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Tony Bower (Mullaway) Busted?


Guest 26753

I received this message about an hour ago from Julie Bower, Tony Bower's (Mullaway's) wife.


Message reads

Hi Mark Tony is in Kempsey Police station they have taken the plants, paperwork etc.

This message posted earlier today

7 hours ago - posted by Julie Bower
Tony Bower (Mullaway) has just had NSW Police helicopters hovering low over his medical cannabis garden, harassing him and damaging his LEGAL plants.

See message from Tony's wife, Julie Bower...

Dear Sir

I would like to let you know the the Police helicopter has just been here, flying very low blowing all the medical plants around and scaring my little dog and all the native wildlife .

This is not acceptable as anytime the Police wish they can come out and QUIETLY inspect the medical cannabis plants.

My phone number is *********.


Julie Bower

I sent this to the editor of Port Macquarie News just now please re post !


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Sad news indeed
My thoughts are with Tony and Julie at this time


The dumb bastards probably have no idea he's legal :moon:
Sad, but they prob DO know, but they are being told "that the legality is BS, he's a criminal, and fuck the pansy assed bleeding hearts that got fooled into letting him laff at the legal system. Crush this fucking hippy, and let's go get shit faced on some Fosters." You know, that old low IQ, steroid laced thug mentality. Assholes. Hope he's OK.


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
I hate the destructive path leo leave behind,, how can they justify this shit.
Can only hope Tony & Julie aren't intimidated by this bs stunt!


Yeah what Smurf and SpaceRacye said..I hope they didn't pull the storm trooper act on them.its can be very intimidating ,having cops tear your house apart and leave a trail of devastation can just be gut wrenching...Bower's should be on the Australia Day Honors list not dealing with this shit...Keep us updated Moose..Please.......sad fucken day :(

Guest 26753

On 15th March Police raided Tony after weeks of helicopter flyovers. They confiscated his medical cannabis crop which was all tagged with the numbers of individual patients.

He is scheduled to appear for mention at Kempsey Court on the 16th of April. He was released under his own recognisance by the Police without bail.

Tony showed them all his paperwork, and he said most of the officers were decent blokes, uncomfortable with what they'd been ordered to do, especially once Tony had explained to them his purpose in cultivating the plants and what he was doing.

This makes it impossible for Tony to continue for the present, as he now has nothing to prepare for patients. He will not be able to make it to the Nimbin HEMP Embassy this weekend. Basically, everything is disrupted and suspended. Legalities can take a year to resolve. Be strong.

Tony wants as many patients and supporters as possible to rally at the courthouse on the 16th of April.

Be there! Be heard!


New Government - New Rules

New Government - New Rules

i think the new Right Wing government in NSW is cracking down on mj advocates.

the Police Minister, Michael Gallacher, is an ex cop who belongs to the ultra right wing faction and is a head kicker for the party.

i dont envy Tony. he is in for a tough time.
i think setting up his Med Clinic was a brave step.
this current Govt is ruthless and they've told Police to stomp on mj advocates.

i'm betting this years MardiGrass will see a police blitz to try and shut down the festival.

its hard for people in other western countries to believe that Australia has a very right wing and repressive political system.
Rupert Murdoch:moon: basically owns most of the media (print, TV and radio) and we all know his political views.

anyway good luck Tony. your going to need it

Guest 26753

I just emailed this message to the Commissioner of Police.

Commissioner, NSWPOL are supposed to serve AND PROTECT.
On 15th March, Kempsey Police raided Tony Bower after weeks of helicopter flyovers. They confiscated his medical cannabis crop which was all tagged with the numbers of individual patients.

He is scheduled to appear for mention at Kempsey Court on the 16th of April. He was released under his own recognisance by the Police without bail.

Tony showed them all his paperwork, and he said most of the officers were decent blokes, uncomfortable with what they'd been ordered to do, especially once Tony had explained to them his purpose in cultivating the plants and what he was doing.

This makes it impossible for Tony to continue for the present, as he now has nothing to prepare for patients.

Commissioner, Tony Bower is quite literally saving peoples lives who have cancer and other dreadful illnesses. His medicine is organic, non-toxic. non-addictive, and FREE.
Your NSWPOL mission to PROTECT has miserably failed in this case, as the direct consequences of Tony Bower's arrest will be the prolonged suffering/death of hundreds of sick Australians who use Tony Bower's medicine, and would otherwise be fit and well using a cannabis based medicine they received for free from Tony Bower.
In closing, I may remind you that Tony is the equivalent of a doctor in his culture. He is an indigenous medicine man using an indigenous plant to save lives.
I am ashamed of NSWPOL today.
Mark H.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Lyrics....REDGUM....many years ago.

"And why the Channel Seven chopper chills me to my feet"


Stay safe.

