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To push or pull Stanley Blower threw filter?


Active member
Built a small NGB cab for a friend. Just have one problem, how to set up the ventilation. Cab size flower 24"w 14"d 5ft h Veg 17"w 14"d 40" h

Plan is to put filter in flower cab, the fan on a shelf above veg area, and exhaust out of cabinet. So if you have a Stanley Blower, you know there are vent holes which sucks air from the motor side also, which would bypass the filter. So what are the options? Make the shelf area a sealed utility room? Tape the motor vents off? That doesnt sound wise.

Or Blow and have the fan on the outside of the cab? Any suggestions or comments? Stink free is more important than stealth in this case. Thanks!!


Active member
I know that pull works better, but what about the vents on the electrical side of the fan? Smells from the veg side would bypass the filter. So I have to either seal fan or make a sealed utility room for the fan. It was going to just sit on a shelf above the veg side.


i pull through mine and i did a full mod on it where i drilled 1 3/4" holes through the impeller (?) and blocked that side w the outlets w gorilla tape


Active member
I know IC Mag'ers are smarter than this... 'threw', 'thru'??????? :wallbash:

I understand that things are difficult with all the consonants involved (long vowels being the stoner's best friend), but really, let's show the world that we at least know proper English spelling:


For maximizing grow space in the small NGB cab you describe, mount the fan on the outside of the cab, blowing into (or pushing) into a filter (also outside the cab). Both pushing and pulling work just fine, but the exterior mounting will increase your space substantially. You'll get a little carbon dust the first time you turn it on, but its odor free after that.


Active member
Sorry Merman, was very tired when I wrote that! Anyways, space is not the issue. Not growing trees. It does need to be stink free. So which ever way will work best and stank free is the way it needs to be. I would rather it be insinde the cab for noise and stealth. Might do that mod, looks like the best solution. Plus if it breaks they are cheap right now! Any other advice? Thanks!!


sorry MERMAN, i jus like to get a lil hood wit it sometimes, even though i live in the burbs . LOL

im not sure if someone else mentioned this already, but you can remove the vent thing over the intake of the fan. Just use a dremmel and chop it up. its just another piece thats restricting air flow.

Bdomina- by you drilling in the impellar, how did that work out for you? sounds interesting.


Active member
Thanks Rez! Just did the mod on the stanley, so now it is one sided... have the cab almost ready to go. Just have to make a reflector, mount some lights, and finish light proofing... I hate light proofing!!

Should be ready to go this week! Thanks for the advice.


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ICMag Donor
I see folks saying they blocked the small vent side. Don't do this. That is taking in air to cool the motor windings. Only if the Stanley is in the actual grow area can that small vent be a problem with odor. IF it is in the grow area, I would assume you have the exhaust ducted from there, which is also hurting the efficiency of the system.

Keep the fan out of the grow area, and pull everything through.
Filter in grow, ducting, fan in attic, exhaust to atmosphere. (best scenario)


Active member
Fan is going to be on outside of cab now, originally wanted it inside..but it is too tight.
Read the Stanley Blower thread and thought the holes drilled into the center was supposed to help cool the electrical side.

Now the fan will be on the outside, so it should not matter if it is blocked or not...but I already drilled the holes. Made filter last night, it will be in the flower side...and draw air in and vent out of the room into the main basement area. Hopefully the filter works, because that is the only option. This is a cab inside of a room in the basement, it will be plenty cool enough...just needs to be stank free.

Thanks for the advice, hopefully everything will be running this week.


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ICMag Donor
I'm not sure I follow what holes you are talking about drilling in the Stanley?
Only holes I drill are for the sheet metal screws I attach the duct piece with.


Active member
Did you see the mod by The Dopest? He drilled 4 one inch holes in the inside of the fan. The blower is actually 2 seperate sides, so by drilling the holes in the middle, it is supposed to help cool the electronics by drawing from just the one side. This would be important if you have the fan in the cab because the smells could bypass the filter.

On the outside of the cab it would not mater as much, because the smell would be inside. Hopefully it works good enough to cool the cab and make it stank free, if not...I have a back up, they are on clearance this time of year...pick them up while you can!


Active member
Pull cool air in from the lower part of the cabinet,and through.
Then,exhaust it from the top, top-back,or top-sides.


Active member
Thanks Rez, that is how it will be! 8x8 darkroom louver on both flower and veg side and one in the wall between. Filter in flower side and vented out top right corner. Just need to make a reflector and run wires, should be fired up by the weekend!!!! Thanks for the help, now I just need to try one of your strains! You suggested Williams Wonder for Crohn's to me awhile back, still your number one recommendation? Thanks Rez!!


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ICMag Donor
Putting an intake louver on both the veg and flower chamber walls will cause the least path of resistance effect to come into play. Your furthest chamber from the exhaust will be starved for air, as the majority of it will be pulled from the closest vent. Only after the fan can't get any more to satisfy itself will it start to pull air from the second vent.

In other words...put both lovers in the furthest chamber away from the exhaust, and have adequate passage between that chamber and the next. But don't split up your intake between chambers.


Active member
Yeah I figured that it would be ok to do that, because the veg cab is so small. The Flower room will have much more heat because of bigger lights. Most NGB style cabs have intakes on both sides. I know what your saying, and you are right...but the holes are cut...so we shall se how it works soon.

It is a more ghetto version of Luv2Garden's cab if you ever saw that. His was prolly my favorite cabs on here. Very clean, and he had the same louvers in the same spot as I did. Hopefully it works. It will pull most air from the Flower side, I am sure it will pull enough to cool and vent a couple CFLs on the veg side. We shall see soon!! Thanks for the advice Hoosier, you are correct for sure...I just hope it works for both. Really to have it the way you say I would have to get another louver and to be honest, there is not much room for that. Only other option would be to board up the flower side and try just one louver in the veg and one in the wall seperating. Dont know if that would pull enough air to cool everything. Will try the way it is, and if it does not work...will experiment. Thanks again.