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Too much N in Canna Coco?

Hey there.

Some of my girls have curling leaves (as in the over N claw look).

Now bear in mind these girls are in a vertical setup and I've heard that leaves can "claw" to try and face the light?

If this is not the case, then it is too much N. What do I do? Im feeding Canna Coco, so theres no Veg/Bud (atleast in NZ theres not it's just Canna Coco). How do I reduce levels of N without underfeeding the girls?

They get fed the following:
Canna Coco A+B 4 mils per liter
Canna Boost 4 mils per liter
Canna Cannazyme 2.5 Mils per liter
Canna Rhizo 1 mil per liter

EC tends to sit around 1.9-2.0ish and PH is always 5.8

I can take pics tonight if anyone wants, but I think we all know what an Over N claw looks like?

Also worth noting is it's only the leaves on the top of the plant doing this (as in above or next to the bulb) all the bottom leaves still face straight up to the bulb.

Kiwi Star

I find I can get my required EC with about 3mL/L A+B. I'd drop your rhizo to 0.5mL/L for flower and not run additives during your flush.

Have you checked your runoff?

Honestly I haven't really needed to keep the EC above 1.4 with canna A+B. I have one pheno that needs a bit more at 1.5.

If you have looked at your bottle you should notice that the N really isn't high at all. If anything it's your calcium at 36%.. your N-P-K-Ca-Mg-SO3 is 23-17-13-36-8-8. What is your tap water at?

I think you're giving them too many nutes. I find it delays flowering. I think you need more N if your lights are good and low. Didn't see the need for extra N with canna using 1kw magnetics but with 600w digis I did...


I agree...maybe the EC is just a bit too high. I always ran Canna at around 1.4-1.5.
All good, Ive always given the Indica girls higher EC's but if people reccomend 1.4/5 ish I'll definitely look into it.

I've also picked up some H&G Drip Clean tonight so I can easily flush out excess nutes still in there.

I have checked run off before and the run off sometimes got as high as 3.5!!! So since then I have made sure to water until theres quite a bit of run off every time.

Kiwi Star

So there is nowhere for your runoff to go? You should really aim for 20% runoff.

Next feed water them till your runoff is the same as your feed.

Can you see where you have gone wrong? Coco isn't soil so don't treat it as such. K
Nah I can definitely collect run off no issues, I have the plants in PB18 Bags (approximately 10 liters or 2.5 gallons) sitting in saucers, the saucers have around 2" of clay balls in them for the run off to collect in the bottom.

I definitely get at least 10% run off each and every watering, when I say I cant pull them out to flush I mean that I used to pull them out and put them in the bath tub then flush with like 20 liters of water per plant. But some of the girls are now as high as 5 feet and branches tend to snap if I lift them out and carry them through the house to flush.

So I do get run off but I can't measure it.

Definitely treat my coco different to soil, I water every day till I get that run off, I feed a coco nutrient, I never let them dry out.

Sorry for the confusion


Well-known member
All good, Ive always given the Indica girls higher EC's but if people reccomend 1.4/5 ish I'll definitely look into it.

I've also picked up some H&G Drip Clean tonight so I can easily flush out excess nutes still in there.

I have checked run off before and the run off sometimes got as high as 3.5!!! So since then I have made sure to water until theres quite a bit of run off every time.
3.5 !! I fed my plants 2 ml per liter of the A.B. canna , your ppms are too high your gonna get a salt buildup and have to flush .try lowering the base and see ,they dont need much to thrive. less is more :tiphat:
4ml per liter is crazy high. I run 10 ml per gallon pretty much all the way till flush. So thats like 2 point something per liter. I imagine your def getting too much N.
From what I understand, H@G's Drip Clean should only be used from the very beginning of a plant's life and may cause problems if introduced later.

Also, your EC seems pretty high. I don't run Canna but I run H@G Cocos, which is a similar line, at 1.2 in late veg and 1.4-1.6 max in flower. Also, if you look at the guaranteed analysis on the bottle, you may notice that all or most of the N is in either the A or B bottle. If you reduce your EC and still have the claw you may be able to reduce the amount of the N containing bottle in your mix. My guess is your problem is caused by high EC though.


Active member
I agree with the_extremist about the drip clean. It should be used from beginning to end in uniform doses. If it is introduced late in the growth cyle or in fluctuating amounts it can cause problems in coco!

It's a good idea to flush your coco with r.o. water and then lower your ec a bit for the next fertigation.

Good luck!

-BT :smokeit:
That is alot of canna boost as well. I imagine your plants wont take any harm from 4ml per liter but that much boost will effect your wallet.

Kiwi Star

you may be able to reduce the amount of the N containing bottle in your mix. My guess is your problem is caused by high EC though.

Don't do this. Just get your ec right. I find 2.5mL/L is just fine ec wise.

Get your runoff sorted, and don't worry about how much boost you are using the stuff is liquid gold.

Got pics? K.
Yeah definitely dropping all the girls E.C to 1.6 at the highest.

I have introduce drip clean on some RP OG Kush#18 girls I have as they are very early in flowering, however stage 2 and 3 of my perpetual (Slower Lavenders, and White Widow, and Power Kush) wont start getting this treatment as they are now 6 weeks in budding. The OG (probably due to my excessive feeding) has budded very very slow and looks like plants normally do for me at 2 weeks in! So I dont see any harm in hitting them with drip clean and starting them afresh with an EC of 1.5.

I struggle, I must admit, with coco. I always grew in hydro and it worked well for me cause I could see what was happening to the EC in the tank and work out weather to up or down it, however in coco it's all about reading the plants which Im not so shit hot at.

So I know how to tell signs of over feeding, and other than this claw look of the over N theres been no symptoms (burnts tips etc) however how do I know if I'm underfeeding in coco? I tried typing underfeeding into the search and it said it couldnt find anything?!?!?

Cheers for all the help people, you may well have saved these poor OG's!

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