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To decarb or not?


Hello everyone thank you for the membership, I can only promise you a lot of annoying questions from a rookie

I want to enjoy cannabis without smoking, without anyone knowing I'm using cannabis at all in fact, I'm gonna try to use cannabis as stealth as possible.
I don't use tobacco and no one in my family does so me starting to smoke just gonna make people suspicious.
So my idea is to extract the THC in alcohol and hide it in a bottle of vodka, rum or whatever and hopefully make anyone who see me high or stoned thinking I just had to much of the alcohol.

Because I don't intend to smoke the weed I'm gonna water cure the buds, more or less all of it(I'm gonna hide just a few smoking buds for me to smoke whenever I'm alone and I can safely try cannabis the "real" way)
The water curing will remove all greens and bad taste and hopefully make the alcohol extract clear

After a week of water curing I have 2 options
1. Put the buds in a jar with 60%(120 proof) alcohol(that's the strongest legal alcohol in my country) and let the alcohol suck out the THC and decarb it slowly

2. Decarb the buds(110-110) first ant THEN put it in a jar with alcohol

The first option I guess will give me a clear see through solution, perfect for hiding the THC as a vodka booze, but for how low does the buds need to stay in the alcohol before it's decarbed and reached it's fully potential?

The second option will make the buds dry, I guess it will end up making the solution some sort of grey and unclear because the buds had 110 minutes in 110 C(230 F)

So my next question is, can I kind of wash the buds in (cold)water after decarbing to get rid of any color from the process or will the THC run away with the water after they have been decarbed or should the buds go straight from decarbing to the jar for extraction?

Have anyone tried any of this and did you get any success extracting the THC?
I plan to have 1 grams dried weed per cl booze or 47 grams per pint


New member
There isn't any way you will get a clear result. If you freeze the alcohol and buds and then mix for 3 minutes and filter you will get a brownish green mixture that I would think would pass as either a rather light bourbon/whiskey or probably better yet a rum. At 3 minutes you'll want to do two or three runs of the buds. If I were you I would find an alcohol that is in a dark colored bottle, I've seen dark blue bottles that would hide the true color as well as protect from light. I'm sure there's plenty of choices, I'm just not much of a drinker and don't go into liquor stores. Also you will need to decarb in the oven before you make your tincture.


Thank you, I will for sure decarb the buds before any extractrion
110 minutes in 110c(or 230f), that's what the science figured out was about the best way to get the most THC out of the weed.

So far so good, but will it still get greenish even after a week with watercuring?
Isn't some of the purpose with water curing just getting rid of the chlorophyll?
My concern is more the brown or grey color from the dry weeds after the decarbing, but maybe I just have to deal with some sort of color, as long as it's not green ;)

I was hoping I could wash the buds in water, maybe like grained coffee in a coffeemaker, or with cold water, or will the THC leave the weed after decarbing or is it still fat soluble?

If not decantering of course might work if the colored stuff fall to the bottom of the bottle.


New member
Best thing to do is take a bud after you've washed it and give it a try in a small amount of alcohol and see what you end up with. I made some recently and it came out a light brown with what looked like a green iridescent tint when held up to the light. Is there any reason you don't just make some edibles instead? Would be more stealth than trying to hide a strange looking liquid or having someone say pour me a shot of that!


Well-known member
With your extracted mixture run it thru some filter paper, it usually comes out pretty clear but will have some color. For your final alcohol mixture use a dark or amber rum to mask the coloring.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Do the water cure and definitely decarb. I suggest 240°F for 50 minutes uncovered, but that's just personal preference your time/temp is close enough. You wont get a clear color. Your best outcome will be an amber color.

Unfortunately, you will pull more "green" color with the lower proof alcohol. You can minimize this by freezing the buds and alcohol for 24 hours before making the tincture and doing quick washes. You could also make bubble hash, then soak that. That will give you less green color as well.

Good luck, I love me a well made Green Dragon tincture. Google "Another Tincture thread, Try it youll like it" for an encyclopedia of Green Dragon :biggrin:


Active member
I've seen videos of people setting green tincture in bright sunshine to make the green turn brown. However, I've read that sunlight damages the 'good stuff'. I don't know.

I suppose one could use tiny amounts of food coloring to offset the green tint... red should turn the greenish to brownish. If there's a purplish tint after adding red then add a tiny bit of yellow to neutralize the purple. It'll be ugly brown but at least it won't be green.


Thanks again
Yes food coloring might be an ok solution, I can deal with a brown/dark color, no problem, it's the green I have to get rid.

Edibles is nothing for me, I prefer alcohol and everyone who knows me know I love to have a drink, so seeing me with a bottle at the table and me having an odor of alcohol, that's just a perfect stealth :)
But I see the risk of having a visitor who want a shot form the bottle, so thanks to you guys I have made up a new plan.

I will have a regular bottle of Jack Daniel's or whatever beside me, and with just pure alcohol in that bottle, but in my shotglass.......of course my hidden tincture
If I make the tincture strong like 1-2 cl per trip then I only need to fill the shot glass once, and I never have to put the tincture bottle on the table, I just leave that bottle in the closet or wherever I hide it, so if ever anyone come indoor and ask for a drink I let them taste the Jack Daniel's :D
I just have to make sure the tincture look like whiskey


Active member
Consuming tincture is stealthy. A dropper 3/4 full in your drink (colored drink) will go unnoticed. I like it in herb tea at night. It's not very stinky even if it's green. The stinky part is the decarb process, that stinks up the whole house. ( a water cure before decarb might help the smell)


Active member
You must decard. This is a method I read about several years ago that was used as the standard method, by some agency, somewhere, it's been a long time and I don't remember. I've used it countless times and it works perfectly everytime.
Put the buds in a 220 degree F. over for 10 to 15 minutes to dry thoroughly. Remove them and turn up the oven to 250 degrees F. Put the buds back in for 50 to 60 minutes. They are now decarded.
I use about 1/3 of a gram as a dose. I weigh it and then I can crumble it up into any food. You can put this amount of decarbed bud in, what you would consider one serving of salsa in a bowl (eat you'd eat 8n one sitting) and then crumble up the 1/3rd of a gram of your bud into the salsa. Eat with tortilla chips and in about an hour or so you will be flying. Also eat some chunks of cheese or some other fat with it. The fat helps the absorption. Experiment with the amount. It's very easy to get TOO high and for a long time with medibles. Maybe start out with 2/10th of a gram.
You could do the same thing with soup, in a gravy, in a cookie recipe; making 12 cookies, start out with 2/10 the of a gram per cookie and put it in the recipe. You MUST decarb the buds first before you cook them in the cookies. Very important. Many people make medibles and complain they didn't get high. You MUST decarb first.
I have done this countless times and it always works. Careful with your dosing. Too much is a long, white knuckle flight and it ain't fun. The right amount for you, at the right time, is an experience.