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Too potent = bad nausea?


Active member
No! (unless you really know how to make your budder... )
There's a misconception I've found in nearly 80% of all my real life acquaintances who have prepared canna-food. I just wanted to put this out there for anyone who might be curious...

Scenario one-

My buddies that had got sick, and ate the same amount as someone else, and the others didn't. They assume it's cause one is more tolerant than the other or can handle more of the affects, or simply that their body just can't handle that much thc/cbd/cbn/whatever.
-Thats not the case at all! The reason why one is affected differently is because some peoples liver are i guess you could say...' stronger'?... than others.C


Some people's livers can handle more (or less) oil/butter than others
- Hence, the reason why one persons liver will get overloaded quicker than another, leading to nausea and the bodies natural reaction to want to dispose of the overloaded excessive amount of oil/butter.

let me quote a source just for reference...
Its in the Liver where fat gets broken down into fatty acids and glycerol....Liver manufactures bile which is stored in the gall bladder and passes in to the duodenum-where it breaks bicarbonate which changes the pH of the partially digested food from acid to base. Pancreatic amylase which completes the digestion of carbohydrates. Pancreatic lipase which breaks down fats into fatty acids
Too much oil, is simply just that, too, much, oil. So keep it small and potent, that's why I pressure cook:good:! My max dose of oil use to be 2tbsp, but in past 5 years it has become 1-1.5 tbsp of oil (per serving/eating - not for a full batch) due to bad health decisions with what I ate/drank/took that hurt my liver (not badly, but just enough) and eventually lead to IBS, which has made me more sensitive to it.

Scenario two-
Let's say brosef and wifey brew up a batch of budder and half ass the plant material filtering part (getting allot of plant matter in the butter) cause they love the taste of it in the brownies that much and just don't care, and they cook it up and eat them all up, don't get sick and get really high. So you go home and try this, filtering exactly like them, not much though, and you get sick to your stomach! WHAT the hell right?

This one I have a simple answer for, terpenes.

Many times I've had friends do this, one gets sick, or none get sick, or all get sick! Even I have done it and got sick sometimes and not other times. This one gets me wondering and still somewhat confused!

If you left in the cannabis material, one's stomach may be more powerful and break down the material easier or maybe a reaction occurs thanks to the bile and acids and makes you sick or whichever. I'm sure there are MANY factors in this and that there is not just ONE answer. But i know that ALL these issues related to plant matter ingestion, are caused by one main thing - terpenes. Also, the hairs on cannabis which are what you see on nugs such as white widdow - all that white, is not thc, its the hairs... the greasy sticky hairs that do nothing but upset your tummy if ingested. Unlike a true thc productive nug filled with trichs that glistens in the light.. not just 'slightly' with a whole lotta white.

JUST FILTER your sensi with some silk screen/cheese cloth!!!

Other than the possibility that one person may have an 'allergic' reaction to the plant MATERIAL (not the thc, etc). Or maybe you have had so much of it that you'r body somehow... adapts to it with no problem after years of eating it raw.. idk..could have genetics more prone to gettings sick to the plant matter , whatever.

Point is, plant matter does make you sick in most cases if you have too much... too much would be the necessary amount to make a batch of brownies, and not filtering any of it. just adding it right in. DO not do that unless you know you can handle it (which you are damn lucky if you can, cause i've only known two people who can do that). Too much would be ... well it's dependent on your body type, only you can find that out through trial and error:puke:

So, if you keep making somethin and getting sick from it, question these two main factors.
How much oil/butter are you using per serving?
How much plant matter itself is getting into the mix?

and of course, maybe you simply know how to make potent butter and used a large flower amount per/oil or butter ratio - and really did come out with WAY to strong, and got nausea from it being to intense idk - i have never had that with myself as much as i'd like to try i just never have enough nugs when i realize i want to try over-doing it, so have not found where my tipping point is with potency (though my tolerance is so high i know it would take quite a bit, 'les it was nevilles haze jejeje). I wont forget this next harvest :p


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I have actually not only had nausea, but full fledged vomiting, from having 'too potent' butter. To answer your questions, it was no more butter than you would regularly put on toast, and there was no plant matter. Outkastt makes the best butter! :D

In fact, I don't want to blame is on stomach trouble at all. I got sick for much the same reason I get sick if I drink to much - everything was out of balance. So, probably more on the order of motion sickness, than an actual physical reaction in my digestive system.

