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To Cut or not to Cut?


New member
hi people i have a few babies growing in the backyard and they are getting almost as tall as me now. that concerns me a little because that's only a few inches away from showing through the top of the fence, which is not good considering the world police and fire games that the city's hosting here and there is literally cops from all over the globe here helping the mounties arresting people when they are not playing hockey. would it be fine to cut the top off a little bit right now during preflower without putting on too much stress on them, or should i tie them down ...etc? thanks


guerilla grower
Yeah that... but firstly let them dry little bit. It makes the stem more elastic so you'll not breake them down.
Supercropping may increase the yield also...


Instead of cutting off the top simply tie the top of the plant over, making a rainbow arch.
This will not shock your plant and will continue to grow with no down time...


Active member
if u crush the stem with ur fingers, then u can lay it over sideways without killing it. the stem will heal into a knot, and the lateral branches will grow up individually.

Bud Hi

Active member
i was having the same problem, got 2 months to go... tie them over:joint:

Next year I'm gonna put them in half barrels, (with part of the side made into a false panel, remove the false side and let the roots continue to grow when I can lay them side ways, so It won't disturbe the roots


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New member
thanks guys i will go tie them down as soon as the weather gets dry
Bud the half barrel idea sounds fun and make sense, hope it works out for you

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