Guest 26753




The NSW Police have hit a new low by descending in an expensive tax-payer-funded operation with a police chopper and confiscated the medical cannabis crop needed to make Mullaways Medical Cannabis Tincture. The medical cannabis crop was a strain of cannabis specifically bred by Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd to be extracted into a medical tincture. Each medical cannabis plant was labelled for specific patients. Through the confiscation of this medical cannabis crop, the NSW Police have deprived many Australians their medicine. It is a form of discrimination against sufferers of chronic illness and pain whom need this medicine – Medical Cannabis.

300 plus chronically ill and dying patients will now be deprived of this indispensible medicine used for the relief of pain and suffering

Many of the patients have been using Mullaways Medical Cannabis Tincture for years and have letters of support from their doctors to use the tincture. Mullaways is the only company in Australia providing medical cannabis. The only other avenue for patients to access medical cannabis is through the Commonwealth Government's Special Access Scheme. This is a long and expensive process as this product is required to be imported from an overseas medical cannabis company and many patients are unable to afford it as it is unavailable on the PBS.

Tony Bower, Managing Director of Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd, says he has maintained clear accountability and transparency in his business. Both State and Federal Governments have been fully aware of Mullaways Medical Cannabis operations for years.

Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd has been open and forthright with all parties, especially the Government. Tony has complied with all government requirements for the past three years to get his company up and running and to get this medicine to the dying and chronically ill people who need it free of charge. Federally approved, where is the Federal intervention?

Director of Mullaways Mr Tony Bower says, “My culture does not allow me to refuse help to people who ask for it and where I know I can help, as it is, and surely should be, in any civilised culture. I could not have been any more honest and open about what I am doing. I know that I can help and even heal people with my medicine, a medicine that doesn't get people stoned. Almost half of Americans now have access to legal medical cannabis now. We need to urgently address the issue here in Australia.”

Tony Bower said “I have worked tirelessly to try to please people in government but continue to be treated with disrespect. The patients need their medicine daily. Does the NSW Department of Health have a plan for the dying and chronically ill medical cannabis patients in this part of country?”


Guest 26753

The NSW Police have hit a new low by descending in an expensive tax-payer-funded operation with a police chopper and confiscated the medical cannabis crop needed to make Mullaways Medical Cannabis Tincture. The medical cannabis crop was a strain of cannabis specifically bred by Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd to be extracted into a medical tincture. Each medical cannabis plant was labelled for specific patients. Through the confiscation of this medical cannabis crop, the NSW Police have deprived many Australians their medicine. It is a form of discrimination against sufferers of chronic illness and pain whom need this medicine – Medical Cannabis.

300 plus chronically ill and dying patients will now be deprived of this indispensible medicine used for the relief of pain and suffering

Many of the patients have been using Mullaways Medical Cannabis Tincture for years and have letters of support from their doctors to use the tincture. Mullaways is the only company in Australia providing medical cannabis. The only other avenue for patients to access medical cannabis is through the Commonwealth Government's Special Access Scheme. This is a long and expensive process as this product is required to be imported from an overseas medical cannabis company and many patients are unable to afford it as it is unavailable on the PBS.

Tony Bower, Managing Director of Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd, says he has maintained clear accountability and transparency in his business. Both State and Federal Governments have been fully aware of Mullaways Medical Cannabis operations for years.

Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd has been open and forthright with all parties, especially the Government. Tony has complied with all government requirements for the past three years to get his company up and running and to get this medicine to the dying and chronically ill people who need it free of charge. Federally approved, where is the Federal intervention?

Director of Mullaways Mr Tony Bower says, “My culture does not allow me to refuse help to people who ask for it and where I know I can help, as it is, and surely should be, in any civilised culture. I could not have been any more honest and open about what I am doing. I know that I can help and even heal people with my medicine, a medicine that doesn't get people stoned. Almost half of Americans now have access to legal medical cannabis now. We need to urgently address the issue here in Australia.”

Tony Bower said “I have worked tirelessly to try to please people in government but continue to be treated with disrespect. The patients need their medicine daily. Does the NSW Department of Health have a plan for the dying and chronically ill medical cannabis patients in this part of country?”

Further info contact Tony Bower on 0265661525



Guest 26753

I just got off the phone to Tony. It seems that the warrant drawn up to bust Tony was done by the helicopter crew rather than Kempsey Police (who know Tony is legal). There was a 2 hour stand-off at the front gate, with Tony, Kempsey Police and the helicopter crew. Kempsey police did NOT want to be there. It was the helicopter crew who pushed past Tony and moved onto the property to seize the plants...mind you with Julie Bower in hot pursuit lol.
Tony runs his BUSINESS under FEDERAL guidelines and authorities. For NSWPOL to do what they did yesterday is ILLEGAL and Tony may well be able to sue for damages. If any bust was to happen under law, it should have been the AFP, not NSWPOL!!!!!!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Totally sickens me to see the first medical marijuana grower in OZ (Federally Accepted Guidelines mind you) treated like shite :mad:
Fracken helicopter police attitude is just typical pig-headiness from these wankers, I honestly hope/believe we can adopt Medical Marijuana here in OZ but it's going to be a hard up-hill battle because idiots like the helicopter crew are everywhere and in positions of power.
Sending Tony and Julie the Best of Good Vibes and the Strength to Overcome this CRAP!!


this is a rum do indeed!

I was one of Tony's patients and his clever medicine helped me heaps.

I 'm sorry to think that a medical option has been closed off and that others won't have their meds now.

perhaps as a result of this heavy handedness things will get better in the future. Life's ironies can sometimes be kind.

peace and good fortune Tony!

Guest 26753

Mullaway's Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd

21 March 2012



Tony Bower, Director of Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd, says he has maintained clear accountability and transparency in his business. All relevant State and Federal Government departments have been fully aware of Mullaways operations for years.

Tony Bower said “I am deeply offended that the New South Wales Police Force have brought charges against me under the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act. I intend to vigorously defend the charges. The medical cannabis seized by police, and the tincture does not fall under the scope of New South Wales criminal laws. The police didn't take my plants off the street they took them off sick and dying people.”

“I have worked tirelessly to try to bring my medical cannabis tincture under Commonwealth and International health laws. I have been using a health model to ensure the safe and timely delivery of the tincture to patients however I continue to be blocked and treated with disrespect by the NSW government.”

“It is clear that in the case of Mr Bower road blocks have been thrown up that would not have been there if he had been a multinational pharmaceutical company or the primary seedstock were not related to a recreational drug," Greens MP John Kaye said in an interview on 29 August 2011.

Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd is a registered company under Commonwealth law. Tony Bower was approved as a fit and proper person by the Commonwealth Therapeutic Goods Administration to hold a drug manufacturers licence over two years ago.

Mullaways Medical Cannabis Tincture is a therapeutic medicine used for therapeutic purposes by chronically ill and dying patients to relieve pain and suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, Crohn's disease, arthritis and other serious illnesses. At all times the medical cannabis used to make the tincture has been grown for therapeutic use. Each medical cannabis plant seized by police was labelled for specific patients.

The medical cannabis seized by police was not destined for the illicit street market

The medical cannabis tincture does not get people stoned

It is Non-Psychotropic and therefore not open to misuse

The medical cannabis crop seized by police was a strain of cannabis specifically bred by Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd to be extracted into a medical cannabis tincture. Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd lodged an application to register the strain under IP Australia’s Plant Breeders Rights. “My application had gone through to the final approval stage under the Commonwealth but was blocked by the New Sales Wales government” said Tony Bower.

Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd has been open and forthright with all government departments, especially the New South Wales Police. Tony Bower said “I have endeavoured to comply with all government requirements for the past three years to get my company up and running and in the interim continue to get the medicine free of charge to chronically ill and dying people.”

Many patients have been using Mullaways Medical Cannabis Tincture for years. Most patients have letters of support from their doctor. Mullaways is the only company in Australia providing medical cannabis. The only other avenue for patients to access medical cannabis is through the Commonwealth Government's Special Access Scheme. This is a long and expensive process as this cannabis product is required to be imported from an overseas medical cannabis company. Many patients are unable to afford it as it is unavailable on the PBS.

Mr Bower said he would also like to make it clear that “growing a herbal plant for medicine is part of my culture and my culture does not allow me to refuse chronically ill and dying patients access to my medicine. I know that I can help and even heal people with my medicine.”

Almost half of Americans now have access to legal medical cannabis and European Union Companies are funded to develop medical cannabis products.

Does the New South Wales Government have a plan for the chronically ill and dying patients in this state who use medical cannabis as part of their therapeutic regime? We need to urgently address this issue here in Australia.

For more information about Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd please contact Tony Bower on (02) 6566 1525 or visit our website at http://www.mullawaysmedicalcannabis.com.au/

Regarding the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961
to which Australia is a signatory

It is really important to understand that one of the fundamentals of the preamble
of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961, states:

...recognising that the medical use of narcotic drugs continues to be indispensable
for the relief of pain and suffering and that adequate provision must be made
to ensure the availability of narcotic drugs for such purposes ...

This has recently been reaffirmed by the

United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Ensuring availability of controlled medications for the relief of pain

and preventing diversion and abuse

Striking the right balance to achieve the optimal public health outcome

At the 53rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) held in March 2010, the Commission adopted Resolution 53/4 “Promoting adequate availability of internationally

controlled licit drugs for medical and scientific purposes while preventing their diversion and abuse”.

