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Tonight on CNN - Can we afford to keep MJ ILLEGAL?


Active member
I wonder if the president could "order" the FDA to conduct double-blind, peer-reviewed studies on the medicinal properties of cannabis (not the proven-to-be-false "studies" of the 1970s that have all been exposed as frauds)......one guest said that the ball is in the Food and Drug Administration's court, but i really don't think they will ever get around to evaluating cannabis......maybe they are just too busy or something.....

Melissa Etheridge talked about her positive experiences with cannabis during chemotherapy and how it helps her gastrointestinal functions......another guest (whose identity was concealed) talked about how her smoking got out of control and tied the over-use of cannabis directly to a panic attack that led to a brief hospitalization......it was CNN's attempt to try and "balance" the issue or something like that....

i'll keep watching the rest of the series i guess......

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


That is more of the 'ideal' view, which I feel will prevent any more damage to the earth. I'm ok with penicillin being given (not sold) to sick people, but i don't think its the ideal way for people to live (and keep living on earth). Everyone can't avoid death forever, so just learn to enjoy your life. Find what makes you happy and do it, just don't harm other people and you should be able to expect the same.

I suppose I should just stick to marijuana and how the current situation needs to change.

Selling drugs (marijuana, alcohol, tobacco) should be illegal.
There should be NO taxes for growing your own plants (no matter the type).
Large companies can only market products used for growing plants ('drugs' if you want to use that word).
Seeds/Clones/Small samples can only be exchanged between growers (non-profit)
Drugs are not to be used openly in public.
If a sobriety test determines you to be 'intoxicated', then the appropriate actions are taken.

Who would accept those rules?

I appreciate your views, but I would not accept those rules.:joint:


Patient Grower
The term dope derives from the word dopamine, so basically any substance that releases dopamine from the brain, could be considered dope; even a cigarette.

That argument goes down the toilet when you check history. They started calling drugs dope decades before scientists knew about the existence of neurotransmitters much less isolated and identified dopamine.

I've heard they call it dope because you can make pipe doping compound from cannabis. While I don't doubt the latter, the former is laughable.

They started calling it dope because of the perception that it makes you dopey. But just because a lot of people believe something does not make it so. People don't get to vote on reality. 100% of the people can vote in favor of the sky being the color we commonly call green, and it will still be blue when we wake up the next day.


Patient Grower
That is more of the 'ideal' view, which I feel will prevent any more damage to the earth. I'm ok with penicillin being given (not sold) to sick people, but i don't think its the ideal way for people to live (and keep living on earth). Everyone can't avoid death forever, so just learn to enjoy your life. Find what makes you happy and do it, just don't harm other people and you should be able to expect the same.

I suppose I should just stick to marijuana and how the current situation needs to change.

Selling drugs (marijuana, alcohol, tobacco) should be illegal.
There should be NO taxes for growing your own plants (no matter the type).
Large companies can only market products used for growing plants ('drugs' if you want to use that word).
Seeds/Clones/Small samples can only be exchanged between growers (non-profit)
Drugs are not to be used openly in public.
If a sobriety test determines you to be 'intoxicated', then the appropriate actions are taken.

Who would accept those rules?

You can tell by the people who fall into line and start goose stepping and zeig heiling when they hear such a total bullshit proposal.

So tell us, who is going to make this penicillin, that is free for all who need it? Would you conscript scientists and lab techs and force them to work for nothing? So many clowns seem to think stuff magically appears from thin air, to be distributed for free! But it doesn't really matter since there aren't enough people without the sense that god gave little green apples to institute counterproductive, totalitarian nonsense like the bullcrap in the above quoted text.


I watched it at 2am.It was a re-hash of the week long special that Anderson Cooper did last month.Same video and interviews, yawn!That woman who messed up on MMJ also said at the end that she favored legalization.Let's face it.As long as they have all the special interest groups fighting legalization,it will never happen.Remember Dupont?? Thats the soul reason pot is illegal today.So millions of people are wrong.What is the saddest part is that its the least toxic substance one could possibly use to treat anything.Yet its still illegal.I can tell you watching all of you guys/gals out west growing huge trees and smoking dank bud have no idea how good you have it.As a true med user getting ripped off on every bag it makes me so sad.I wish it was possible for my family and I to move there.Unfortunately my wife has a great job and works with people who love her and both of our families live here in NY.NY which is being led by Montana and Rhode Island and Vermont and all the dinky states that finally showed compassion and have MMj.NY,what a joke! BigD:fsu:


dope word history, an explanation that makes sense:

dope:1807, Amer.Eng., "sauce, gravy," from Du. doop "thick dipping sauce." Extension to "drug" is 1889, from practice of smoking semi-liquid opium preparation. Meaning "foolish, stupid person" is older (1851) and may have a sense of "thick-headed." Sense of "inside information" (1901) may come from knowing before the race which horse had been drugged to influence performance. Dope-fiend is attested from 1896.http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=dope

So some opium preps look like thick gravy lol.

edit: maybe that's why 'dope' alone was not derogatory enough and they attached 'fiend' to it, an apparently much more malicious word:

fiend: O.E. feond "enemy, foe," originally prp. of feogan "to hate," from P.Gmc. *fijæjan (cf. O.N. fjandi, O.H.G. fiant, Goth. fijands, like the O.E. word all prp. forms), from PIE base *pei-/*pi- "to blame, revile" (cf. Goth. faian "to blame;" see passion). As spelling suggests, it was originally the opposite of friend, but the word began to be used in O.E. for "Satan" (as the "enemy of mankind"), which shifted its sense to "diabolical person" (c.1220). The old sense of the word devolved to foe, then to the borrowed enemy. For spelling with -ie- see field. Meaning "devotee (of whatever is indicated)," cf. dope fiend,is from 1865.