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too much pain to sleep.....help


I am a chronic pain patient on a whopping dose of Oxycontin,480mg.I injured my shoulder about 6 months ago and am going in for surgery on April 7th.6 years ago on April 4th,I went trhough a major shoulder surgery on my left shoulder.I had a capsular shift ala Bankhart done and cried myself to sleep for the 1st 4 days after surgery.My right shoulder is now buggerd up and on top of what was wrong,I also have a torn rotator cuff to go along w/a shredded labrum and fractured glenoid.In small terms I am in seriously terrible pain.I have been using 700mg Lidocaine patches to try and sleep,but I ran out and they really weren't cutting it anyways.I have been reading up on BOGS genetics and am in the hunt to procure some.I have had great luck w/White Russian from Serious but I am down to my last 4 beans.Where can one find real BOG genetics?I live in NY and hoping to be legal in next 6 months.I have a green thumb and when I grow,I do very well.I ended up w/4lbs last year of 3 dofferent strains.Trainwreck,G-13 x bluemoonshine,and a local fav we call "early affie".Not one of these strains gave me what I am looking for.They were all great smokes but I need a killer narcotic stone.I mean lay my ass outon the couch.I am a high motor person even though disabled.Sativas do not do it for me.They make me want to clean the house.I need and am looking for something taht will plant me on my ass in bed or couch so I can achieve some rest.Any help would be appreciated.Need BOG genetics.


stone fool
Weed that does not help one way might work in another. If you use 91% iso alchohol to extract some decent weed, that extraction can be applied directly to the pain areas. This may not help you, but it can help some, I could not believe it the first time I tried this on a swollen elbow, and the pain just stopped like I flipped a switch, but mine was only small pain. good luck with the knife.
Black Domina has a reputation for being one of the most 'narcotic-like' indicas.

Have you tried eating something made with strong blackout butter?


Active member
I'm trying to manage long-term chronic pain without narcotics. It's not working out real well but it is a step above being a junky. lol

As long as you are currently taking narcotics... After a while your pain meds become less effective. Now's not a real good time to de-tox, but after the surgery you might look into changing meds. Ultram is an effective pain reliever that's chemically different from the oxy's and is a good med to switch back and forth with. If it's okay to take Ultram along with your oxy, you might try switching a dose of ultram for the oxy at night.

For sleeping - on a very temporary basis, Xanax is one kick-ass sleep med. An ordinary therapeutic dose of Xanax is .25mg. It comes in .50mg doses but, for me anyway, that's taking you pretty close to Zombieville. With 1mg it's lights out for a good 6-8 hours of sleep.

I'm just telling you what worked for me. I only use these drugs under the supervision of my doctor and only on very infrequent occasions with the Xanax. But, ya know, if you just want to make it through the next couple of weeks getting some decent sleep, you might want to ask your doc about it.



Well-known member
on your question on BOG genetics, lot's of BOG on Seedbay, i think on seed boutique too
no experience with his gear, but i'm in NY too, hoping for a good change in the next 6 months, we'll see


My Pain Doc scripted me 2mg Xanax and it is resposible for me falling asleep at the wheel on Jan 21st and being handcuffed for 6 hours,my shoulder that is getting operated on wednesday the 7th dislocated by cops pulling on chain attached to cuffs.I also was arrested for possesion after cops found my bowl and a gram of tarinwreck I forgot in my coat from my nightly before bed burning.No ambulance called after telling them I either had seziure,or fell asleep.I also told them I was an insulin dependant diabetic.But as soon as I told them I was a chronic pain patient it turned into a narcotics investigation.No medical attention whatsoever even though I and my Mom and Dad who drove up upon the accident scene asked for it.Do you smell a lawsuit? I do! BigD thansk all for the comebacks.


Active member
Dayum, Dude, I can't imagine getting behind the wheel after 2mg of Xanax. That's insane!!! If your doc gave you that prescription and left you with the expectation that you were going to be able to somehow function, he must have fucked up on the dosage. Like I said, a therapeutic dose is .25mg - not 2mg. Kinda looks like someone screwed up with their decimal point.

You'd think the pharmacist would have said something....



Natalie J. Puffington
Man, I really feel for you BigD.
I too am a chronic pain patient, (Fibromyalgia, hyper-mobile joints and i'm awaiting a hip replacement; and just for the record, i'm not that old!! I feel like it makes me sound like i'm 80 when I say I need a new hip, lol.) Anyways, I used to be on many of the same meds you are on, here are a few suggestions that I have found to be most helpful:

Ambien CR for sleep: (make sure you get "CR", 'controlled release', the other stuff had me waking up after 3 hours sleep.)
Cannarub: a topical salve w/ 18% cannaoil. I was so skeptical about this until I tried it. The lady who makes it here, saw me at a dispensary and had me go into the bathroom right then to try it. She uses it for pain from bone cancer and has had amazing results. As was mentioned, tinctures (applied topically), can be helpful too, and would be a lot easier to make than a salve or lotion.
And finally:
CannaMilk: Milk is hands down the most effective pain reliever I have ever tried, (and I was skeptical about the milk as well.) I just want to tell everyone about it!! Though it does taste awful! So I def. recommend adding chocolate, or adding it to tea or coffee.

Anyways, I really hope some of these suggestions help you out BigD!! Good luck w/ your surgery and case!! Don't let them get away with what they did to you; they get away with way too much and most ppl dont have the resources to go after them.

Hope that this finds you doing and feeling well. :kos:


I have two strains that I use for pain relief. Might not be strong enough for you, but a couple puffs for me takes away tension headaches and took away pain from a pulled muscle in the back.