But it certainly was a result of the potency of the butter.

Better believe that next piece off toast had just a skim of butter on it :biglaugh:


Active member
I've gotten that motion sickness as well! A few times but I didn't think it was due to potency cause it was an odd kind of motion sickness.... i couldn't even sit down... my stomach had to be completely horizontal and level with the rest of my limbs and body....had to lay down for hours upon hours ... but i get sleepy from cannabis so luckily it wasn't a painful 7 hours lol.

I'm lookin up outkastt's butter recipe right now, I need somethin very potent and small, i rush mine to fast by using a pressure cooker, i should let it sit for weeks in oil or honey ya know?
I'm not sure about that because I have never gotten nausea from eating canna-butter, however, I have seen friends vomit from eating brownies/cookies/etc. These individuals are usually very casual users of cannabis who smoke maybe once a month. So I'm not sure if I buy the hypothesis that canna-butter cannot make you sick to your stomach. Who knows, it would be interesting to do some further researh on this subject.


I read somewhere that it is the actual trichomes that produce the resin that are the problem.
Something about how some people can brush against immature plants of one strain or another, and wind up with a rash. Because the trichomes are miniscule pointy slivers, and some people may react to one plant's particular sap or resin, but not to a different strain.

Therefore if you eat poorly filtered budder with trichomes still init, perhaps one's digestive system gets microspic plant rash and reacts badly to the resin.

This is why I won't ever eat cold water hash, but i'd be delighted to smoke it!

I've reacted badly to edibles too, and I'm looking forward to trying the water + oil cooking recipe to hopefully remove all the trichomes while leaving the oil imbued with resin. I shouldn't eat butter, I can't have the milk protein, casein. Before I knew about my problem with casein, the only edibles I had had were made with butter with the plant matter left in. :p


I hope you are not saying that eating cannabis oil is bad for your liver, because I ingest tincture just about every day.

Mr. Charlie

I hope you are not saying that eating cannabis oil is bad for your liver, because I ingest tincture just about every day.
I have just recently been creating some tinctures and I have just began testing out the first batch. I have not found any stomach side effects... although, butter usually has some sort of effect on the digestive system for me.

The tincture also creates more of a euphoric high versus a stony-downer kind of buzz. It seems like over medicating on tincture would take a boatload. With butter products, I find it very easy to over-medicate and end up silly on the couch.

I think tinctures are worth a look... cheers


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
On a related note, ANY form of oral consumption, gives me wicked gas.

I belch up that nasty taste constantly, and out the other end, it's.... unpleasant, to put it mildly :D

When I mention this to others, they've noticed the same thing.

How about you guys? Is cannabis going to overtake beans in the musical fruit contest when it's legal? :chin:


Tincture does not give me gas. It hits me slower than smoking but faster than cooked edibles. It doesn't get me as high as smoking but it helps arthritis pain . Best thing for me is smoke a couple hits and take some tincture at about the same time. When the smoke starts tapering off the tincture starts kicking in.


Thanks for discussing this subject! I smoke to handle nausea and vomiting and am just learning about edibles. The brownies I made did not make me puke. I used 1/3 cup melted budder along with 1/3 cup vegetable oil. 8x10 pan. The budder was well strained. They made me feel real relaxed,and helped me sleep thru pain. I also used budder to grease the pan. They tased real good too. Never bothered my guts at all. MW

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Great info Solace! Yea, I've gott'n bubble guts and nasea from over potent eddibles before, never vomited though. Im curious if your diet or what else you've had to eat that day, has any part in it. It makes sence that your liver would be the deciding factor. So, someone with say, a damaged liver from alcohol, be more inclined to get nausea from eddibles?

I've found that I get best results when I consume an eddible and eat a meal about 15 mins later. I've also figured my proper dosage and have been succesfull with consistancy when making my butter.... which I think is important.


This is why you eat fiber with your food, it slows the absorption of nutrients which gives your body time to react and also help you shit out the excess food that may be causing problems.

Remember some cannabinoids actually inhibit some of the detoxifying enzymes so if you eat too much with foods like brownies and other heavily processed foods, your body finds it hard to get rid of the junk and guess what, you will be shitting from the mouth.

Eat your herb with some nuts and seeds or avocado for your fats and you will be good because they have phytonutrients, minerals, fiber(soluble and insoluble) along with the fat.

