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Too much light in veg??



hey geo thats cool info you provided with that pdf link. As far as giving advice on a thread where a begginer is looking for some easy advice on lighting i think maybe you're swimmin in the deep end. i understand the super tech heads always want to brag and demonstrate their great in-depth knowledge, (which is ironic considering your quote at the end of your posts), maybe your just in the wrong thread.

Wow, been here a whole 3 weeks and already an authority.



Because i veg my soil plants 60 days I dont need rapid growth a use a sunsystem 8 with 175cfl and 400 mh this covers 60 plants in veg plus my seedlings (usually 10-20) at any given time


hey moses...you veg with the 400 as well as the cfls? i could imagine with that many plants. must be a beauty of a grow, will have to check it out. :)


hey geo thats cool info you provided with that pdf link. As far as giving advice on a thread where a begginer is looking for some easy advice on lighting i think maybe you're swimmin in the deep end. i understand the super tech heads always want to brag and demonstrate their great in-depth knowledge, (which is ironic considering your quote at the end of your posts), maybe your just in the wrong thread.

Some one get this guy a tampon... It's information they can take or leave. As for you, your first post here gave me a good laugh.

Ok, so to reply to these posts that say there is such a thing as too much light. Sure there is, but you nor anyone else could humanly produce it. You cannot produce more light than the sun emits without making international headlines and spending enough money to support a small country, so no dont worry about too much light. As for lights being to close to plants, yes but again that has nothing to do with HOW MUCH light is in your room. If anyone does think that too much light is possible to produce at home in a little grow room they're retarded. You could use the wrong spectrum of lgiht, but again that has nothing to do with HOW MUCH light is in the room. As for Roortokage's comments, that is the absolutely correct formula but again you dont need to worry about producing too much light, unless you talking about spending a fortune and filling warehouses with HID lighting, and again it would still be tough.

hahahahahahahaahhaahhhaahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahaahhahhhahahhahahahaha
I think i peed myself... some one get me a diaper

Its simple... Lamp too close = too much light = bad = not good = :( = sad face = not happy = DEAD!
these lamps have 2700k as far as lumens go (I do think I remember hearing that you dont add lumens-so does that number stay the same?)

2700k is the color of your bulb. a 42watt cfl provides 2800[2.8k] lumens of light http://www.1000bulbs.com/42-Watt-Compact-Fluorescents/ also 2700k is used during flowering by most folks because of its red output and 6500k is preferred during veg because of its blue light.you can the same lumens as two 42watt cfl's with a 70watt mh. http://www.1000bulbs.com/70-Watt-Metal-Halide-Light-Bulbs/ or 6300 lumens using a 70watt hps http://www.1000bulbs.com/70-Watt-HPS/
you are using flowering bulbs for your seedlings OP. how are there 20 posts without anyone saying this. u need to get 6500k, or bluer light for vegg. 2700k is color like someone said, not output. lumens is output. you just have the wrong color spectrum, not wrong, but not ideal.

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