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Tomato growers?


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Where did you get them?

Hi guys, not to be in your business but i got mine free from Oregon State University. They are doing a project on the Indigo tomatoes. Just tell them you are interested and would give them feed back on the cultivar. I do this with a lot of Universities, but you have to give them feed back. They sent me a package of 50 seeds. Also at one time the USDA would give out seed from their repository, but the kicker is you do not know how long they have kept them in their repository, nor do they tell you. You also have to give them feed back.
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Another 8 days and i can put these girls in their permanent containers. My tomatoes really stretched and i had the lights as close as i could. I have been letting them sun bathe in the morning and evenings. Also i gave them a dose of Cal/Mag to keep away any calcium and magnesium deficiency. I am going to plant these tomatoes real deep. Peppers are looking good too.



Active member
Love your Celebrity and San Marzano tomatoes. Which Celebrity do you have? I here that there are two different cultivars. One is not resistant to nothing and i guess that was the one that i got. Tried to grow them twice with no luck. Yours seem to be thriving.


Active member
With all of these tomatoes growing there will sure to be some of these guys showing.

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Keep the spinosad handy. The Sphinx moth flies at night.

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I also had these a few years back and they came again year after year.
Then one year i noticed that one blackbird kept flying in and out of my greenhouse and discovered that when it came out it had its beak filled with the green worms.
Since then there has been no problem with that larva, the next generation of blackbirds have learned to eat the larva and keeps them down.


Rubber Chicken

I grew some of the Indigo Rose this year but want to try to get some Black Beauty.

The Indigo Rose seems to have smaller tomatoes, some are almost like cherries but some are golf ball size... i think the Black Beauty is bigger.
Hey yall, Ive got Cherokee Purple, sweet 100, best boy, Heirloom yellow cherry, sweet and neat micros, and my fourth season of Black Krim from saved seed all going steady now. Probably going outside for good over the weekend, I grow the indeterminate vines in 15-20 gallon containers, and the small determinants in 3-5 gallons. Any of you guys save seeds?


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san marzen
and a few heirlooms going strong!

Do you guys trellis or just let them bush out? Trying to get huge plants this year outside suggestions please!

I am pulling out all lower suckers as soon as they appear only leaving the top 2 for each plant so far so good they keep getting taller/longer.....


Rubbing my glands together

san marzen
and a few heirlooms going strong!

Do you guys trellis or just let them bush out? Trying to get huge plants this year outside suggestions please!

I am pulling out all lower suckers as soon as they appear only leaving the top 2 for each plant so far so good they keep getting taller/longer.....

In the south, where I'm from originally, I could either trellis or grow along the ground and produce fine either way.
Living in the desert, I've found I get best, and my only fruit production by allowing the plants to grow along the ground. This allows the plants to take advantage of the available moisture and pollinate themselves.
If I install a trellis or put a cage around them I get huge plants and no fruit. Period.
Once it gets above 105 degrees they won't produce fruit here. but along the ground I have great crops as long as they aren't a long blooming variety. I do fine with 65 to 72 day varieties but can't get a 85 day variety to produce.
Having said all that, I just totally enclosed a very large raised bed with sun screen material and planted some longer running types to see if that makes a difference. So far so good!!
In my area, its waaay too damp day to day to grow along the ground, but its a great way to go if your in a high temp dry area like RR said. I stack cages and try to grow at least 8 tops on each vine. My indeterminate vines i try not to cage unless they need it. Everyone, even if your just growing herb, should read Charles Wilbur's book. All organic world record tomatoes. I just transplanted all my stuff to there final homes yesterday. Ive got everything in 15 and 20 gallon containers.


New member
Thanks, I've seen that guy before, I'm going to have to get that book. His cage tech looks like it could be a little dangerous for me though, I'd fall off the ladder for sure.


Got a chocolate cherry , white cherry, and purple cherokee. Usually have good luck with cherry tomatoes. Went to a large tomato festival and I loved the taste of the purple cherokee, was my favorite of 40 types I sampled and judged. The sun usually destroys larger types around here.


Active member
I've never grown a tomato plant indoors from start to finish and since I'm not growing any outdoors
this year for various reasons. I think I'll just have to explore the indoor thing with at least one juicy
medium size tomato producing determinate plant.

Determinate plants stay nice and small. :tiphat:

Medium tomato are the ones that look like beefsteaks.
But are only half the size. They are perfect for making
my toasted tomato sandwiches that I like so much.


New member
I've got Cherokee Purple, Belgium Giant, Pink Brandywine, Amish Paste, Black Cherry and the only hybrid I usually grow, Super Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I have 100 super sweet 100 going, 30 Sun Gold, 70 Black Krim, and smaller amounts of San Marzano, Mr. Stripey, and a large orange tomato. Then 2000 of a commercial field tomato. We got down to 40 last night and the Black Krim did not like that one bit. I think they will rebound just fine, but surely delayed them some.


Doing some canning this fall Lester? Nice line-up there brother.

Ive got my must have Cuor di Bue (Italian heirloom Oxheart), as well as an Ingleheart Yellow Cherry for the kiddies (first time with this one).

This year I have gone out of the ground and into 65 Gallon smarties sitting on 2' round paverstones placed in the lawn. After experimenting last year I really like the harvest results, and I like being able to walk around them. Next is auto-water....


Well-known member
I've never grown a tomato plant indoors from start to finish and since I'm not growing any outdoors
this year for various reasons. I think I'll just have to explore the indoor thing with at least one juicy
medium size tomato producing determinate plant.

I have grown tomatoes in a greenhouse ... they grew fine, look and taste just about as good as outdoor summer tomatoes...BUT... I found the skin was a lot tougher... all in all tho, they are wayyy better then anything u can buy in a store in the winter
You can grow sweet and neats in a sunny window all year, I have 5 of them maxed out at about 11 inches total height. Idk why you would :biggrin: but if you happen to have a decent light inside, there are a bunch of small, quick yielding, determinant vines that'll do fine under lights.

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