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Tomatoes in my shower ...


Well-known member
Well .... Im a newbie to growing all things green. I have grown a ton of boomers, and am pretty proficient at it if I do say so myself. Heres a pic of my last fungus grow.

So Ive been wanting to grow MJ for awhile now, and am getting geared up to trade my blue thumb for a green one. I also have wanted to grow some veggies and Ive set up a veggie garden in my spare bathroom. Im using a 400w HPS. I have 5 tomato plants currently. All determinant varieties. 3 totem hybrids (plum sized fruits) and 2 bush early girls (4" slicers). I also have some basil, lettuce, and a green pepper plant that just sprouted.

They are doing pretty good. I over fertilized them, and overwatered them but they seem to have weathered my newbie storm pretty well even though they started off pretty rough. Just yesterday I noticed two of them are fruiting! Nothing like going to the shitter to pick some fresh produce! Sweet!

... I think Im going to sprout a few MJ beans and once they get a few leaves put them in one gallon pots and stick them in with the tomatoes (propped up to get light). Then Ill switch the lights to 12/12 just to see how things go and to keep them smaller. I dont want huge MJ plants out in the open, once I get my cab built I go for it but for now I want to keep them small.

Heres a pic of them today. I raised the light as I am getting some really weird growth. The two plants directly under the light are growing up .. then making a 90 degree turn and growing straight down to the ground, like they dont want to go closer to the light.

I dont know if Im right about this weird growth pattern, but its my only logical guess. literally the branches grow out, and up tword the light, then do a complete 180 and head for the ground growing down instead of up. Heres some pics showing the wierd growth. What do you think? Light to close?? (as mentioned in the above pic I already moved it up, it previously was about 10" away from them - its a 400w hps)

Also, do you think switching the light to 12/12 to flower the MJ plants Im going to put in there will stop tomato production? The lights are set 18/6 now.


12 12 doesn't matter too much, my tomatoes produce all the way up until the first good freeze. Which where I am is long after 12hours of sunlight happens naturally.

You need to use tomato cages to give them support, even tomatoes labeled as big bush or whatever need quite a bit of support, that stick isn't going to cut it at all once they really start fruiting.


Well-known member
Thanks for the input.

... Ill have to plan on getting some cages then I know the website I ordered the seeds from said no staking required (on the totem's anyway) ... but putting cages in there just in case certainly cant hurt. I hope I have that problem .. lol .. so many fruit that they have a hard time staying upright :)

According the the place I got them from ... the totem hybrids mature at 18-30" tall, and I beleive the bush early girls are supposed to be around 30"

BTW .. what do you think about the odd growth patterns? Growing up twords the light then changing direction 180 deg's and heading for the ground??
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Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
get a fan blowin on them and the stems will toughen up and probably not droop over but they do that to an extent
but caging will def help, or staking them


Well-known member
Thanks for stopping by.

I do have a fan blowing on them, connected to the light timer .... so its on 18 hours off 6.

Rotating fan set on low, a few feet away from them. I just moved it to take the pic ...

So you dont think it has anything to do with the light being too close?

How far away should a 400w HPS be from the plants? Its not an aircooled hood or anything just a reflector... it is a remote ballast.