If you have a potent butter food take a psyllium husk drink with it or get metamucil(it's psyllium husk too) but make sure you get the regular kind without sugar because it may give you heart burn. It gives me heartburn.


On a related note, ANY form of oral consumption, gives me wicked gas.

I belch up that nasty taste constantly, and out the other end, it's.... unpleasant, to put it mildly :D

When I mention this to others, they've noticed the same thing.

How about you guys? Is cannabis going to overtake beans in the musical fruit contest when it's legal? :chin:

You get gas because you are most likely eating very little fiber and the bacteria in your gut are happy that you are and they are going crazy because they love fiber and they break it down which produces gas but this is good because when they breakdown fiber it produces short chain fatty acids which is good for keeping your gut healthy, managing weight, and health overall.

Overtime if you eat fiber everyday your gut gets used to it and gas is less.


Active member
I hope you are not saying that eating cannabis oil is bad for your liver, because I ingest tincture just about every day.

no that's not what i'm saying jeje - I am saying having too much can make you sick - it wont in any way harm your body, I say eat as much as your body PERMITS you to, if you can find your oil limit.... go crazy with the potency ...or as much as you can handle :yummy:, tweeking your barriers to just enough so you don't get nausea/sick and can be comfortable and better than ever like it should be:good:.


Active member
Alcohol definitely affects the liver, I use to drink everclear with redbull. At another time due to an injury i chose to take lortab for about 2 months... no doubt it contributed to my current issues that docs' just label 'ibs', which means nothing cause they throw 14+ different problems in that category:)

Dark shadows under your eyes usually are a sign of an unhappy liver and lungs as well; which i had up till a few years back, i worked on that..

Great info Solace! Yea, I've gott'n bubble guts and nasea from over potent eddibles before, never vomited though. Im curious if your diet or what else you've had to eat that day, has any part in it. It makes sence that your liver would be the deciding factor. So, someone with say, a damaged liver from alcohol, be more inclined to get nausea from eddibles?

I've found that I get best results when I consume an eddible and eat a meal about 15 mins later. I've also figured my proper dosage and have been succesfull with consistancy when making my butter.... which I think is important.


On a related note, ANY form of oral consumption, gives me wicked gas.

I belch up that nasty taste constantly, and out the other end, it's.... unpleasant, to put it mildly :D

When I mention this to others, they've noticed the same thing.

How about you guys? Is cannabis going to overtake beans in the musical fruit contest when it's legal? :chin:
Try not to eat MJ on an empty stomach. You could also try probiotics,they increase the good bacteria in your guts, and help digestion. Just a suggestion.

Mr. Charlie

You get gas because you are most likely eating very little fiber and the bacteria in your gut are happy that you are and they are going crazy because they love fiber and they break it down which produces gas but this is good because when they breakdown fiber it produces short chain fatty acids which is good for keeping your gut healthy, managing weight, and health overall.

Overtime if you eat fiber everyday your gut gets used to it and gas is less.

Thanks for this thread and very valuable diagnostic information. It all seems to come down to a balanced diet and paying attention. Cheers

Mr. Charlie

Try not to eat MJ on an empty stomach. You could also try probiotics,they increase the good bacteria in your guts, and help digestion. Just a suggestion.

I have recently added Kombucha, a raw cultured tea, which supports digestion, metabolism, immune system, appetite control, liver function, alkalinity, etc... Synergy Organic & Raw is the brand, found in the refrigerated section of your health food store. I drink one a day usually in the afternoon(it also gives me a boost of energy).

Combining the Kombucha and tincture have been very complimentary and healthful to my overall constitution and really helps my mood. Cheers


I have personally had - on more than a few occassions - reactions so bad to "firecrakers" (2 crackers with peanut butter and herbs baked for +/- 40 mins) and "green dragon" (grain alcohol tincture) that I was not able to sit for fear of my heart stopping. I was completely freaked out. I had to pace the house all night until I was just too tired to stay awake anymore - comforting my wife so she wouldn't call the paramedics. This, after having used these methods for YEARS - and at times on a daily basis. Also, smoking heavily. After that one day that a firecracker jacked me up, ingestion NEVER worked the same again. How I miss those 12+ hours trips - just cant take the negative affects though. I wish I knew what changed - my method of preparation sure didn't.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Guys, I eat just fine, the problem is only with cannabis.

I appreciate you guys looking out for me though! :yes: