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tips and tricks to make savings


I propose this thread to be both funny and usefull...

don't hesitate to be as absurd as possible;)

ok I begin...

-using candles to light your house....even using one only candle that you always have with you everywhere you go....
-read a book instead of watching tv...
-smoke a lot of joints to reheat your room....a lot;)
-visiting ICMag only at work


Active member
Have everything in your house powered by animals on wheels like the Flintstones.

The J Man

hell yeah, their garbage disposal was awesome!

- Use one sheet of TP at a time. I can make a roll last for months. Use a friend or neighbor's bathroom for any monster shits. Don't use the same one every time though, they will catch on.


Use one sheet of TP at a time.

To add to that, make sure you buy 2-ply TP, and split the layers so you have TWICE the amount of TP.

Not that I would do that, but for all you all you cheapskates out there, it's a good idea. However, you might want to note that by doing this, there is only one thin piece of paper between your hand and your asshole, be careful.


good idea ddrew...but since I haven't seen any dinosaurs recently....my hamster's little wheel is directly connected to a fan...and no *Lola* the cage is not near the bathroom ;) ...yet...
my cat look at me in a strange way since I builded a bigger wheel...

-be always naked at home to avoid washing clothes...electricity,water and soap
-look at your plants instead of tv...and with a bit of imagination the extractor and stuff is just like rain....very relaxing:watchplant:
-jump on one foot and wear one shoe at the time
-when you're about to finish your joint...light the next one with it:smoke:
-don' buy comics....be a superhero


tips and tricks to make savings

i thought this was a neo christian thread =)


stone fool
Rent pussy, don't own one. Hookers will always be less expensive than wives, and they take care of business, then stfu and get out.


Active member
break out the depression era grandma favorites, like reusing EVERYTHING
Like baggies, when you sell someone a bag say hey, could I get that baggie back?

Panama Red

Active member


To Have More ... Desire Less
line ALL.windows and doors w/ extra layer of 3mil plastic sheeting for better insulation all winter long........saves energy....saves bills.......

Empty ALL...garbage bags and burn trash.....reuse bags.....

DONT run Central AC/HEAT........ONLY use......individual room space heaters for EACH room...........only when U'r in there......
DONT...heat the whole house.......

UNplug......dryer Vent.....and exhaust into house for extra heat.....
SAME goes for HID....lightz........USE that heat to warm the house...

ONLY....Buy...2nd hand....used...Everything......Clothes, Cars, Funriture, .....one mans junk is anothers Treasure........

CHEAP CANNed....dog/cat food can be eat'in BY people......it'z CHEAP.......BUT so is Ramen noodlez.......BUT the Dog food has more
nutrition....and vitamins.........

REUSE.....ALL printer paper on BOTH sides.............

DONT Buy Cigarette's ONLY......BUM them from other smokerz......
consider it'a favor for both of U............

dont use TP..............just schitt in a disposable shopping @ the bottom and use top to whip.............then throw away.....

Dont use paper towels ONLY.....old Rags..........

Dont BUY....rolling papers.......use pipe.....

find ways to BARTER........trade goods for services.......exchange MED'z....for f00d, services,
use U'r time to pay for projects

Donate PLAZMA......weekly........

dont mow Yard...get Goats........SAVE Gas......then eat goats....
Same goes for Chickens.........

learn how to HUNT / Fish .......for meat.......

ALWAYS.....keep a garden going for Veggies........even....winter greens can be managed.......

always.consolidate Road Trips to go to furthest point 1st....and then work U' way back @ individual stops........

pay bills online............