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top of the heap to third world status in one generation

Haha haha 😂 what liberal paid by Clinton and Obama wrote that 😂 liberal shit is getting deep .... Are all liberals blind? Your so focused on trump you can't see the bullshit your now swimming in haha😂 😅😂


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
More NY police officers attacks today. If the Cops aren't safe how about it's citizens......


Well-known member
also cops are liars.

seen it both ways .. it's a most human trait, an attribute

I've had leo s confiscate my weed and tell me they would dispose of it properly ... that WAS 30+ yrs back .. nothing really changes.

^^^I know fake news......I don't believe anybody anymore. But I do believe we have an immigrant problem from what I see here in Denver. With my eyes.....they don't lie.

Our Governor signed a law into effect Sept. 1st that gives authority to stop and imprison anyone in the state without legal documentation . These people I will call humans with damp backs and are in a hurry right now to move to a sanctuary state and city and out of Texas .. Denver will change .. soon.

Tuck's latest video ..


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