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To high ph in run-off water?


Sativa Tamer
You as well as me have a real high ph i your tap water, where is your ph i water coming out of the soil? I really dont like that i have this big gap beetwen water in and out. Some says it dosent matter and some says it does matter. And i dont have a clue...hehe

The pH of your water and runoff may or may not matter in organic grows depending on your medium, what sort of nutrients you are using, and your water. The best way to tell whether it is an issue is to observe your plants. Given that you are pHing your water down and the plants look good, the higher pH of your runoff water probably isn't an issue. My advice would be not to worry about the pH of your runoff.

Plants do have some ability to regulate the pH in the root zone so may not even need to adjust your water going in, but the only way to gauge whether you need to adjust down or not is to try not doing it. Everyone's water, medium, and fertilizers are different so I don't think a one-size approach fits all, but personally I have not found any benefit to pH adjustments in my own grows using high mineral content well water with a pH of 7.8.


mad librettist

Active member
the problem with measuring pH is it doesn't give you the potential to lower pH. To find that you have to do a before and after pH involving a strong base.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Sound good mate.

I wanna ask you another thing then.

You as well as me have a real high ph i your tap water, where is your ph i water coming out of the soil? I really dont like that i have this big gap beetwen water in and out. Some says it dosent matter and some says it does matter. And i dont have a clue...hehe

tbh i dont really measure the pH of my runoff water. like others have said if your plants continue to look happy i would carry on as you are.....

having said that, did you add lime to your soil mix? was it regular lime or dolomite lime?

also pH doesnt tell the whole story about the hardness of your water - there is a difference between pH and alkalinity which you could read up on if you want to know more



tbh i dont really measure the pH of my runoff water. like others have said if your plants continue to look happy i would carry on as you are.....

having said that, did you add lime to your soil mix? was it regular lime or dolomite lime?

also pH doesnt tell the whole story about the hardness of your water - there is a difference between pH and alkalinity which you could read up on if you want to know more


No, i dont add anything to the soil, im using guanokalong all mixed soil, that should be good with just water for an grow( 3 months ) if i re use the soul i should add guano powder and Organic growth fertiliser and for bloom.

The citrus i use is just in the water going in. Taking down ph from 8.1 to 6.0-6.5



the problem with measuring pH is it doesn't give you the potential to lower pH. To find that you have to do a before and after pH involving a strong base.

Is it anyway you can try to explain that in easy english please?

Strong base?

Just an Swede here that dosent understand all the words and terms...sry



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
in that case i would defo carry on as you were, but a little rainwater/ snow melt water wont hurt if you are worried about your water supply.

good luck



The pH of your water and runoff may or may not matter in organic grows depending on your medium, what sort of nutrients you are using, and your water. The best way to tell whether it is an issue is to observe your plants. Given that you are pHing your water down and the plants look good, the higher pH of your runoff water probably isn't an issue. My advice would be not to worry about the pH of your runoff.

Plants do have some ability to regulate the pH in the root zone so may not even need to adjust your water going in, but the only way to gauge whether you need to adjust down or not is to try not doing it. Everyone's water, medium, and fertilizers are different so I don't think a one-size approach fits all, but personally I have not found any benefit to pH adjustments in my own grows using high mineral content well water with a pH of 7.8.


Sounds good, will on my next grow ( 2 aurora indica and 1 jock horrer ) not lower the ph and se what they say about that.

Thx my friend.

Peace Justin


Thank you all for good and fast answer!

Thank you all for good and fast answer!

You are just wonderful!!

Peace and love Justin

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