrete a slimy substance (most probably a Catalyst) and in eventuality rotted my roots,not even H202 would help.

Maybe a Degree in Botany and Microbiology, will stand me in on your link ref. but I have no time to squabble with pride issues, I will unsubscribe and offer no more opinion here as I've had this issue before and feel its not worth my CAP.

Vdub818, I wish you the best of luck.

Wasnt me, Namaste dude. have a :joint: and chill we're all on the same team.

Namaste to all.



Active member
If your doing DWC you will need an access port, Hydroton naturally holds a certain amount of water(its pourous) but if it can drain freely will hold very little & certainly not enough to cause rot, ive been playing with the stuff for many years & im currently using it with DWC, my preferred grow method! This is what you want to do bro! an old example:

Rockwool holds many times more the amount of water than hydroton does & again as long as it can drain freely it holds the perfect water to air ratio, why its so popular in the horticulture world.

As for watering from the top, you may want to do that while the roots are establishing themselves in the res solution(Wk1), after then its not nessasary but a leach through every now and then to keep the media clean is going to help imo. Just dont saturate your nets 24/7 n you'll be fine! I think thats the point Danny was trying to make!

Good Luck! ;)
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have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
i run drip rings into hydroton, soak the bejesus out of it every 6 hours.

it's supposed to get wet. it isn't called drydoton.


Active member
Can anyone else see the pics? Its just an access hole cut in the top of tote/rubbermaid DWC Res!


Would you please guide me to a link that says it doesn't?, as I was under the impression this was an opinion based on experience website?

We're not here to prove each other wrong we're here to help each other and so far no one can ever be wrong because everyone will experiance different issues, I grew a large Sativa in a DWC set up and the stem had established itself in the net pot and the top end of the roots was also present in the net pot, Upon top feeding the top few balls would dry out but the balls beneath it held moisture and that constant moisture on the roots that were not in the bubbling res solution began to rot and excrete a slimy substance (most probably a Catalyst) and in eventuality rotted my roots,not even H202 would help.

Maybe a Degree in Botany and Microbiology, will stand me in on your link ref. but I have no time to squabble with pride issues, I will unsubscribe and offer no more opinion here as I've had this issue before and feel its not worth my CAP.

Vdub818, I wish you the best of luck.

Wasnt me, Namaste dude. have a :joint: and chill we're all on the same team.

Namaste to all.


It seems the one that needs to chill out is you. Relax..maybe smoke less when you come on here and read.
I only asked to see your experiences as my experiences, as stated above, has never been the same as yours. I was interested in seeing yours. You are the only one perceiving this as some "squabble" or "pride issue".
You were restating your opinion in this thread as an authority over the multiple opinions opposite yours so it seemed obvious you had a negative experience. There is no need to take it personal when someone asks to see your experience.
There are many variables in everyones grows and it is usually a combo of variables that cause an issue like that, root rot in hydroton, ... again, hence why I asked to see.

I suggest you stop assuming & looking for the negativity in people .. Those that look tend to think they found it.

good luck


Active member
Can you see them now guys please, i didnt realise that album was still private!

OK thanks!
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When I used to run DWC I installed a 19mm elbow and grommet at the lowest point possible, I had a clear tube connected to it that ran up the side of the bucket. I was able to keep an eye on the water level with this. I had a funnel in the top which I used to top up. It also was able to swivel 90 degrees so I could drain the tub. All this talk of taking lids off with plants and roots to fill and drain....KISS

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