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Top o' the mornin to ye!



Oh, that is really lame. I know. :pointlaug
Anyway Its nice to see my fello irish doin it for themselves!
We do have more smokers than any other european country.


Active member
lorain said:
Oh, that is really lame. I know. :pointlaug
Anyway Its nice to see my fello irish doin it for themselves!
We do have more smokers than any other european country.

hows it goin loraine , now what part of the emerald isle u from ?


Top o' the mornin to ye and the rest of the day to me :joint:
I'm from Belfast to well there are there abouts.


augh alright there me little lepracaun hows she going ? Belfast here, the big smoke to you little people, lol. Good to see more of us at it !!

What you growing ?


I was gonna grow them this time but got a few seeds from a mate of mine. Bubblelicious WW Crystal i think.

If i were you id go and pop the whole packet grow them for 2 weeks and bud them. Ive heard mixed reviews, i dont wanna put you off but what if your 1 plant hermies which can happen. Most likely theyll be fine but what if ? its a big waste of time and buds man.

If your nervous about the cops dont be, unless you have a full room(s) blitzed you dont need to worry. just my 2 cents

ps. Rule numero uno....TELL NO ONE.



You right the only people that know is me and the wife.
If she hermies out on me (the plant not the wife)then its a waste of time and a lesson learned but i'l wait and see and hope for the best, if i see any balls i'll be pickin the fuckers off.