Nirvana K2, indica pheno

Mazar-i-shariff, was a freebee on the boo but DP offers something similar just called 'mazar'.

I'm sure that there are betters for your situation but those are what cut the cake for me.
But you can look on the boo and find BOG genetics. Something that you might be interested in is cloning, taking cuts from a mother and rooting them to grow the exact same plant again. That way you could preserve your best meds and not have to worry about always finding seeds.
Try using Melatonin a natural sleep aid comes in 3 mg tabs and you could eat a bunch of them with no side effects. I usually take two about 10:30 and i can't even talk i'm so tired by 11 cheap effective and nonhabit forming try it out.


Active member
Dude, nothing is going to take the pain away like Oxy....nothing....not weed, not Xanax, nothing....

That being said....slowly move from Oxy to Vicodin, to something like Tramadol for the pain

Then...make a good tincture...doesnt matter what type of weed...the more the better. Also make some butter and make food with it...any type...hell toast it and then butter.

Dont get caught up on the type or strain of weed. If you are going to smoke it think Indica and thats it...

I've used the tinctures for a long time now for sleeping and nothing puts me out more than that. I make it with a good hard Polish grain alcohol and then evap it till it's amost all gone then i mix it with oil.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Black Domina has a reputation for being one of the most 'narcotic-like' indicas.

Have you tried eating something made with strong blackout butter?

And or the Ice from Female Seeds. Also I to have broken everything but my neck including my back on 2 separate occasions. Have you tried and epsom salt bath yet? I feel your pain considering out of all my injurys my shoulder is the one that let's me know EVERY single moment of the day that I'm not bullet proof and my death wish as a kid will haunt me for all my years.

Now don't laugh but go to a supply store and look for horse liniment. It comes in a liquid and a gel the gel is much easier to work with and does wonders for the tired sore ole bones. If you can find it great if not let me know and I'll post up a picture of what it looks like.

I believe this one I use is a legal form of DMSO. That shit will kill damn near anything hence it no longer being available.

I guess the FDA will allow this stuff for animals but get in the pockets of the pharmaceutical company's and all hell breaks loose.

A bottle usually goes for 10-14 dollars and if it doesn't work let me know and I'll pay ya back.

Between the epsom salt baths and the rub has managed my old broken ass to get some sleep on a cold winter night when I knew the rain was coming 3 days b4 it got here :)

Hope Ya Feel Better


My Pain Doc scripted me 2mg Xanax and it is resposible for me falling asleep at the wheel on Jan 21st and being handcuffed for 6 hours,my shoulder that is getting operated on wednesday the 7th dislocated by cops pulling on chain attached to cuffs.I also was arrested for possesion after cops found my bowl and a gram of tarinwreck I forgot in my coat from my nightly before bed burning.No ambulance called after telling them I either had seziure,or fell asleep.I also told them I was an insulin dependant diabetic.But as soon as I told them I was a chronic pain patient it turned into a narcotics investigation.No medical attention whatsoever even though I and my Mom and Dad who drove up upon the accident scene asked for it.Do you smell a lawsuit? I do! BigD thansk all for the comebacks.

I can't help you with your pain, but this post hit home with me.

My shoulder is wrecked and I have permanent nerve damage in both my hands because of the same kind of shit. They found a little empty bottle of morphine that my now ex chick dropped in the car(she is a nurse and forgot to dump the empties out of her pocket sometimes).

I tried to file a complaint and they basically laughed at me.

Good luck with it.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
if you can procure some purple kush going around the pacific north west, it's great for pain. I have fibroymalgia and my mother has migranes, it works especially for muscle type pain of fibro.
If not PM me and we can try to get you something????????


It has been a week post op of right shoulder.I am black and blue and yellow from my armpit to my wrist.Not to mention the rorally black left hand,the victim of 7 IV pokes that failed.Man o man I was crying on my way to OR.My wife is OR manager there so I get red carpet treatment.It was my lucky number 13 ortho surgery.I am having terrible time sleeping as I cannot sleep on my back at all.I leave friday for my families annual vacation to Myrtle Beach SC.Wish I could knock down some of this swelling.I hope to be well enough when I get home to start some beans.I just hope the 3 yr old ones I have pop-thanks for all the help folks it is greatly appreciated.I have never been off on edibles.I live in CNY where we have brick and hydro and nobody has a clue about strains.Id kill for a couchlock indica that floored my fat ass and left me spaced on the couch for a week.It is what the doctor orderd.Peace and One Love BigD


Good luck with the pain and the lawsuit. Did you try the "knockout" edible, for me that always works and for sleep LA Confidential works like a dream, but I don't have the serious physical pain like you do. sucks, sorry.

My 2 cents on xanax from an earlier post on this thread, my doctor gives me a xanax prescription that says take .5 to 2mg per day. No mistake on that bottle, but obviously BEWARE the xanax.


smoke all day at least 1 joint per hour starting at breakfast and by bed time you should be able to catch some zzz
I can definately feel your pain. I am also a chronic pain and nausea patient. Nothing is going to be able to replace oxy, but the advice to taper down is spot on, it is what I do when my tolerance for opiate painkillers gets too high for my personal comfort level, I work with my doctor to wean me off of so many opiates.

What really helped me sleep when I was withdrawing from opiates was edibles made with either cannabutter or BHO. It seemed the cannabutter was more potent, while edibles made with BHO are more of a body high and a pleasant feeling. I use BHO to make hard candies and it's great for nausea.

I have heard good things about black domina, but have not been able to try that particular strain yet, but I am very close to adding it to my garden.

Currently in my garden what works best for pain are buddah's sister (soma), golden goat, strawberry cough and scarlet venom (strawberry cough x white widow).