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Tired of having to fight gnats every time you get a brick of coco?

Hi StankyBeamer,

How many gallons do you have to boil up to expand a brick? Like 5?
I wonder , can you use h2o2 in water when expanding the brick?


Professional A$$hole
The h2o2 I use as a soil drench once it's expanded but when expanding I have three 2gal pots that I have to boil full probably twice. That, a little bit of soap and rosrmary on the top layer with peppermint completely keeps em at bay.and sevin works for emergencies in case I didn't boil enough water. No matter how resistant they are this combination completely erradicates them. Like I'll have empty stickys for months


Active member
Hey StankyB... Do you use crushed peppermint candy, a little extract or fresh leaves? Do you just sprinkle rosemary herb on the soil? I bought a few peppermint and basil plants to disperse among my main crop but everyone is sold out of rosemary this time of year (I'll order some). I don't know if the live plants are helping though.


Active member
^^^ Looks like a good option. Unfortunately, it won't work for some of us who use pots made from natural materials. Mine are made of coconut fiber and their shapes begin to distort after the first watering. I prefer these pots so I don't have to remove the plants and shock the roots when I move them to five gallon buckets. I can just bury the entire fiber pot intact.


Well-known member
Cedar oil? Cedarcide, go gnats,etc.
I've found that when I've had them if I wiped them out in veg, I don't get re infestation in flower, but I constantly water with dunks. Always have a mesh bag with several in the res.


Wow, I've never had resistant gnats. There'll probably come a time when I learn the hard way myself, from the sound of it. I've been using fibre dust brand bricks for a bit, if that helps. Once u got them tho! Good luck.


Active member
I think mine a zombie gnats. I keep trying to destroy their brains but I keep missing... their damn heads are so small!!


I've been dealing with gnats for a long time! here's what i've tried/still doing.

Sticky traps,
gnatty nets
diamotasis earth
hypoaspis miles

And everyday coming in with a can of flyspray.
although I don't see actual larvae, there is always the 1-5 gnat flies flying around when i go into the room.
I've given up eradication and I'm happy to have them controlled.


Professional A$$hole
You shouldn't stop at control bro, this thread is 5 pages of how to not have any gnats. Boil incoming coco, drench every pot with pyrethrin and sevin rotating and drenching every other day, boom. Zero gnats. All the gnats in your new coco are boiled, all the eggs in your soil have been killed, and all the adults have died of old age whilst not laying a single egg that didn't fall victim to pyrethrin and sevin. It just takes being thorough and consistent. No lazyness. Those five fliers your "comfortable" with lay hundreds of eggs in your soil everyday that crawl all over your roots and sometimes even burrow into them when population gets high enough, not to mention it only takes a combo of bad luck and one larvae to get pythium. I'm spoon feeding you bro, wish you the best of luck.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I've been dealing with gnats for a long time! here's what i've tried/still doing.

Sticky traps,
gnatty nets
diamotasis earth
hypoaspis miles

And everyday coming in with a can of flyspray.
although I don't see actual larvae, there is always the 1-5 gnat flies flying around when i go into the room.
I've given up eradication and I'm happy to have them controlled.

My first coco grows I must have had thousands of the bastards. Would breath them in going into room. I Finally got rid of them with mosquito dunks and yellow sticky traps for the stragglers. I also use cool tubes vented out of flower tent, so some may have been attracted towards lights, and got sucked out.

With the mosquito dunks, would put into water 3 days before I was going to use, and moved dunks to next buckets.

Please tell me the Sevin comment was a joke. That stuff was considered poison in the 1970's. I hope Pyrethrin is not as bad, since I have some sitting on my desk.


Professional A$$hole
Sevin (carbaryl) IS highly toxic and I would never recommend anyone spraying it on cannabis ever. That being said, in all my research I cannot find anything systemic in sevin, it is a contact killer. So mixing it in my nutrient solution and hand watering it in at 1tsp a gallon is totally safe and knocks them out dead. Unless you're ingesting your roots, this is safe. I throw my old root balls away so I don't worry about non systemic soil drenches. I will not, however, spray anything inorganic on my plant above soil level

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Sevin (carbaryl) IS highly toxic and I would never recommend anyone spraying it on cannabis ever. That being said, in all my research I cannot find anything systemic in sevin, it is a contact killer. So mixing it in my nutrient solution and hand watering it in at 1tsp a gallon is totally safe and knocks them out dead. Unless you're ingesting your roots, this is safe. I throw my old root balls away so I don't worry about non systemic soil drenches. I will not, however, spray anything inorganic on my plant above soil level

Thanks for the clarification!!! DDT was the poison of the 60's and Sevin was the poison of the 1970's. We used it on vegetables until they said it was horrible and probably cancerous.


Professional A$$hole
Your more than welcome homie, just return the favor to the community if you happen upon similar helpful tidbits in the future, that what it's all about amigo
Gnatty Nets...

Gnatty Nets...

I've been dealing with gnats for a long time! here's what i've tried/still doing.

Sticky traps,
gnatty nets
diamotasis earth
hypoaspis miles

And everyday coming in with a can of flyspray.
although I don't see actual larvae, there is always the 1-5 gnat flies flying around when i go into the room.
I've given up eradication and I'm happy to have them controlled.

I googled them gnatty nets. Those look like they would work GREAT with my 1.5 gal. Smart pots.
Basically, a mesh bag big enough to fit your entire pot. Then, tie the bag shut around the main stem. How cool. $5 each is more than I pay for pots though.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
end of discussion..

NEEM SEED MEAL. top dress, or shake in with hopefully your other organic nutes ( I like add in water as it's more "spread" then trying to sprinkle top dress )

wait a week or two, BOOM GONE. you guys are really funny the stuff you go through... find a simpler way guys....... be smarter

warn ya on the smell, but it subsides