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Top Soil

Is it okay to use top soil if you mix in other stuff like dehydrated cow manure and feed the plants enough? Im asking cuz top soil is cheap and somebody told me it has like no nutrients in it so it doesnt do well on its own but i figure if i just add stuff to it it will work out fine. What do you think?


you could , but would be best of making a compost and using that as a base ..
i use the soil at the bush patch to grow seedlings , i just add some silt from the creek that ive let drain for a week and add blood and bone and vermiculite and other rotten vegetation that has become soil , mix her up and whalla .... when they get around 4 inches high i give them a good dose of pelletised chicken shit before planting them out a week or so later .... best to start with the best stuff available .....
What I would do would be: do the top soil thing and then just buy the nutrients it needs seperate and just feed it with water


one in the chamber
wallyduck, you must be from a smaller town in the US or Canada.....am I right or wrong? I'm just saying that based on the way you described your method....sounds like you know your shit ;)
Green thumb, might as well just buy good soil then waist money on more neuts. Or just plant in the dirt you got in your backyard and put neuts in that. Same think. Well in my opinion.
Actually i think wally lives down under in austrailia. Yea i dont think im going to use top soil. I'll shell out the extra $$ for a few bags of good soil. Im sure it'll be worth it come fall.
Good call greenthumb, :) . I would probably have done it the other way though. I would have gone with the neuts but good soil is probably esier and your plant's will grow normaly. Good Luck.


i just back into the woods and noticed how nice the soil is .. theres a creek out there with nice looking sand .. so my question is what ratios of each would make for a nice herb growin mix .. i saw you mention loam which i think i saw at the creek ..could you describe this for me .. iam going to be adding bone and blood meal along with verm and perilite . my last question is how can i sterilize this soil outsied without setting up a camp fire ? are there fungicidal type things i could add ??
Im also very curious of a good soil preperation method that will supply my plants with enough nutrients to thrive all year long til harvest. Im very sick of buying bags of dirt and hauling them back to my plots, so this year I just want to use the existing soil that is already there, and add alot of shit to it so it will be very good soil. Any suggestions of soil mixes?


Iam going to be using AN 2+ fertilizers .. so iam thinking about just using sand loam topsoil perilite and water crystals .. figuring as long as the soil can hold up the plant and retain water for three or four days , along with the nutes , it should work . what do you think . also, when using water crystals ,is it best to let the soil become completley dry ,so the nutes built up in the crystals are used up ??
Chief, I see you changed your mind like I did. Good thing, i heard blood meal can attract animals due to its smell. It sounds like your soil mix should work. Let us know how the AN2+ works outside. Ive yet to read any reports of people using it for anything other than indoor grows.


hey green thumbs...yeah iam always learning new things in this place ,o it not hard to find youreself changing things around . i just checked out this thread on benifical fungus, saw that you can get it cheapper than AN voodoo juice or Pirhana so it makes me wonder. do i wwaste the money on the An nutes or try someone else .the reason why i wan tto use the An nutes is that they have the ENTIRE feeding regimen . Mumic anf fulvci acids , organic teas, th ebenificials .. I know there are other products out there so anyone has a list of them i would appreciate any input on the subject . Maybe i can get away with Bogs Pure Blend and earth juice program with some fungi tossed in the mix?.Sure would save me a ton a money...money i would rather be spending on the ladies =)


If you plan on moving it any distance, go for peat or coco instead, as its far lighter. Be sure to pick up some ferts, even if its just some alaska fish form. or some 20-20-20. good luck!
Yea i was planning on using fish emulsion this year instead of miracle grow. Tryin to do this completely organic. As for all the MG haters i used the 20-20-20 last year with no problems. I just want to be able to say my budz are organic! What is a good organic flowering nutrient?? I know bat and sea bird guano teas are good but i have no idea where to get them by where i live. Do you think any guano's would be in commercial stores such as home depot, wal mart, agway, etc.??


hey skunk . my mission is to not have to drag ANYTHING into the woods .. execpt syrynges filled withthe organic nutes ..The top soil iam looking at is from the forrest floor and is dark and full of humus ..so maybe i can just add a little loam to it and run with it?? iam going to mix up some test batches and look for drainage qualities ..maybe even do a test grow with the differnt batches and see what works best


Guy's, this time around I used safers all purpose plant food with fish emulsion
and it was great. I have used MG 20,20,20 and schultz's 20,20,20 in the past with good results but the safers was great. Man that stuff smells terrible but the plants loved it. Got it at home depot.


today the wife bought some foxfarms ocean forrest organic potting soil. I came home saw it in the garage. Was like ahh honey she said BS that is mine.. for her lil herb garden thyme, oregano etc... i guess But just outta curiousity Is that soil alone ready to grow out some plants outdoors. Or do i have to add some more to it? it has all kinds of castings, sea stuff, etc... i didnt read it all she snagged it and put it up. Made me go inside get ready to eat. Ate, got high and came here.. So please help me what could i use with this PS or is it ok alone? I want to grow something good this summer outside.. peace

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


Active member
Start with Foxfarms Ocean Floor and mix 3 parts FFOF: 1.5 parts perlite: 1 part coco fiber. 1T dolomite lime per 3 gallon of soil, as well as 1C worm castings per 3 gallons of soil.

A friend of mine sent me the above recipe for soil. Good luck. Peace. :canabis: TJ

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