The Commission recalled the recognition of parties to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 as amended by the 1972 Protocol:

“that the medical use of narcotic drugs continued to be indispensable for the relief of pain and suffering

and that adequate provision must be made to ensure their availability for such purposes.”

Convention control measures to ensure safety and availability (Page 7)

The objective of the international drug Conventions—balance between ensuring availability and preventing diversion and abuse—is promoted by an international regulatory system that provides the framework for national drug regulation. Pursuant to the international regulatory system, States agree to adopt certain regulatory requirements.

The control provisions of the Conventions are designed to (a) ensure that controlled medications are prescribed for legitimate medical purposes and safely reach patients through a controlled distribution chain and (b) combat illicit manufacture, trade and distribution.

They are designed to serve what the INCB has described as the overall goal of a “well functioning national and international system for managing the availability of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances” namely “to provide relief from pain and suffering by ensuring the safe delivery of the best affordable drugs to those patients who need them and, at the same time, to prevent the diversion of drugs for the purpose of abuse”.

For more information visit the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime at http://www.unodc.org/docs/treatment...ed_medications_FINAL_15_March_CND_version.pdf

Mullaways Medical Cannabis Survey 2010

All people surveyed provided a letter from their Doctor stating their illness/condition and that the Doctor was monitoring them. Most Doctors recommending cannabis for their patients recommended a non smokeable form of cannabis be used.

Tinctures used in the Survey;

• 1 - THC (30%) & THC A (70%) (Alcohol based at 0.0082 mg THC/100 Microlitres)

• 2 - THC (30%) & THC A (70%) (Alcohol based at 0.0164 mg THC/100 Microlitres)

• 3 - THC (30%) & THC A (70%) (Hemp Seed Oil based at 0.0082 mg THC/100 Microlitres)

• 4 - THC (30%) & THC A (70%) (Hemp Seed Oil based at 0.0164 mg THC/100 Microlitres)

• 5 - THC (Olive Oil based at 0.0266 mg THC/100 Microlitres)

100 micrograms = 0.1 g = 1 Drop = 1 Spray

150 people were surveyed. The illnesses/conditions covered were;

• Chronic Pain

• Cancer


• MS

• Glaucoma

• Diabetes

Chronic Pain

Reduction in the use of medications (tramadol)
Clearer thinking due to less medication
Less muscle spasm day and night
Sleep better
Helps the person to relax
Improved mood due to less pain
No side effects (drowsiness, high)


Relieves eye pressure
Reduction in medication (lyrica, ordine)
Stopped hemerages'
No side effects (drowsiness, high)


Relief from nausea
Helps pain medication work better
No side effects (drowsiness, high)

30 to 40% reduction in pain levels
Relief from muscle spasms during the night
Helps with muscles spasms in general
Sleeps better
No side effects (drowsiness, high)


Sleeps better
Helps the person to relax
No side effects (drowsiness, high)


Stablising affect on Metabolism
No side effects (drowsiness, high)

An overall drop in the use of medications was expected but the continued reporting by participants that they had greatly reduced or given up alcohol, tobacco and other drugs after using the Tincture for a time was not expected but could not be ignored.

Of particular note was the stabilising affect the tincture had in one Diabetes case.

Source. http://www.mullawaysmedicalcannabis.com.au/


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Guest 26753

Donations of Medical Cannabis. Mullaway's Medical Cannabis

Donations of Medical Cannabis. Mullaway's Medical Cannabis

Donations of Medical Cannabis


28 March 2012

I would like to thank those people who have kindly donated plants and supplies to help the medicine to continue. People need the medicine. I don’t want anyone to be worried or stressed. The medicine will continue to be there for them.

What the police have done is illegal and the warrant was obtained by deception. The police actions on the day would have made Laurel and Hardy proud. I expect to have everything to be returned and the charges to be dropped at the first court appearance on the 16th of April. I also expect the business to be fully compensated and my wife and I to be compensated for being illegally detained and assaulted. Our small dog was even kicked by one of the police.

Also compensation for the stress that has been placed on medical cannabis users of Mullaways tincture and a Medical Cannabis Card is to be issued to all Medical Cannabis patients.

Tony said “If I have done something wrong or illegal the the police should go to http://http://www.mullawaysmedicalcannabis.com.au/ for the facts, and then get a warrant the right way and we will do it again. Cannabis is a health matter and comes under the commonwealth TGA. ”

Also “I would like to tell the police and the government that if they think for one minute that I will walk away from the sick and suffering in our country then they should think again. If they want a fight, then here I am, leave the sick alone.”

Thou shall do no harm. What has happened here has caused harm to people of Australia.

Zero Tolerance on Pain and Suffering.

As the Police have revealed the location I will be requiring the police to assist with security.

Anthony Bower
Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty. Ltd.


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